Methods Studies (MUMS)

The systematic study of techniques, methodology, and pedagogy is a fundamental part of overall musicianship. Depending upon the nature of the degree program chosen, an appropriate methods core is required. Additional course work may be elected by those for whom teaching and learning techniques are especially important. Certain courses may be offered as tutorials based on enrollment demands.

MUMS 101. Music Performance Seminar. (1 Credit)

This course is designed for students desiring thematic core credit for private lessons or large ensemble membership. The seminar invites students to examine the meaning of musical expression by way of a personal experience of the disciplines, practices, and techniques of musical performance, and how such musical expression relates to the Christian faith. Corequisite: The course runs concurrently with either private lessons in a specific instrument or membership in a large ensemble, together meeting the requirements of the Visual and Performing Arts thematic core. Instructor permission required. Cannot be repeated. Offered each semester, B Quad. NOTE: This course does not fulfill the entire VPA theme and covers only the domain of VPAM.

Tags: VPAM

MUMS 114. Piano Sight Reading. (1 Credit)

Proficiency-based instruction and study to improve eye/hand coordination of those students with rudimentary keyboard skills, with the goal of more efficient learning, maximization of practice time, and preparation for ensemble work. Offered fall semester only, A Quad.

MUMS 115. Introduction to Music Studies. (2 Credits)

An introduction to the study of music at the collegiate level, including foundational philosophical issues, the role of general education within professional music studies and fundamental approaches to the sub-disciplines within music. Offered fall semester only, A Quad.

MUMS 141. English & Italian Diction. (2 Credits)

The physiology of diction; introduction to the International Phonetic Alphabet; study of Italian and English symbols and rules, interrelating diction and vocal technique; relationship of diction to dramatic and poetic elements of song texts. Offered fall semester only. (lin)

MUMS 201. Principles of Music and Worship Ministry I. (4 Credits)

Introduction to principles and skills in preparation for music and worship planning and leadership. Attention will be given to best practices that contribute to a healthy and vital music ministry and worshipping community, including Biblical and theological foundations of worship, and overviews of administrative, musical, and pastoral tasks. Attention is given to worship leadership practices that contribute to the spiritual formation of a worshipping community. Emphasis on contemporary worship and music practices. Offered fall semester only.

MUMS 202. Principles of Music and Worship Ministry II. (4 Credits)

A continuation of MUMS 201, building upon principles and skills for worship planning and leadership with particular attention to working with church staff, congregational pastoral duties, educational duties working with all age groups, development of choral music programs, and administrative duties such as developing performance calendars, preparing music budgets, and maintaining music libraries. Emphasis upon a broader range of worship and music styles. Offered spring semester only. Prerequisite: MUMS 201 or permission of the instructor.

MUMS 205. Music Experience. (2 Credits)

In this course, talented young musicians study with Wheaton College music faculty in private lesson, master class, and chamber ensemble experiences. The course provides tools to guide young artists as they grow in their faith and understanding of what it means to be a Christian musician. Activities on campus will include faculty recitals, student performances, and repertoire study. Students will explore the arts in the city of Chicago with visits to the Art Institute, the Grant Park Symphony, Ravinia Festival and more. (Open to Wheaton College Summer Institute students only). Prerequisite: A video audition is required along with the WCSI program application. Additional course fee required: $200.

MUMS 211. Keyboard Leadership. (2 Credits)

This course will provide competent keyboardists with the practical skills necessary to explore creative areas outside of classical music, in a worship setting. Offered occasionally. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

MUMS 231. Music Improvisation. (2 Credits)

In this course the student will learn to create music extemporaneously, listen actively, and reflect purposefully, on the connection between human musicality and the life of faith. The course is open to all students regardless of previous musical training. Exercises focus on listening skills, rhetorical skills, leading, and supporting others. Audience participation and interdisciplinary improvisation are also introduced as special topics. May be repeated for credit. Alternate years; offered fall in odd years. NOTE: This course does not fulfill the entire VPA theme and covers only the domain of VPAM. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.

