ENGW 103. First-Year Writing. (4 Credits)
This course equips students to grow as writers in the Wheaton College classroom and beyond. The course is designed to prepare students to write effectively in a variety of social contexts and to improve student learning and performance in many other facets of their undergraduate education.
General Education: COMP
ENGW 104. First Year Writing: Composition and Research. (2 Credits)
First Year Writing equips students to grow as writers in the Wheaton College classroom and beyond. The course is designed to prepare students to write effectively in a variety of social contexts and to improve student learning and performance in many other facets of their undergraduate education. Credit not given in addition to ENGW 103. Prerequisite: placement test scores as stated under General Education Requirements. (Note: This course will be phased out over time.)
General Education: COMP
ENGW 213. Creative Writing. (4 Credits)
Practice in a variety of literary forms, with emphasis on the development of tone and style. Prerequisite: completion of general education writing requirement.
Tags: LE
ENGW 214. Persuasive Writing. (4 Credits)
Practice combined with study of persuasive writing and argumentation. Prerequisite: completion of general education writing requirement.
ENGW 215. The Stories We Tell: Fiction Writer’s Workshop. (2 Credits)
This course explores the writing of a variety of forms of fiction (flash fiction, short stories, novels, screenplays, & playwriting). (Open to Wheaton College Summer Institute students only)
ENGW 233. Writing Chicago. (4 Credits)
This course engages the literature of Chicago writers and supports students as they work on their own academic, creative, and/or community-based writing projects.
Tags: LE
ENGW 332. Creative Non-Fiction. (4 Credits)
Practice combined with a study of the literary essay. Prerequisite: ENGW 213 or ENGW 214 or permission of the instructor.
ENGW 333. Writing for Social Change. (4 Credits)
Explores writing as a means of social action and supports students as they write with and for one another, their communities, and members of local organizations and institutions. Prerequisite: Completion of at least one 200 level writing course (2-4), unless specified by the instructor.
ENGW 335. Poetry Writing and Criticism. (4 Credits)
Practice combined with a study of modern and contemporary poetry. Prerequisite: ENGW 213 or permission of the instructor.
ENGW 336. Fiction Writing and Criticism. (4 Credits)
Practice combined with a study of modern and contemporary fiction. Prerequisite: ENGW 213. For English majors or with permission of the instructor.
ENGW 444. Writing for Social Change. (4 Credits)
Explores writing as a means of social action and supports students as they write with and for one another, their communities, and members of local organizations and institutions. Prerequisite: Completion of at least one 200 level writing course (2-4), unless specified by the instructor
ENGW 471. Teaching Writing. (4 Credits)
An introduction to composition theory and approaches to the teaching of writing, along with extensive practice in academic writing. Required for English majors pursuing secondary education certification, prior to student teaching. Open to English majors interested in teaching writing and elementary education majors with a language arts concentration (with the instructor's approval). Prerequisite: completion of general education writing requirement and junior status.
ENGW 494. Senior Seminar in Writing. (4 Credits)
Selected subjects or genres in writing, studied with a view to critical and professional concerns and the integration of faith and learning in issues of writing. Open only to writing concentration students.
General Education: SHAR
ENGW 495. Writing Projects. (1 to 4 Credits)
Writing Projects.
ENGW 496. Writing Internship. (1 to 4 Credits)
English Department approval. Graded pass/fail.