CHIN 101. Elementary Mandarin Chinese I. (4 Credits)

Beginning Chinese with emphasis on understanding, speaking, reading, and writing. Laboratory practice.

CHIN 102. Elementary Mandarin Chinese II. (4 Credits)

Beginning Chinese with emphasis on understanding, speaking, reading, and writing. Laboratory practice. Prerequisite: CHIN 101 or qualifying placement score.

CHIN 103. Accelerated Elementary Chinese. (4 Credits)

Intensive study of beginning Chinese with emphasis on understanding, speaking, reading and writing. Laboratory work. Required of heritage speakers of Chinese who speak and understand Chinese but who have little or no reading and writing ability. Also required of non-Chinese students with two years of high school Chinese or who place by test score into second-semester Chinese. Prerequisite: Heritage speakers of Chinese or non-Chinese students with only two years of high school Chinese or second semester Chinese by placement test score. Fall semester only.

CHIN 201. Intermediate Mandarin Chinese. (4 Credits)

Conversation, composition, and grammar review based on readings and videos; exploration of various aspects of Chinese culture. Laboratory practice. Prerequisite to any further study in Chinese. Prerequisite: CHIN 102, CHIN 103 (or equivalent), or qualifying placement score .

General Education: COMP

CHIN 205. Learning the Chinese Alphabet and Pronunciation. (2 Credits)

This course builds familiarity with the Chinese alphabet and its phonetic system called Pinyin through manageable sets and groupings of the pinyin letters, songs, and mnemonic devices. Students will learn to use their mouth shape, tongue placement, and air flow while practicing the pronunciation. (Open to Wheaton College Summer Institute students only)

CHIN 301. Chinese Character Acquisition. (2 Credits)

Introduction to the basic component parts of Chinese characters and how characters vary as they are combined. May be taken concurrently with a Chinese language course at the intermediate level or above. This course can be taken to satisfy the language competency requirement with approval from the Modern and Classical Languages Department. Prerequisite: CHIN 201, Language Competency equivalent or permission of instructor.

CHIN 302. Chinese Through Scripture. (4 Credits)

Introduction to the Chinese Bible and its translation via selected readings. Focus on basic Christian terminologies and statements in Chinese about God, Jesus, worship, and prayer. Practice character recognition and oral communication through reading of the Bible. May be taken concurrently with a Chinese language course at the intermediate level or above. This course can satisfy the language requirement with permission from the Modern and Classical Languages Department. Prerequisite: CHIN 201, qualifying placement score, or permission of instructor.

CHIN 303. Chinese Grammar. (4 Credits)

Introduction of the major features of Chinese grammar. Discussion of structures, situations, and functions and practice with corresponding exercises. Prerequisite: CHIN 201, Language Competency equivalent or permission of instructor.

CHIN 331. Chinese Conversation. (4 Credits)

Intensive practice in oral communication and listening comprehension with emphasis on natural spoken expression based on audio materials, videos, and readings of authentic texts. Development of reading and writing skills through exposure to additional Chinese characters. Prerequisite: CHIN 201, qualifying placement score, or permission of instructor.

CHIN 332. Chinese Grammar and Composition. (4 Credits)

Introduction of the major features of Chinese grammar with discussion of structures, situations and functions and corresponding exercises. Development of punctuation, sentence and paragraph structures; practice with basic Chinese literary styles such as narration, description, exposition, argumentation, and correspondence. Emphasis on writing practices as well as group discussions, presentations and oral compositions. Prerequisite: CHIN 201, Language Competency requirement or permission of the instructor.

CHIN 334. Chinese Culture and Traditions. (4 Credits)

Introduction to the roots and development of Chinese civilization, from the Neolithic period to the early 20th century. Survey of Chinese culture and traditions in their historical context. Analysis of both primary and secondary historical, literary, and philosophical sources. Special emphasis on comparing and contrasting East and West to promote in students a deeper understanding of Chinese culture as well as their own cultural heritage from a Christian perspective. Taught in English.

Tags: GP, HP

CHIN 335. Business Chinese. (4 Credits)

Introduction of Chinese communication skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) used in various business situations. Practice of communicative skills through simulations and related business tasks. Exploration of social-cultural aspects of Chinese business contexts. May be taken concurrently with a Chinese language course at the intermediate level or above. Prerequisite: CHIN 201, language competency requirement or permission of instructor.

CHIN 336. Chinese Cinema. (4 Credits)

Viewing, analysis and critique of Mandarin-language films from Mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong depicting urban and rural contexts. Practice in aural comprehension, reading authentic texts, writing synopses and reviews, and discussion of character development, thematic analysis and cinematic techniques. Prerequisite: CHIN 201, language competency requirement, or permission of instructor.

Tags: GP

CHIN 337. Readings of Chinese Culture and Society. (4 Credits)

Selected readings of authentic texts on topics of Chinese culture, contemporary Chinese life, and social issues as well as from various literary works. Dual emphasis on language learning and building of cultural awareness. Prerequisite: CHIN 331 and CHIN 332, or permission of instructor.

CHIN 338. Advanced Chinese in China. (4 Credits)

Development of oral proficiency. Immersion experience and practice in intercultural competencies and language acquisition. Grammar, conversation, and composition taught by native speakers in a Chinese university setting. Course content and level variable. Offered in China only. Prerequisite: CHIN 334.

Tags: GP

CHIN 341. Special Topics in Chinese Language and Culture. (4 Credits)

Further development of oral proficiency. Immersion experience and practice in intercultural competencies and language acquisition. Advanced grammar, conversation, composition and cultural topics taught by native speakers in a Chinese university setting. Course content and level variable. Offered in China only. Prerequisite: CHIN 334.

Tags: GP

CHIN 346. Modern Chinese Literature. (4 Credits)

Introduction of literary works of major Chinese writers during the twentieth century. Readings include short stories, poetry and essays, each placed in its unique societal, historical, and political contexts so as to present a holistic picture of a modern China. All texts will be studied in Chinese. Prerequisite: CHIN 337 or permission of the instructor.

Tags: LE

CHIN 351. Classical Chinese Poetry. (2 Credits)

Development of basic tools for reading Classical (Literary) Chinese, the written language of China from the sixth century B.C. through the second century A.D. and beyond. Reading and analysis (oral and written) of the works of Tang poets including Li Bai, Du Fu, Wang Wei, and others. Development of formal spoken contemporary language that incorporates elements of Classical and semi-Classical Chinese. Prerequisite: CHIN 201, language competency requirement or permission of instructor.

CHIN 494. Senior Capstone Experience: Contemporary Chinese Literature and Its Social Reality. (4 Credits)

Analysis of selected Chinese works of literature, film, current news on media, online blogs, and social media from perspectives of critical theory, cultural studies, and Christian worldview, in light of the desired outcomes of the Chinese Language and Culture major and of the Christ at the Core Capstone Experience outcomes. Prerequisite: CHIN 302, 334, 337, or departmental approval. Additional course fee required: for Chinese OPIc (Oral Proficiency Interview on Computer).

General Education: SHAR

CHIN 495. Independent Study. (1 to 4 Credits)

Reading and individual study of selected aspects of Chinese culture, literature, or language. Department approval required.