Tags: VPAM

MUMS 243. Italian Grammar for Singers. (2 Credits)

Emphasis on basic Italian grammar and vocabulary required to read libretti and other song texts. May not be used to fulfill general education foreign language requirement. Alternate years; offered spring in odd years. (lin) Prerequisite: MUMS 141.

MUMS 245. French & German Diction. (2 Credits)

French and German diction using the International Phonetic Alphabet; continuing emphasis on accurate vowel production, articulation, and diction to develop uniformity, and artistic shaping of words and phrases; relationship of these to appropriate vocal literature. Offered spring semester only. (lin)

MUMS 248. Basic Conducting. (3 Credits)

The development of basic conducting skills and competencies necessary for conducting. Concurrent enrollment in MUMS 346 required. Prerequisite: MUTC 171 or consent of instructor. (lin)

MUMS 255. Principles of Pedagogy I. (2 Credits)

Introduction to the philosophical and psychological foundation of teaching music; practical considerations in teaching private and group lessons. Offered fall semester only.

MUMS 261. Feldenkrais for Musicians. (1 Credit)

An introduction to the Feldenkrais Method, using Awareness Through Movement lessons developed by Moshe Feldenkrais to encourage freedom of movement and efficient body alignment, and address non-productive movement patterns that interfere with the healthy execution of musical skills. Offered fall semester only.

MUMS 301. Acoustic Recording Techniques. (3 Credits)

Practical exploration of acoustic music recording techniques in Armerding Recording Studio, including classical and pop/rock recording methods. Emphasis will be placed on making appropriate engineering and production choices for musical contexts, to include microphone selection and placement, organization of studio recording sessions, and the use of ProTools software. Offered spring semester only.

MUMS 311. Choral Conducting. (3 Credits)

Development of advanced conducting skills with particular focus on conducting choral ensembles. Emphasis on development of rehearsal techniques and score study methods. Concurrent enrollment in MUMS 346 required. Offered spring semester only. (lin) Prerequisite: MUMS 248.

MUMS 312. Instrumental Conducting. (3 Credits)

Development of advanced conducting skills with particular focus on conducting instrumental ensembles: orchestra and band. Emphasis on development of rehearsal techniques and score study methods. Concurrent enrollment in MUMS 346 required. Offered fall semester only. (lin) Prerequisite: MUMS 248.

MUMS 313. Piano Accompaniment. (2 Credits)

Analysis and practice in the art of keyboard accompaniment, with attention to basic vocal and instrumental literature; sight reading, transposition, clefs, and score reading; matters of style and performance practices. By permission of instructor. Alternate years; offered fall in odd years. (lin)

MUMS 321. Principles of Pedagogy II. (1 or 2 Credits)

(Section 1) 321-1. Piano. Learning basic principles of teaching piano through the study of selected beginning and intermediate teaching materials and developing a working knowledge of those materials. (Section 2) 321-2. Voice. Teaching methods from scientific, artistic, and psychological viewpoints; a study of vocal technique. (Section 3) 321-3. Strings. Survey and critique of teaching materials for the violin, viola, cello, string bass, and harp from Leopold Mozart to the present day. Prerequisite: completion of one year of private study, or permission of instructor. (Section 4) 321-4. Brass. Survey and critique of teaching materials for brass instruments in the form of a tutorial. Unique sections will be offered for trumpet, horn, and low brass. (Section 5) 321-5. Percussion. Survey and critique of teaching materials for percussion instruments. (Section 6) 321-6. Woodwinds. Survey and critique of teaching materials for woodwinds in the form of a tutorial. Unique sections will be offered for flute, single reeds, and double reeds. (Section 7) 321-7. Guitar. Survey and critique of teaching materials for the guitar in the form of a tutorial. Offered spring semester only. (lin)

MUMS 332. African Music Education Seminar. (2 Credits)

Focuses on aspects of specific African musical cultures and their integration with history, geography, and general culture of the African peoples. Cross-cultural issues are highlighted. Provides appropriate background studies for music students intending to travel to Africa. Concurrent enrollment in MUMS 332L required. Offered occasionally.

