Coordinator, Amy Reynolds

The Gender Studies Certificate is an interdisciplinary program, housed in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, designed to help students investigate gender issues in a variety of contexts. Students will complete a ten-hour core of courses that investigate sociological and theological approaches to gender issues, and end their study with a capstone course designed to integrate approaches from several key disciplines. Students also take elective classes distributed among three main areas: theology and theory; social and historical context; and cultural considerations of everyday life.

Certificate Requirements
Gender and Theology
Gender Studies Advanced Seminar
Gender Studies Independent Study
Gender & Society
Content Units 114
Theology and Theory
Select 4-6 credits of the following:
Ruth & Esther
Women in the World of the NT
Marriage, Sex and Family in the Christian Tradition
AIS: Mary, Mother of God
AIS: Women Writing Theology
Modern Literary Theory
Gender and Being Human
Psychology of Human Sexuality
Social, Historical, & Global Context
Select 4-6 credits of the following:
Politics of Veiling in the Modern Middle East
Power and Gender in Southeast Asia
AIS: Gender and Global Health
Renaissance Europe (1300-1600)
History of Women in the U.S.
Women, Politics, and American Society
Sociology of Sexuality
The Family
Gender in Life and Culture
Select 4-6 credits of the following:
Community Art I
Taking Pictures
Global Health
Interpersonal Communication
Communication and Gender
Communication and Diversity
Theater and Culture
Children's Literature
Young Adult Literature
Psychology of Addiction
Total Credits24

Flexible Course Additions (2-4 hours). On a case-by-case basis, the Gender Studies Certificate can include courses and independent study work in which students participate in a class with gender-related topics and/or pursue work directly related to the issues addressed in the Gender Studies program. This can occur in one of two ways.

  • Special Topics Courses that are offered on an occasional basis and address gender-related topics may be petitioned for acceptance as partial fulfillment of the Course Content Units in either the Social, Historical, and Global Context or Gender in Life and Culture. Examples include, but are not limited to, COMM 424 Special Topics in Interpersonal Communication or certain gender-related Advanced Topics in Psychology (PSYC 482 - 488).
  • With permission of the professor and Gender Studies program, students could take a course in which they pursue gender issues as a significant part of the course. An example is BITH 393 Topics in Christian Thought in which a student would focus on gender as an aspect of personhood.

Students select 14 credits of courses from each of the areas listed. At least three different disciplines need to be represented in courses selected.