EVAN 501. Advanced Church Evangelism Institute Seminar. (0 Credits)

This seminar examines the biblical and theological foundations of Church, leadership, organizations, and change. Attention is given to various missional church models and movements, and the skills needed to lead change, manage conflict, and move churches and organizations to become missional and evangelistic. Prerequisite: Completion of additional course work which augments the African American Church Evangelism Institute or the Church Evangelism Institute curriculum (as verified by CEI director).

EVAN 502. Public Christianity for a Post Christian World. (4 Credits)

This course examines the context and content of Christian mission in the “pre-Christian world,” from Jewish missionaries of the Second Temple period to the birth of Christendom following the reign of Emperor Constantine, in order learn lessons for the contemporary task of making Christ public amidst the multiple challenges of our emerging post-Christian world.

EVAN 516. Spiritual and Professional Formation. (2 Credits)

Introduction to personal and corporate formation through various dimensions such as the intellectual, physical, spiritual, social, and emotional with an emphasis on the integration of biblical perspectives. Transformational practice is encouraged through literature survey and contemporary case studies. Course is offered occasionally.

EVAN 525. Foundations of Biblical Evangelism. (4 Credits)

This course provides biblical and historical foundations for the task of communicating the gospel today. Following a detailed examination of Scripture and early church mission, students will explore contemporary challenges to the gospel and how they might meet those challenges through a diverse range of media.

EVAN 526. Gospel: Theological Perspectives on Evangelism and Renewal. (4 Credits)

Examines the gospel as the good news of God's inaugurated kingdom, with a focus on the centrality of Jesus' death and resurrection as interpretive center. Investigates the dynamic of the spread of this good news throughout Scripture and history. Explores more recent movements of renewal and revival in relation to issues of evangelism and social transformation.

EVAN 526L. Gospel Lab. (0 Credits)

Promotes personal and professional growth through weekly professor and students interaction on topics related to Gospel. Graded pass/fail. Concurrent registration, Corequisite: EVAN 526.

EVAN 534. Apologetics in Global Contexts. (2 Credits)

Examines apologetics as the study and practice of establishing the plausibility of the Christian faith within particular cultures and contexts. Explores various philosophical and cultural frameworks for apologetics and then applies them to modernist, postmodern, multi-ethnic and global contexts and questions.

EVAN 534L. Apologetics in Global Contexts Lab. (0 Credits)

Promotes personal and professional growth through weekly professor and student interaction on topics related to Apologetics. Graded pass/fail. Concurrent registration, Corequisite: EVAN 534.

EVAN 542. Church: Movements & Models. (4 Credits)

Explores different paradigms and models of church, paying special attention to the most recent emerging missional movements and their characteristics, impact and trajectory. Includes field trip visits and guest lecturers representing various existing models of churches and ministries. Assesses ministries using a number of different evaluative tools that are widely used. Fee $30.

EVAN 542L. Church: Models & Movements Lab. (0 Credits)

Promotes personal and professional growth through weekly professor and students interaction on topics related to Church: Models and Movements. Graded pass/fail. Concurrent registration, Corequisite: EVAN 542.

EVAN 545. Culture: Emerging & Global. (4 Credits)

This course introduces students to concepts of culture and social dynamics as they relate to race, ethnicity, gender, and other complex cultural issues. Students will explore the shape of ministry and evangelism in Western and globalizing cultures, learning how to read cultural texts and trends in order to reframe ministry and evangelism in light of significant cultural shifts that are occurring.

EVAN 545L. Culture: Emerging & Global Lab. (0 Credits)

Promotes personal and professional growth through weekly professor and students interaction on topics related to Church: Emerging and Global. Graded pass/fail. Concurrent registration, Corequisite: EVAN 545.

EVAN 546. Discipleship. (2 Credits)

This course examines the biblical and historical models and principles for the life-long process of making disciples in a changing culture. Built on the foundation of spiritual formation and mentoring, students will be challenged to grow as disciples so that they might also equip and encourage others to grow in following Jesus.

EVAN 547. Evangelistic Communication. (2 Credits)

Exposes students to the dynamics of communication and communication theory, with application to the task of communicating the gospel in contemporary contexts. The theological, conceptual, and practical role of media, drama, the arts, metaphor, and symbol will also be explored. Course is offered occasionally.