MUMS 332L. African Music Education Practicum. (1 Credit)

African Music Education Practicum. Provides opportunity for music students to experience African music and culture first hand. Students will be primarily involved in cross-cultural exchanges in school contexts: public schools, slum schools, private schools, Christian schools, missionary schools, rural and urban contexts. By permission of the instructor. Graded pass/fail. Concurrent enrollment in MUMS 332 required. Offered occasionally.

MUMS 333. Music Outreach Practicum. (0 to 2 Credits)

Practical experience in music servant-leadership through teaching, directing, performing, or composing music to serve a specific constituency outside the Conservatory of Music. (lin)

MUMS 341. Instrumental Techniques. (1 or 2 Credits)

Instruction in the instruments of the band and orchestra in preparation for teaching elementary and secondary instrumental music. Methods of tone production. Development of technical facility and understanding of pedagogical principles involved. 341-1 High Strings (1 credit, A quad, offered spring semester only); 341-2 Low Strings (1 credit, B quad, offered spring semester only); 341-3 Woodwind (2 credits, lin, offered spring semester only); 341-4 Brass (2 credits, lin, offered fall semester only); 341-5 Percussion (2 credits, lin, offered fall semester in even years, and every spring semester); 341-6 Guitar (1 credit, lin, offered fall semester only.). Fees vary.

MUMS 342. Vocal Techniques. (1 Credit)

Techniques of vocal production, the function of the voice, and application of these concepts to choral singing; special emphasis on the training of young and maturing voices. Offered fall semester only. (lin)

MUMS 343. Piano & Vocal Techniques for Composers. (2 Credits)

A detailed study of piano and vocal writing, with special emphasis on practical applications through compositional projects. Primary focuses include performance techniques, poetry and text setting, notation, and development of the student's singing voice. Prerequisite: MUTC 122 or consent of instructor. Alternate years; offered fall in even years. (lin)

MUMS 344. Percussion Techniques for Composers. (2 Credits)

A survey of percussion instruments and basic performance techniques, notation issues, and percussion literature, with special emphasis on practical applications through compositional projects. Prerequisite: MUTC 122 or consent of instructor. Alternate years; offered fall in odd years. (lin)

MUMS 346. Conducting Lab. (0 Credits)

Provides students a music ensemble with which to practice their conducting skills with comments from the instructors. Required of students enrolled in Basic Conducting (MUMS 248), Choral Conducting, (MUMS 311) or Instrumental Conducting (MUMS 312). Graded pass/fail. (lin)

MUMS 349. Organ Service Playing Techniques and Teaching. (3 Credits)

Musicianship for the church organist. Hymn-playing, accompanying, improvisation, conducting from the console, playing various liturgical and non-liturgical services, teaching organ. Required of Bachelor of Music organ majors; open to others by permission of instructor. Alternate years; offered fall in even years. (lin)

MUMS 355. Group Pedagogy. (3 Credits)

Adaptation of music methods and materials for age-specific and instrument-specific group classes of music students. Group dynamics and management techniques are explored. Prerequisites: MUMS 255 or by approval. Alternate years; offered spring in odd years (lin)

MUMS 356. Studio Administration. (2 Credits)

Organization, facilities and business procedures for setting up a private music studio; strategies for promotion, recruitment, and retention of students, portfolio development, personal ethics and professional growth. Prerequisite: MUMS 255 or by approval. Alternate years; offered spring in even years.

