EDUC 101. The Teaching Profession. (2 Credits)

This course is designed to foster candidates’ understanding of the theoretical, pedagogical, and research-based practices behind the teaching profession. It should enable candidates to develop the competencies and dispositions necessary to proceed to the next steps of the Education program culminating in the Student Teaching Practicum. The course combines theory and practice as students prepare for participation in the Department of Education’s Day of Assessments in hopes of passing and advancing toward admittance into the Wheaton Teacher Education (WheTEP) Program. Transfer credit is not accepted for this course.

EDUC 135. School & Society. (2 Credits)

Introductory course to provide a broad exposure to the foundations of education in the United States through history, many aspects of culture and society, theoretical concepts, current issues, and their educational implications. Explores these topics through the lenses of the Education Department conceptual framework, Teaching and Leading for Human Flourishing, which includes embodying justice, making ethical and reasoned decisions, and acting in a Christ-like manner.

EDUC 136. Teaching Ethnically and Linguistically Diverse Students. (2 Credits)

The theoretical and pedagogical background necessary to provide culturally and linguistically responsive learning experiences for a diverse student population. The course includes an examination of culture and identity in the classroom with an emphasis on understanding one’s own background and that of future students. Strategies for partnering with families and communities are discussed. B quad

EDUC 136L. Cross-cultural Tutoring. (0 Credits)

A tutoring experience with students from cultural and linguistic settings different from that of the college student's background. Most placements are arranged through partnerships with community-based organizations. Corequisite: EDUC 136. Graded pass/fail.

EDUC 201. U.S. Education Policy: Problems and Possibilities. (4 Credits)

This course has three primary purposes: 1) introduce today's major education policy issues in historical, social, and cultural contexts; 2) investigate the ways U.S. education policy questions are addressed at federal, state, and local levels with comparative analysis to other countries; and 3) develop oral and written skills in generating and recommending appropriate policy options and solutions as a Christian seeking to influence schools, society, and human flourishing. Topics include: comparative analysis of policy; executive, judicial, and legislative policy actions, motivation, and history; equity, standards, and accountability reforms; teachers and instructional quality; and access affordability, and persistence.

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EDUC 205. Technology for Aspiring Teachers. (2 Credits)

In this course, aspiring elementary teachers will learn about innovative uses of technology in the classroom. Students will investigate current technology integration practices in elementary classrooms, focusing on the benefits and principles behind technology integration. Applying knowledge from the course texts and materials, students will design and test lesson plans in peer groups, applying new knowledge to practice. Through this coursework, students will gain exposure to the best practices taught in the Wheaton College Education Department and current uses of technology in schools. (Open to Wheaton College Summer Institute students only)

EDUC 214. Books for the Middle-School Reader. (2 Credits)

This course is designed to prepare the teacher candidate to integrate quality literature throughout the curriculum in a middle-school classroom. A thorough understanding of the appeal specialized genres and formats hold for middle-school readers will be developed; specific attention will be given to the impact of the classroom teacher’s book knowledge on the development of middle-school readers. Additional course fee required: $110.

EDUC 225. Learning and Development: The Psychological and Developmental Contexts of Education. (4 Credits)

Overview of the major theories, concepts, issues, data, and research methodologies used in understanding how children from birth through adolescence learn and grow. Various theories of learning are examined and the impact of typical growth stages on learning is assessed. Not open to freshmen without consent of instructor. Pre or Corequisite: EDUC 225L or EDUC 521L.

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EDUC 225L. Teacher Aiding Practicum. (1 Credit)

Thirty hours of field-based work observing and assisting a licensed teacher aiding experience in a local elementary, middle or high school and preparing a lesson to teach students in this context during the semester. Concurrent with Corequisite: EDUC 225. Graded pass/fail.

EDUC 305. Learning Differences. (2 Credits)

The theoretical and pedagogical background necessary to meet the requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (I.D.E.A.) and its amendments, as well as the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, including Response to Intervention (RTI). It includes instruction in the psychology of children and adolescents with exceptionalities with emphases on students who are gifted, who have learning disabilities, and English language learners. It emphasizes identification of learning needs, individualization of educational programs, differentiation of instruction, and utilization of available services. Prerequisites: EDUC 135, EDUC 136; Pre or Corequisites EDUC 225 and EDUC 225L, or Department approval.

