RELI 211. Introduction to the Muslim World. (2 Credits)

This course is a survey of the formative period of the Muslim tradition, through the expansionary period of formative development, and culminating in a examination of Muslims in America today. (Open to Wheaton College Summer Institute students only)

RELI 212. World Religions:Asia. (2 Credits)

A survey of the living religious traditions of South and East Asia, including that of Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, Parsees, Taoists, Confucianists, and Shintoists.

RELI 214. World Religions: Middle East. (2 Credits)

A survey of the living religious traditions of the Middle East, emphasizing Judaism and Islam.

RELI 225. Major World Religions. (4 Credits)

A survey of the world's major religions. Students will acquire understanding of the complex category of "religion", become familiar with the basic methodological approaches employed in religious studies, and gain an overview knowledge of the histories, beliefs, and practices of the major religions discussed. Particular focus will be placed on each religion's philosophical traditions. The reality of religious diversity will be engaged through a Christian philosophical and theological lens. Prerequisite: CORE 101.

Tags: PI

RELI 233. Theological Approaches to Religious Diversity. (4 Credits)

This course surveys current methodologies in comparative religious studies such as the theology of religions, comparative theology, and missiology.

Tags: PI

RELI 356. The Jewish Tradition. (4 Credits)

An introduction to the history, beliefs and practices of Judaism, with special attention given to contemporary Jewish life and identity. A visit to a synagogue service is an integral part of the course.

Tags: GP, HP

RELI 364. Islam: Foundations to Modernity. (4 Credits)

A survey of the Islam as a discursive Muslim religious tradition that engages with primary and secondary source material from multiple contexts.

RELI 375. The Muslim Tradition. (4 Credits)

A survey of the Islam as a discursive Muslim religious tradition that engages with primary and secondary source material from multiple contexts.

Tags: GP, HP

RELI 395. Hindu, Buddhist, and Sikh Traditions. (4 Credits)

This course is a survey of the Hindu, Buddhist, and Sikh religious traditions in the context of South Asia and in the globalized diaspora of each religious tradition. This course carries GP and HP tags and counts for BITH major/minor and the Religions of the World Certificate.

Tags: GP, HP

RELI 492. Topical Studies. (2 or 4 Credits)

A phenomenological investigation across several religious traditions. Topics such as fundamentalism, cosmology, sacred writings, or mysticism will be covered.

RELI 495. Directed Study. (1 to 4 Credits)