MUMS 385. Applied Pedagogy I. (2 Credits)

The culmination of the pedagogy track in which students will be mentored by an experienced teacher in an internship relationship. Students will be responsible for teaching other non-college-age students, observing their mentor-teacher, and consulting weekly. Prerequisites: MUMS 255 and MUMS 321 or 372. Offered fall semester only. (lin)

MUMS 411. Music In Special Education. (2 Credits)

Addresses the instructional needs and characteristics of students with disabilities that are in today’s classrooms; an overview of the legal basis for special education students in the classroom; aspects of writing special education lesson plans and Individualized Educational Plans (IEP); and the multidisciplinary approach to teaching in special education. Alternate years; offered spring in even years.

MUMS 421. Honors Conducting. (0 to 1 Credits)

For students who demonstrate a superior skill in conducting; by permission of choral or instrumental large ensemble director. Study, rehearse, and conduct music under supervision of large ensemble director. By permission of the instructor. Prerequisite: MUMS 311 or 312. Additional course fee required: CRED.

MUMS 431. Advanced Topics in Conducting: Ensemble Leadership. (2 Credits)

This course focuses on topics central to Ensemble Leadership. Readings and presentations on leadership by Christian and non-Christian authors will inform each student’s special project in ensemble leadership to be developed and planned as a major course project. Planning, preparation, communication, networking, rehearsal and performance of Choral and Choral/Orchestral music (especially sacred music) in both faith-based and secular contexts will be addressed. Alternate years; offered fall in even years. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. Additional course fee required: CRED.

MUMS 455. Applied Pedagogy II. (2 Credits)

A continuation and extension of Applied Pedagogy I. Prerequisites: MUMS 255, 321, 385. Offered spring semester only. (lin)

MUMS 471. Choral Methods. (2 Credits)

Organization of instruction in choral music for the junior and senior high school. Methods of tone production and development; classification and placement of singers; style, interpretation, balance, blend, rehearsal procedures, and ensemble management. Concurrent enrollment in MUMS 471L required. Offered fall semester only. (lin)

MUMS 471L. Choral Methods Practicum. (1 Credit)

A teacher-aiding experience in a local school during the semester. Concurrent with MUMS 471. Graded pass/fail. Offered fall semester only. (lin)

MUMS 472. Instrumental Methods. (2 Credits)

Organization of instruction in school instrumental music. Recruitment and teaching techniques, administrative responsibilities, and instructional materials for orchestra, concert and marching bands, and jazz band. Concurrent enrollment in MUMS 472L required. Offered fall semester only. (lin)

MUMS 472L. Instrumental Methods Practicum. (1 Credit)

A teacher-aiding experience in a local school during the semester. Concurrent with MUMS 472. Graded pass/fail. Offered fall semester only. (lin)

MUMS 473. Elementary School Music. (2 Credits)

Methods and materials for teaching general music from kindergarten through middle school. Integration of Orff, Kodaly, and Dalcroze concepts and techniques. Skills in recorder playing and Orff instruments. Study of curriculum, lesson planning, and evaluation. Concurrent enrollment in MUMS 473L required. Offered spring semester only. (lin) Prerequisite: MUTC 171, MUCS 101 or equivalent.

MUMS 473L. Elementary School Music Practicum. (1 Credit)

A teaching experience in a local school during the semester. Concurrent with MUMS 473. Graded pass/fail. Offered spring semester only. (lin)

MUMS 485. Opera Mainstage Honors Directing. (2 Credits)

Assistant directing and/or production management for Opera Mainstage (MUEP 357) or scene directing for Opera Workshop (MUEP 356). Meets one semester of large ensemble credit. Repetition encouraged. Offered each semester, by consent of instructor. (lin) Additional course fee required: CRED.

MUMS 495. Directed Study. (1 to 4 Credits)

Directed Study. (Fees vary) (lin)

MUMS 496. Internship. (2 to 4 Credits)

Prerequisites: Junior classification and permission of the Conservatory Director of Music Education. Elective Studies majors must have completed 18 hours of their elective concentration. Graded pass/fail. May be repeated. (lin)