The Department of Anthropology, Sociology, and Urban Studies prepares students to live as Christ followers in the increasingly complex world in which we find ourselves. We train our students with relational and analytic skills, to faithfully engage cross-culturally, both in America and abroad, in urban and rural settings, through a wide array of methodological, theoretical, and theological tools. Students will become critical thinkers, addressing social problems and cultural analysis through theory, data, and practical solutions. The overall goal of the department is to develop student's ability to construct a biblical foundation for understanding and analyzing social life within and across cultures.

Anthropology emphasizes the particularities of specific cultural systems and the universal characteristics of humans made in the image of God. Recognizing culture as a set of only partial solutions to human problems, Wheaton's Anthropology faculty examine ways the Gospel and culture operate jointly to explain human adaptations in different societies. Similarly, Anthropology's exploration of human universals is based on a distinctively Christian perspective, combining a biblical orientation with empirical precision.

The Sociology faculty recognize the need to communicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ at several levels of social interaction. The micro level involves face-to-face communication, for example, in marriage and the family; the middle-range level reflects activities in organizations or social movements; and the macro level presents issues of culture and societal structures. At each level, students examine social processes such as socialization, stratification, urbanization, and social disorganization.

The Urban Studies program draws significantly on anthropology, sociology, and other disciplines, to understand the complex urban context. From His temple in ancient Jerusalem to the Holy City of Revelation, it is clear the city is part of God's loved creation and a place where His redemption goes forth.  Using the global city of Chicago as the classroom, Urban Studies prepares students to understand the cultural, social, historical, economic, political, and theological dimensions of urban life

Students in all three majors have landed in a wide array of vocations and careers. Students who have majored in Anthropology, Sociology, and Urban Studies currently work in law, ministry, mission, education, a variety of medical fields, and social services, as well as in corporate settings such as marketing, finance, and management.

Chair, Professor of Anthropology, Brian Howell
Associate Professor of Anthropology, Christine Jeske
Associate Professor of Sociology, Henry Kim
Professor of Sociology, Brian Miller
Associate Professor of Sociology, Amy Reynolds
Associate Lecturer of Urban Studies, Faculty Director of Wheaton in Chicago, Co-Director of Center for Urban Engagement, Sean Young
Emeriti Faculty, Laura Montgomery

Affiliate Faculty
Associate Professor of Human Needs and Global Resources and Anthropology, Associate Director of Human Needs and Global Resources,
James Huff
Associate Professor of Theology and Urban Studies, Co-Director of Center for Urban Engagement, Theme Coordinator of Aequitas Fellows Program in Urban Leadership, Gregory Lee

Aequitas Fellowship Program in Urban Leadership Courses

AQTS 111. Introduction to Urban Leadership. (2 Credits)

This course introduces students to the particularities and possibilities of urban life, situating cities in the earliest writing on human social and political ideals. While the history of human civilization has largely been one of increasing urbanization, the relatively recent intensification of such movement brings historically urban questions to the forefront of ethical and economic thought. In this course students situate contemporary concerns and theorizing of cities within the integrated history of building and knowing cities and imagining a just and good society. What role do locally specific configurations of social, political and economic institutions play in our pursuits of a just social order? What is a good city? (Open to Aequitas Fellowship Program in Urban Leadership students only)

AQTS 112. Aequitas Urban Leadership Summer Experience. (0 Credits)

This course consists in a 0-credit record-keeping course to mark the completion of Aequitas Urban Leadership Fellows’ summer experience. Students fulfill this requirement by completing one of the summer experience programs in an urban location organized by Ministry Trips in the Office of Missions and Evangelism, in a domestic or international site. Fellows participate in the training and service work for the summer experience program prior to departure, along with the other students participating in this experience. This experience challenges students to identify and navigate challenges and opportunities in an urban context, which will enable them to perceive continuities and contrasts with their Wheaton in Chicago experience, as well as cities studied in their academic coursework. This course will be graded P/F.

AQTS 211. Aequitas Urban Leadership Reading Group. (1 Credit)

The second year of Aequitas Urban Leadership, students take a two-semester course sequence for 2 credits total (1 credit per semester). The Aequitas Urban Leadership theme coordinator facilitates the reading group through engagement with readings from invited lecturers on topics relating to the social, political and economic life of cities. The reading group also provides resources on leadership development, which the theme coordinator and students work through together. Discussion group participants are additionally invited to participate in round table discussions with the invited lecturers, prior to the public lecture.

