ARTH 216. Philosophy Of the Arts. (2 Credits)

Examines philosophical issues in the arts, such as the nature of creativity, the categories of “art” versus “non-art” and “high” versus “low” art, the responsibility of the artist to the community, the role of art in society, and the relationships between art and religion. Cross-listed with PHIL 216.

ARTH 217. Philosophy of Art. (4 Credits)

This course provides an introduction to some of the core questions in the philosophy of art. Questions covered include: What counts as art? How do we decide which cultural objects are, and are not artworks? Why should we care about art? Does art have the capacity to reveal non-trivial truths about the world? And, are different art forms valuable for different reasons? In addition to these more traditional questions, we will consider what attitude - if any - Christianity encourages toward art. NOTE: This course does not fulfill the entire VPA theme and covers only the domain of Visual Arts. Cross-listed with PHIL 217.

Tags: PI, VPAV

ARTH 311. History of Art & Architecture I. (4 Credits)

Introduction to select periods of art and architecture from cave paintings to the cusp of the modern era (c. 1700), including pyramids, ziggurats, Israelite visual culture, Greek and Roman art, Byzantine icons, Gothic cathedrals, and the art of the Renaissance, Reformation and Baroque. Special attention is given to creative Christian readings of global mythology and world religions.

Tags: GP, HP

ARTH 312. History of Art & Architecture II. (4 Credits)

This course offers an introduction to art and architecture from the eighteenth to the twenty-first centuries primarily in Europe and North America, with special attention given to the city of Chicago and diverse American artistic voices. Movements explored include Rococo, Neo-Classicism, Romanticism, Realism, Medieval revivals, Impressionism, Modernism, Pop, Conceptual, and especially the art of minority communities. Taking ARTH 311 immediately before this course is recommended but not required.


ARTH 385. Medieval & Byzantine Art. (4 Credits)

This course explores premodern Christian ways of seeing strategy for navigating our hyper-visual age. After examining the earliest Christian art and architecture, we follow developments in Constantinople alongside the Celtic and Carolingian art of the medieval West. The maturity of these civilizations as expressed by Byzantine, Romanesque and Gothic art then gives way to the limitation of images as emphasized by the medieval mystics. Attention is given not just to studying, but practicing ancient forms of Christian spirituality as well. Alternate years in Spring semester.

Tags: HP, VPAV

ARTH 395. Renaissance and Reformation Art. (4 Credits)

This course employs the Renaissance and Reformation as templates for Christian aesthetic and spiritual development, exploring art from the fourteenth to the sixteenth centuries in Late Byzantine, Italian and Northern European contexts, with special attention to the way the Protestant Reformation conflicted with and was propagated by artistic production. Alternate years in Spring semester.

Tags: HP, VPAV

ARTH 396. Studies in Art History. (4 Credits)

In-depth study of some aspect of art history or art historical methodology. Not offered at this time. Alternate years.

ARTH 494. Art History Capstone. (2 Credits)

Inspired by Christian liberal arts visions from the past, students draw on their entire liberal arts education to develop and visualize an expansive understanding of the liberal arts, combined with contemplative practices. By examining the emergence of the discipline of art history, students ask how the discipline fits into their personal vocations.

General Education: SHAR

ARTH 495. Art History Independent Study. (1 to 4 Credits)

Independent work in a selected field of art. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

ARTH 496. Art History Internship. (1 to 8 Credits)

Art Department approval. Prerequisite: junior or senior standing with Art major.

ARTH 498. Honors Tutorial. (2 to 4 Credits)

Reading and research on an art historical topic of their choosing. Students will work with professor to conceive a project and solicit two outside readers who are professors from other departments with related expertise. Prerequisite: An "A" in all upper level art history courses taken, admission to Department Honors program, senior standing.

ARTH 499. Honors Thesis. (2 to 4 Credits)

Preparation of senior honors thesis. Not applicable to major requirements. Prerequisite: ARTH 498.