EVAN 548. Evangelism and the Local Church. (4 Credits)

Explores the theology, strategies, practice, and leadership styles associated with implementing evangelism through a variety of ecclesiological traditions and local church settings. Course is offered occasionally.

EVAN 556. Leadership and Evangelism. (2 Credits)

Examines the literature on personal leadership development, biblically and in contemporary contexts, with application to the task of leading the church or Christian agencies into evangelistic effectiveness. Special attention is given to devise or revise the mission and vision of a Christian organization seeking to be missional. Course is offered occasionally.

EVAN 558. Personal Development and Leadership. (4 Credits)

Examines the theological, theoretical, and practical foundations for leadership in relation to personal development, stages of development over the life cycle, spiritual disciplines, personal witness, and the leader’s relational skills and practices. Can be substituted for MIN 558.

EVAN 558L. Personal Dev & Leadership Lab. (0 Credits)

Promotes personal and professional growth through weekly professor and students interaction on topics related to Personal Leadership and Development. Graded pass/fail. Concurrent registration, Corequisite: EVAN 558.

EVAN 559. Organizational and Change Leadership. (4 Credits)

Explores the processes, stages, and leadership capacities and skills for leading change in organizations. Examines biblical and theological perspectives on leadership, organizations and change. Introduces principles of social entrepreneurship. Equips students for leading churches and organizations toward becoming missional and evangelistic. Cross-listed with MIN 559.

EVAN 559L. Organizational and Change Leadership Lab. (0 Credits)

Promotes personal and professional growth through weekly professor and students interaction on topics related to Organizational and Change Leadership. Graded pass/fail. Cross-listed with MIN 559L.

EVAN 561L. Intercultural Comm Lab. (0 Credits)

EVAN 565. Preaching and Teaching in and to Culture. (4 Credits)

This course is a study in the methods, means, and rationale of biblical interpretation and contextual teaching and preaching. The course will introduce students to various tools for exegeting the Bible and the audience toward the formation of biblically-based sermons and lessons that culturally-relevant. Prerequisite: None. Pre or Corequisite: None.

EVAN 573. Evangelism Research Methods. (2 Credits)

Equips students with the rationale and methodology of qualitative research in cultural contexts, with an emphasis on the application of qualitative methods to a specific context through research projects.

EVAN 573L. Evangelism Research Methods Lab. (0 Credits)

Promotes personal and professional growth through weekly professor and student interactions on topics related to Evangelism Research Methods. Graded pass/fail. Concurrent registration, Corequisite: EVAN 573.

EVAN 611. Theology of Religions: Christian Engagement with Non-Christian Religions. (2 Credits)

The theology of religions is a field of study which attempts to account theologically for the reality of non-Christian religious traditions and religious diversity. This course will introduce students to some of the main questions in this field, especially that have reflected evangelical concerns, such as the presence of goodness, truth, and access to Christ’s atoning work outside the boundaries of the Christian church, and explore different theoretical framework for making sense of the continuities and discontinuities between the Christian faith and other religions. With the aim of equipping students to work in a religiously plural environment, students will work through troubling questions, such as the reality of asymmetric access to the Gospel and the Christian claims of religious exclusivism, and begin developing informed theological grounding for constructive engagement with non-Christian others.

EVAN 691. Ministry Practicum. (2 Credits)

Provides practical, guided ministry experience in which students serve under supervision with regular interaction and instruction in the area of ministry. Graded pass/fail.

EVAN 692. Comprehensive Exam. (0 Credits)

Prerequisite: submission of Candidacy form. Fee $75. Graded pass/fail.

EVAN 694. Seminar In Evangelism. (2 or 4 Credits)

In-depth study of selected topics growing out of special concerns of professors and students.

EVAN 695. Independent Study. (1 to 4 Credits)

EVAN 696. Internship. (2 or 4 Credits)

Graded pass/fail.

EVAN 698. Thesis/Applied Thesis. (2 or 4 Credits)

EVAN 699. Thesis/Applied Thesis Contin. (0 Credits)

See M.A. Thesis/Applied Thesis/Action Research.