AQTS 212. Aequitas Urban Leadership Reading Group Semester 2. (1 Credit)

The second year of Aequitas Urban Leadership, students take a two-semester course sequence for 2 credits total (1 credit per semester). The Aequitas Urban Leadership theme coordinator facilitates the reading group through engagement with readings from invited lecturers on topics relating to the social, political and economic life of cities. The reading group also provides resources on leadership development, which the theme coordinator and students work through together. Discussion group participants are additionally invited to participate in round table discussions with the invited lecturers, prior to the public lecture.

AQTS 311. Community-Based Research. (2 or 4 Credits)

This course is only open to students in the Aequitas Fellowship Program in Urban Leadership. Students can enroll for 2 or 4 credits. In this course, students learn the principles and methods of community-based research by conducting small-scale projects in collaboration with local community organizations during their Wheaton in Chicago semester. Through these activities, students will learn about the broader context of community-based organizations, their programming aimed at sustaining flourishing urban communities, and how research can be leveraged to support it. Prerequisite: Participation in the Aequitas Fellowship Program in Urban Leadership.

AQTS 411. Aequitas Urban Leadership Final Project 1. (2 Credits)

Aequitas Urban Leadership fellows will complete an independent project that relates to the urban context and synthesizes their college learning and experiences. Fellows register for the project through a two-course sequence: AQTS 411 and AQTS 412. AQTS 411 counts for two credits and is normally taken in the fall. AQTS 412 is a zero-credit requirement marking completion of the final project. It is normally taken in the spring. Prerequisite: Wheaton in Chicago.

AQTS 496. Aequitas Urban Leadership Internship. (4 to 8 Credits)

The internship plays an integral role in shaping a student’s experience during Wheaton in Chicago, as well as contributing to the collective experience of the entire cohort. All students will be expected to fulfill several common requirements that support a professional and reflexive learning community amongst the cohort. Beyond those common requirements, students registered for AQTS 496 will be expected to complete several additional academic requirements that enhance and deepen the learning experience during their Wheaton in Chicago internship.

Anthropology Courses

ANTH 116. Cultural Anthropology. (4 Credits)

This course is an introduction to cultural anthropology. Students learn skills for analyzing and interpreting cultural and social contexts that are relevant in any career path. All topics will be addressed in anthropological and Christian terms, including such issues as race, gender, language, and globalization.

Tags: GP, SI

ANTH 284. Culture, Travel & Tourism. (4 Credits)

Tourism and other forms of international travel have become important sites of anthropological inquiry as increasing numbers of people have their most significant cross-cultural experiences through the travel industry, either as participants or providers. This course will explore the anthropological literature around these phenomena, with a focus on the consequences of such travel for the construction of culture, cultural difference, ethics, and Christian faction in the world.

Tags: GP, SI

ANTH 319. Colonialism and Redemption: Native American Culture and Theology from 1492 to Wounded Knee. (2 Credits)

An interdisciplinary course designed to explore the Native American experience through the lens of historical anthropology and theology. The course explores the experience and perspectives of the Native inhabitants of "Turtle Island" from the beginning of the colonial era up to the present day. The course also examines the role of Scripture, theology, and the Church during the time of European expansion across North America and the current relationship between First Nations peoples and Christianity, including developments in Native Christian theology. Meetings with Native Americans are part of the course. The themes of "colonialism" and "redemption" will bind together this theological, anthropological, and personal exploration. Course is offered occasionally.

ANTH 324. Anthropology of Global Christianity. (2 Credits)

This course explores the diverse manifestations of Christianity around the globe. Using anthropological theory and method, particular attention will be paid to the non-Western church, exploring the relationship between the Gospel and culture around the world.

ANTH 331. Cultural Immersion Experience. (0 Credits)

A department approved cultural immersion experience.

ANTH 341. Consumption and Material Culture. (2 Credits)

This class integrates the relationships between people and the things they consume. In particular, it is interested in the ways in which identities and relationships are generated through the processes and events of consumption. Case studies will be drawn from multiple national and international contexts and will highlight the embeddedness of these processes within the larger social and cultural systems.