EDUC 305L. Learning Differences Practicum. (1 Credit)

The candidate will observe and work with students with special needs in a school or recreational setting for approximately 30 hours. Corequisite with content-specific methods practicum or permission of instructor. Corequisites: EDUC 311L or EDUC 324L or MUMS 471L or MUMS 472L. Graded pass/fail.

EDUC 306. Classroom Communication & Curriculum Integration. (4 Credits)

Covers the communication processes germane to the teaching profession, which include the development of techniques in speaking, writing, and reading skills. Includes methodologies for teaching reading and writing across the curriculum with particular emphasis in middle school curriculum, as well as theory and practice for interpersonal communications, listening skills, public speaking, and instructional strategies (lecturing, questioning techniques, group processes and dynamics). Concurrent with a methods of teaching course in the major, EDUC 324L, 305, and 305L. Prerequisites: EDUC 135, 136, 136L, 225, 225L, and admission to WheTEP.

EDUC 308. Survey of Exceptional Children. (2 Credits)

The cognitive, emotional, social, physical, and motivational characteristics and educational requirements of exceptional children, focusing on students in K-12 settings. Exceptionalities at both ends of the continuum are examined. Required for Illinois Learning Behavior Specialist I endorsement. Prerequisites: EDUC 135, 136, 136L, 225, 225L, 305.

EDUC 311L. Methods Practicum for Elementary and Middle School. (1 Credit)

An opportunity to practice some of the concepts and skills acquired in methods courses. The elementary major works with a cooperating teacher over a several week period in the spring. Concurrent with appropriate methods courses. Graded pass/fail. Prerequisite: EDUC 135, 136, 136L, 225, 225L, 305, MATH 125, and admission to WheTEP. Additional course fee required: $65.

EDUC 312. Theories and Methods: Elementary and Middle School Reading. (4 Credits)

This course is designed to foster teacher candidates’ understanding of the theoretical, pedagogical, and research-based applications of effective reading instruction. Enables candidates to develop competencies necessary to design and implement comprehensive reading programs which include evidence-based strategies that meet the developmental reading needs of K-8 students of diverse backgrounds. Prerequisite: EDUC 135, EDUC 136, EDUC 136L, EDUC 225, EDUC 225L, EDUC 305, MATH 125, and admission to WheTEP. Pre or Corequisite: EDUC 311, EDUC 311L, EDUC 315, EDUC 317, EDUC 305L, SSCI 321, SCI 322. Additional course fee required: $120.

EDUC 313. Theories and Methods of Teaching Elementary and Middle School Students. (4 Credits)

An introduction to general methods of teaching elementary and middle school students, including units on the nature and curriculum of elementary and middle schools, classroom management, lesson and unit planning, adapting instruction for individual differences, technology integration, and assessment. Prerequisite: EDUC 101, 135, 136, 136L, 225, 225L, 305.

EDUC 314. Methods & Materials: Children's Books in the Elementary Classroom. (4 Credits)

This course is designed to prepare the teacher candidate to integrate quality children’s literature throughout the curriculum in grades 1-6. A thorough understanding of the specialized genres and formats used in creating books for young readers will be examined; specific attention will be given to the impact of the classroom teacher’s book knowledge on the development of elementary-school readers. Additional course fee required: $130.

EDUC 315. Theories and Methods of Teaching Elementary and Middle School Mathematics. (4 Credits)

The content, techniques, and strategies in the teaching of mathematics in the elementary and middle grades. Emphasis on philosophy and concepts of mathematics instruction based on the curriculum, professional, and assessment standards of NCTM and the Illinois Professional Teaching Standards, and the Common Core State Standards. Concurrent with EDUC 312, 311, 311L, 317, 305L, SSCI 321, SCI 322. Prerequisites: EDUC 135, 136, 136L, 225, 225L, 305, MATH 125, and admission to WheTEP.

EDUC 317. Theories and Methods of Teaching Elementary and Middle School Language Arts. (2 Credits)

The theoretical and pedagogical background for teaching language arts in the context of written and oral composition, handwriting, spelling, grammar, listening, poetry, and literature. Concurrent with EDUC 312, 311, 311L, 315, 305L, SSCI 321,SCI 322. Prerequisites: EDUC 135, 136, 136L, 225, 225L, 305, MATH 125, and admission to WheTEP.

