IDS 291. Introduction to Interdisciplinary Studies. (2 Credits)

An orientation to the increasingly important work of interdisciplinary thinking, this course is designed to encourage students to become holistic explorers of knowledge and to see the interdependent aspects of all academic disciplines and courses within a liberal arts college.

IDS 371. Interdisciplinary Research: Methods and Design. (4 Credits)

This course is for approved IDS majors, facilitating preliminary work on integrative research projects, which will be qualitative, quantitative, or creative, depending upon each student’s program of study (POS). IDS majors will acquire an understanding of the representative research methods of their chosen academic disciplinary areas, along with the assumptions made about the nature of knowledge in each discipline, write a proposal including the tentative thesis and organizational design of their chosen project. They will conduct a topical literature review, gathering and annotating a body of research in preparation for their capstone course. In addition, they will examine their respective “wicked problems,” “vital questions,” and “sticky ideas,” characteristic of their training in interdisciplinary research methods. This course is required of all IDS majors and is only offered in the fall. It should be taken in the student’s junior year. Prerequisite: IDS 291.

IDS 494. Senior Seminar. (4 Credits)

This capstone course provides the interdisciplinary studies major the opportunity for integration by means of interaction with other IDS majors. The seminar requires full participation of students through daily reading, writing, speaking, and listening—conducted according to a central theme and common texts, drawing upon the students’ varied academic experiences. An integrative research project is mandatory—one that is qualitative, quantitative, or creative, depending upon each student’s program of study. Required of all IDS majors, and only offered in the spring semester, it should be taken just prior to graduation. Prerequisite: IDS 371.

General Education: SHAR

IDS 495. Independent Study. (2 Credits)

A regimen of reading scholarly articles and writing abstract reviews is typical; however, this course also provides the IDS major with the opportunity for research to meet the individual’s needs and interests, as approved by the Interdisciplinary Studies director. IDS majors are strongly encouraged to take the IDS independent study prior to the IDS Senior Seminar, providing solid preparation for the final IDS project.

IDS 496. Internship. (2 to 8 Credits)

Graded pass/fail. Prerequisite: junior or senior standing within the Interdisciplinary Studies major.