ANTH 342. Food, Farms, and Culture. (4 Credits)

This course is an exploration of the farming systems, consumption practices, and cultural patterns that intertwine in the United States. We ask what it means to seek the Kingdom of God throughout food production and consumption in the United States, seeking environmental justice; racial, ethnic, and class equity in food access and production; equity in rural and urban places; well-being for workers; health for human bodies; and the joys of communing around food.

ANTH 351. Global Christianity: Mission, Culture & Context. (4 Credits)

This course explores the expansion of Christianity around the globe. Using historical and anthropological theory and method, this course will use the college mission archives to study missionary work in history, as well as studying contemporary manifestations of Christianity around the globe, including Pentecostal, Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant traditions.

Tags: GP, HP

ANTH 353. Culture and Difference. (4 Credits)

This course draws on principles of anthropology to cultivate understanding of cultural difference, race, and faith in the global context. Students explore their own place in relation to others with a focus on intercultural adaptation. Especially relevant for those interested in HNGR, missions, ministry, and intercultural work.

Tags: DUS, GP

ANTH 354. Culture in the Contemporary World. (4 Credits)

Exploring how "culture" relates to identity, interpretation of Scripture, and the practice of the Christian life, this course provides students with an understanding of basic anthropological approaches to culture and how those approaches relate to contemporary issues such as racialization, language ideology, conceptions of gender, neocolonialism, and missions. Requires sophomore standing and above or consent of instructor.

ANTH 361. Medical Anthropology. (2 Credits)

Cultural differences in conceptions of illness and health care, and the processes of change in medical systems throughout the contemporary world. Relevant for health care professions, missions, HNGR.

ANTH 364. Linguistic Anthropology. (2 Credits)

This course will address language from an anthropological perspective. This will include technical linguistic theory (phonetics/phonemics), but whereas much of that is covered in linguistics courses, this course will spend far more time on socio-linguistics and language ideology, particularly in the colonial and post-colonial context of the non-Western world. Students will be able to identify and apply the major historic and contemporary anthropological theories of language.

ANTH 376. Culture Theory. (4 Credits)

The culture concept has gone through numerous transformations since it was first introduced into anthropology in the nineteenth century, and this course briefly surveys historical theories in anthropology, but highlights structuralist, poststructuralist, postmodernist, Marxist, feminist, postcolonial, and transaction theories.

ANTH 381. Politics of Veiling in the Modern Middle East. (2 Credits)

This course approaches the diversity of life in the modern Middle East through the practices of veiling. Rather than a singular model or symbol, the veil emerges as a material object invested with various meanings through the complex intertwining of political, religious, and social life in societies from North Africa to Central Asia, and increasingly, the rest of the world.

ANTH 383. Cities in the Global South. (2 Credits)

Cities in the global south today face a variety of challenges, requiring careful negotiation through policy and everyday practice. This course introduces students to the particular issues which colonial histories and peripheral participation in global markets have produced in some key cities of the global south. Strategies and innovations for future development are presented as possibilities for local agency and transformation. Course is offered occasionally.

ANTH 385. Field Research Methods. (4 Credits)

A practical preparation of HNGR Program interns for participatory research and cross-cultural living and service. Emphasis in research is on design and implementation of qualitative and quantitative research methods in actual field settings, including roles, rapport, ethics, cultural adaptations, field notes, and write-up. Emphasis in orientation is on cross-cultural adjustment, including approaches, responses, psychological adaptation, relationship-building, communication, health, and Christian witness. Open to outgoing HNGR interns only.

ANTH 391. Meanings of Work and Labor. (4 Credits)

In this course, students formulate a theoretically, theologically, and ethnographically grounded answer to the question: how should people rightly regard work? We consider meanings of work and labor by drawing on the work of anthropologists, theologians, and other theorists, including people from various cultural and social perspectives. Ultimately students consider how to contribute to designing work systems that work for God’s good purposes.

Tags: DUS

ANTH 393. Placemaking in Urban Contexts. (2 Credits)

Explores the processes by which particular configurations of history, identity and landscape are transformed into identifiable and meaningful places in the construction and development of cities. Case studies will be drawn from multiple cities around the world, including Scotland, China, and Africa and will examine the use of local and global narratives, images, and logics, highlighting the socially contested and constructed nature of this process. Course is offered occasionally.