EDUC 324L. Methods Practicum—Middle and High School. (1 Credit)

An opportunity to practice some of the concepts and skills acquired in methods courses. The secondary education major works with a cooperating teacher for 30 hours in half-day units during the fall or spring. Completed the semester prior to student teaching. Prerequisites: EDUC 135, 136, 136L, 225, 225L, and admission to WheTEP. Graded pass/fail. Course fee $50.

EDUC 328. Cross-Categorical Characteristics. (4 Credits)

Characteristics of Cross-Categorical Special Education. An overview of the field of cross-categorical special education and the K-12 students who are placed in cross-categorical settings. Required for Illinois Learning Behavior Specialist I endorsement. Prerequisite: EDUC 135, 136, 136L, 225, 225L, 305. Pre or Corequisite: EDUC 308.

EDUC 328L. Special Education Practicum A (LBS 1). (1 Credit)

Twenty hours of field-based work, observing, assisting and instructing students in a cross-categorical educational context. Required for Illinois Learning Behavior Specialist I endorsement. Concurrent Corequisite: EDUC 328. Graded pass/fail. Prerequisite: EDUC 135, EDUC 136, EDUC 136L, EDUC 225, EDUC 225L, EDUC 305. Pre or Corequisite: EDUC 308.

EDUC 338. Methods of Teaching Cross-Categorical Special Education. (4 Credits)

The planning, instruction, and assessment required for students with individual educational plans, consistent with federal and state requirements relating to such practices as inclusion and Response to Intervention. Required for Illinois Learning Behavior Specialist I endorsement. Prerequisites: EDUC 135, 136, 136L, 225, 225L, 305, 308, 328, and 328L.

EDUC 338L. Special Education Practicum B (LBS 1). (1 Credit)

Twenty hours of field-based work assisting in the instructions and assessment of students in a cross-categorical educational context. Required for Illinois Learning Behavior Specialist I endorsement. Prerequisites: EDUC 135, 136, 136L, 225, 225L, 305, 308, 328, 328L. Concurrent with EDUC 338. Graded pass/fail.

EDUC 341. Topics in Education. (2 or 4 Credits)

Specific topics in education not normally included in the curriculum. Prerequisites: EDUC 135, 136, 136L, 225, 225L, or consent of instructor.

EDUC 348. Diagnosis and Assessment of Students with Disabilities. (4 Credits)

Study of the diagnostic assessments leading to eligibility for special education services as well as effective alternative and differentiated assessment strategies for students with disabilities. Required for Illinois Learning Behavior Specialist I endorsement. Prerequisites: EDUC 135, 136, 136L, 225, 225L, 305, 308, 328, 328L, 338, 338L.

EDUC 352. Educational Technology. (2 Credits)

This course will examine the complexities of the teaching profession within the context of technology integration. Students will examine their experiences with technology integration in the classroom and build upon their background knowledge. Students will evaluate best practices for technology integration in the classroom and digital discernment practices. This course will be designed to explore the essential question of, “How can technology be leveraged to increase student achievement, but still keep teaching and learning relational and interactive?” Various teaching strategies, models of instruction, and technologies will be examined to discover how technology integration can be used to instill 21st century learning skills by increasing higher order thinking, engagement, authenticity, digital discernment, and personalization. Cross-listed with EDUC 552. Prerequisite: EDUC 313 or EDUC 306.

EDUC 405L. Middle Grade Practicum. (1 Credit)

An optional teacher-aiding experience in the middle grades for a full-time, five-day period when the College is not in session, usually completed during the winter or spring break. Graded pass/fail.

EDUC 494. Senior Seminar. (2 Credits)

This course will examine the complexities of the teaching profession within the context of student teaching. Candidates will examine their experiences within the framework of readings which will inform their methods of teaching and effective interaction with students. The course will also demonstrate how research can be done within the classroom as a means to answering some of the questions which arise from their student teaching experience. Taken during the student teaching semester. Course fee $281.

EDUC 495. Problems in Education. (1 to 4 Credits)

Problems in Education. Individual work with periodic conferences for candidates who have demonstrated ability and have definite interest in problems in a restricted field.

EDUC 496. Student Teaching. (9 or 10 Credits)

This is an internship experience where candidates apply teaching principles in local schools and classrooms under supervision. Usually student teaching is done within a 15-mile radius of the campus. Candidates complete their student teaching in their major teaching areas. Concurrent with EDUC 497, 494.

EDUC 497. Philosophical Foundations of Education. (3 Credits)

This course examines the philosophical foundations of education with an emphasis on a comparison of philosophical ideas in education and on the development of a personal philosophy of education related to one's calling and vocation. Concurrent with EDUC 494, 496. Prerequisite: EDUC 135, 136, 225, 225L, and admission to WheTEP. Additional course fee required: $295 (for a week at Honey Rock).

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General Education: SHAR

EDUC 498. Literacy Assessment. (2 Credits)

This course is designed to explore specific problems in the teaching of the language arts beyond those covered in EDUC 312. It deals with diagnosis and recommendations for providing supportive contexts for individual differences. Prerequisites: EDUC 135, EDUC 136, EDUC 136L, EDUC 225, EDUC 225L, EDUC 312 (or equivalent), and admission to WheTEP or consent of instructor

EDUC 505L. Learning Differences Practicum. (0 Credits)

The candidate will observe and work with students with special needs in a school or recreational setting for approximately 30 hours. Concurrent with EDUC 511L or EDUC 527L. Graded pass/fail.

EDUC 506. Classroom Communication and Curriculum Integration. (4 Credits)

Covers the communication processes germane to the teaching profession, which include the development of techniques in speaking, writing, and reading skills. Includes methodologies for teaching reading and writing across the curriculum with particular emphasis in middle school curriculum, as well as theory and practice for interpersonal communications, listening skills, public speaking, and instructional strategies (lecturing, questioning techniques, group processes and dynamics). Prerequisite: EDUC 515L, 225, 521L, and admission to WheTEP and M.A.T. program.

EDUC 507L. Middle Grade Practicum. (0 Credits)

An optional teacher-aiding experience in the middle grades for a full-time, five-day period when the College is not in session, usually completed during the winter or spring break. Pre-approved middle grade projects required. Graded pass/fail.

EDUC 511. Theories and Methods of Teaching Elementary and Middle School Students. (4 Credits)

An introduction to general methods of teaching elementary and middle school students, including units on the nature and curriculum of elementary and middle schools, classroom management, lesson and unit planning, adapting instruction for individual differences, and assessment. Prerequisite: EDUC 136L/515L, 225, 225L/521L, EDUC 305, MATH 125, admission to the M.A.T. program, and admission to WheTEP .

EDUC 511L. Methods Practicum for Elementary and Middle School. (0 Credits)

This field experience will provide an opportunity to integrate theory and practice through observation and use of the concepts and strategies developed in the professional block of methods courses and to understand the culture of elementary and middle schools through observation in various school settings and an additional extended full-time experience within a particular school setting. The elementary M.A.T. major works with a cooperating teacher over a four-week period in the spring. Concurrent with EDUC 312, 315, 317, 505L, 511, SCI 322, SSCI 321. Prerequisites: EDUC 136L/515L, 225, 225L/521L, 305, MATH 125, admission to the M.A.T. program, and admission to WheTEP. Graded pass/fail. Course fee: $50.

EDUC 512. Theories and Methods: Elementary and Middle School Reading. (4 Credits)

This course is designed to foster candidates’ understanding of the theoretical, pedagogical, and research-based application of effective reading instruction. It should enable candidates to develop the competencies necessary to design and implement comprehensive reading programs that include evidence-based strategies that meet the developmental reading needs of students. The course combines theory and practice through the supervised methods’ practicum in partnership schools. Prerequisite: Admission to MAT and admission to WheTEP. Pre or Corequisite: EDUC 315, EDUC 317, EDUC 505L, EDUC 511L, EDUC 512, SCI 322, SSCI 321. Additional course fee required: $120.

EDUC 515L. Cross-Cultural Tutoring Practicum. (0 Credits)

A tutoring experience with students from cultural settings different from that of the graduate student’s background. Graded pass/fail.