ANTH 412. Advanced Topics in Anthropology. (2 Credits)

This course offers an in-depth look at some topic in anthropology. There will be a specific theme for each semester of the course. Some possible examples include: hope, immigration, gender and sexuality, ethnomusicology, anthropology of education, witchcraft and religion, death and dying, colonial legacies, or particular regions of the world.

ANTH 414. Advanced Topics in Anthropology. (4 Credits)

This course offers an in-depth look at some topic in anthropology. There will be a specific theme for each semester of the course. Some possible examples include: hope, immigration, gender and sexuality, ethnomusicology, anthropology of education, witchcraft and religion, death and dying, colonial legacies, or particular regions of the world.

ANTH 431. Culture, Economy, and Morality. (4 Credits)

This course explores the diverse ways people answer moral questions about money and economics. The course focuses on how culture shapes our interpretations of the economic choices we deem right and wrong. By considering case studies of economic moralities in diverse cultural contexts, students will develop more nuanced understandings of Biblical perspectives on economic topics including generosity, consumption, work, capitalism, and inequality.

Tags: GP, SI

ANTH 432. Violence and Peace in Latin America. (4 Credits)

This course draws on anthropological and social scientific research to examine how diverse organizational and social actors work to confront violence and strengthen peace in Latin America. Students will learn about the history of state, political and criminal violence in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, and students will be introduced to the efforts of international justice and human rights activists and civil society and religious organizations to build more just, peaceful, and inclusive societies in Latin America. Course is offered occasionally.

ANTH 435. Power and Gender in Southeast Asia. (4 Credits)

This course will focus on power and gender as key topics in the anthropology and historiography of Southeast Asia. We will explore how these ideas intersect with other anthropological and historical themes such as race, colonialism, nationalism, urbanization, and economic development.

Tags: GP, HP

ANTH 451. African Cultural Anthropology. (4 Credits)

In this course, we read the works of anthropologists of African descent to better understand social life in the African continent as well as to think critically about how to decolonize scholarship and our own means of learning.

Tags: GP

ANTH 478. Anthropology Through Film. (2 Credits)

The medium of film can provide a window into the heart of a society, giving the viewer a chance to see inside the culture and minds of a people. This course will use commercial ("Hollywood") films as opportunities to explore themes and theories in anthropology, in order to gain insight into anthropological concepts and the society(ies) or subcultures from which the films originate.

ANTH 481. Anthropological Writing: Writing in History and the Social Sciences. (2 Credits)

This is a course for students who want to write for scholarly and general audiences. It is an opportunity to strengthen writing skills and analytical techniques. In this intensive writing course, advanced anthropology (and related disciplines) students will get a hands-on experience of gathering and/or using original data (ethnographic, archival, statistical, geo-spatial, etc.), transforming it into evidence (by analyzing it using relevant theoretical methods) and then writing a compelling analytical argument that connects the research findings to important social scientific questions. The course is particularly relevant for those who have previously collected data (such as HNGR or other study abroad students) they are prepared to use in a substantial writing project.

ANTH 482. Ethnographic Theory and Method. (4 Credits)

This course analyzes anthropological research and writing on fieldwork, while cultivating students' skills in the practice of ethnography. The production of knowledge, problems of evidence, experience and ethics, as well as issues of power and representation are discussed. Students frame and address theoretical problems through the development of an ethnographic research project, and through the processes of peer review, they refine this project throughout the semester, culminating in an original piece of anthropological research.

ANTH 485. Social Science Writing for Public Engagement. (4 Credits)

This class equips students to transform social science research into publication-quality articles for general audiences. Students engage in conversations about spiritual implications of writing about human lives while developing strategies for analyzing data, considering genre, formulating arguments, and pitching articles. The course is particularly relevant for those who have previously collected data that they wish to revise or publish (such as from HNGR, Independent Studies, or course research papers).

ANTH 494. Senior Capstone. (4 Credits)

A capstone seminar which evaluates contemporary issues within anthropology to address the relationship between Christianity and anthropological epistemologies, theories, and methods.

General Education: SHAR

ANTH 495. Independent Study. (1 to 4 Credits)

Guided reading and research for the advanced students, or research internship in ongoing institutional or faculty research. Prerequisite: Permission of department chair.