EDUC 521L. Teaching Aiding Practicum. (0 Credits)

Thirty hours of field-based work observing and assisting a licensed teacher in a local elementary, middle or high school and preparing a lesson to teach in this context. Concurrent with EDUC 225. Graded pass/fail.

EDUC 527L. Secondary and Middle Education Practicum. (0 Credits)

A practice of the concepts and skills acquired in the departmental methods course. Concurrent with departmental methods class, EDUC 305, 305L. Prerequisite: Admission to WheTEP and the M.A.T. program. Graded pass/fail. Course fee $50.

EDUC 531. Ethical Perspectives on Teaching. (2 Credits)

An examination of ethical issues related to education, such as value conflicts between cultural groups, the nature of democracy in schools, allocation of limited resources, and implications of curricular decisions applicable to the candidate’s area of teaching. . Prerequisite: Admission to M.A.T. program.

EDUC 542. Research Methodologies in Education. (2 Credits)

The study and application of skills used in preparing, executing, reporting, and utilizing educational research in order to become critical consumers and producers of research. Candidate designs a curricular project that can be used during the induction year of teaching. Prerequisites: Admission to M.A.T. program.

EDUC 552. Educational Technology. (2 Credits)

This course will examine the complexities of the teaching profession within the context of technology integration. Students will examine their experiences with technology integration in the classroom and build upon their background knowledge. Students will evaluate best practices for technology integration in the classroom and digital discernment practices. This course will be designed to explore the essential question of, “How can technology be leveraged to increase student achievement, but still keep teaching and learning relational and interactive?” Various teaching strategies, models of instruction, and technologies will be examined to discover how technology integration can be used to instill 21st century learning skills by increasing higher order thinking, engagement, authenticity, digital discernment, and personalization. Cross-listed with EDUC 352. Prerequisite: EDUC 313 and 511, or EDUC 306 and 506.

EDUC 587. Philosophical Foundations of Education. (3 Credits)

An examination of the philosophical foundations of education from 1635 to the present. Emphasis is on a comparison of philosophical ideas in education and on the development of a personal philosophy of education. Candidate studies literature of a chosen educational theorist. Concurrent with EDUC 594 and 596. Prerequisite: EDUC 515L, 225, 521L, and admission to M.A.T. program. Additional course fee required: $295.

EDUC 593. Educational Project. (2 Credits)

This course provides an opportunity for students to conduct an inquiry project in education. A project may take various forms, such as an extensive review of literature, or a case study. Pre or Corequisite: EDUC 542.

EDUC 594. Craft Of Teaching. (2 Credits)

An exploration of the complexities of the teaching profession within the context of student teaching. Candidates will examine their experiences within the framework of readings which will inform their methods of teaching and effective interaction with students. The course will also demonstrate how research can be done within the classroom as a means to answering some of the questions which arise from the student teaching experience. Focus is on implementing classroom research. Concurrent with EDUC 587 and 596. Prerequisite: Admission to M.A.T. program. Course fee: $281

EDUC 595. Independent Study. (1 to 4 Credits)

EDUC 596. Student Teaching. (9 Credits)

A twelve-week teaching internship focusing on the candidate’s major area of scholarship and beginning classroom research. Usually student teaching is done within a 15-mile radius of the campus. Candidates complete their student teaching in their major teaching areas. Concurrent with EDUC 587, 594.

EDUC 597. Scholarly Inquiry Paper. (2 Credits)

Critical literature review paper on an area of scholarship related to the candidate's teaching. Pre or Corequisite: Admission to M.A.T. program, EDUC 542, EDUC 594, and EDUC 596.

EDUC 598. Action Research Paper. (2 Credits)

A research paper focusing on an area of scholarship based on on-site experience. The candidate defines, designs, and implements an original classroom research project. Prerequisites: Admission to M.A.T. program, EDUC 541, 542, 594, 596.

EDUC 599. Final Project Continuation. (0 Credits)

See M.A. Thesis/Applied Thesis/Action Research.

EDUC 698. Thesis. (2 Credits)

EDUC 699. Thesis Continuation. (0 Credits)

See M.A. Thesis/Applied Thesis/Action Research.