ANTH 496. Internship in Anthropology. (4 or 8 Credits)

Credit given in connection with an internship assignment in medical anthropology, missions, HNGR, cross-cultural settings which involve education, development, business, or family life with participation of a faculty anthropologist. Majors may apply eight hours of internship credit toward one anthropology elective course. See department for details, including course prerequisites.

Gender Studies Courses

GEND 493. Gender Studies Advanced Seminar. (2 Credits)

This course pulls together students’ exploration of gender through previous interdisciplinary coursework with attention to gender in international perspective. Topics such as gender-based violence, international economic development, intersectional gendered identities, and global church leadership will be discussed. Students will also have an opportunity to connect with organizations employing a gender lens in their work. Prerequisite: SOC 347 and BITH 383.

GEND 495. Gender Studies Independent Study. (2 Credits)

Guided reading and research for the advanced major or research internship in ongoing institutional or faculty research.

GEND 496. Internship. (2 or 4 Credits)

Credit given in connection with internship assignment in a gender related issue. Some possibilities include working with relief, development, education, social welfare, medical field, ministry, media, legal issues, or advocacy. Offered as a block placement for 2 or 4 credits for the entire semester on or off campus. Intended primarily for those pursuing the gender studies certificate. Students should have completed both 16 hours in their major and 16 hours in the certificate. Prerequisite: SOC 347 and BITH 383.

Sociology Courses

SOC 115. Introduction to Sociology. (4 Credits)

An overview of the theory, methodology, and conceptualizations of the discipline of sociology. Offers the opportunity to develop an understanding of American society and the diversity within it.

Tags: DUS, SI

SOC 215. Introduction to Sociology. (4 Credits)

An overview of the theory, methodology, and conceptualizations of the discipline of sociology. Offers the opportunity to develop an understanding of American society and the diversity within it.

Tags: DUS, SI

SOC 228. Sociology of Sexuality. (2 Credits)

This class will explore issues of identity as sexual individuals, the role of sexuality in our broader society, and the linkages between sexuality and violence. As sexuality affects both individuals and the larger society, this class aims to equip and challenge students in building a positive and God-honoring conception of sexuality in their own lives and their engagement in the world. Prerequisite (or requisite): Open to sophomores, juniors, and seniors.

SOC 238. Social Problems. (2 Credits)

An in-depth seminar focusing on understanding and addressing major social problems and concerns.

SOC 241. Social Psychology. (4 Credits)

A study of human thought, emotion, and behavior in an interpersonal context.

Tags: SI

SOC 251. Culture, Media, and Society. (4 Credits)

Sociologists of culture focus on “processes of meaning-making” and these are all around us, including in social media and the Internet, films, television, music, stories, histories, places, and art. How are these social forms generated and sustained? How do we make sense of them from a sociological and Christian perspective? Students will learn and apply three analytic approaches to culture (repertoires, production, and narratives) as they consider how everyday interactions with processes of meaning-making affect evangelical life. SI, VPAV.

Tags: SI, VPAV

SOC 321. Sociology of Economic Life. (4 Credits)

In an era of growing economic inequality, this course employs a sociological approach to ask questions about social construction of markets and the moral meanings within them. The goal of the course is to empower students in their roles as economic agents, as well as help them understand the broader structures in which they are engaged.

SOC 325. Violence in Minority Communities. (2 Credits)

Night after night in most urban communities, local news media reveal stories of horrific violence in urban areas. Some of these events are related to gang activities, drug trafficking, turf wars, guns and random shootings. Costs (human and financial) are staggering for authorities in law enforcement, the criminal justice system, the healthcare systems, prisons, as well as, families, communities, schools, and the nation. Many international studies regard the United States as the most violent nation on earth. Why do these conditions exist or persist? What can be done about them, from a Christian perspective? Where are churches relevant? These issues and questions will be addressed in this course from a variety of domains intersecting the sociological perspective and public health.

SOC 327. Violence Against Women. (2 Credits)

All over the world, violence is used to control or harm women and girls. In Criminology, issues related to domestic abuse, rape, sex trafficking, abduction, and sexual homicide are core to the social problems engulfing societies. In Sociology, violence against women involves the corruption and distortion of gender roles via socialization, discrimination, and power. This course analyzes the most rigorous research plus best practices in sociology and criminology (as well as related fields) in order to prevent violence against women in the church and society.

SOC 337. Racial and Ethnic Relations. (4 Credits)

Sociohistorical and cultural aspects of race and ethnicity in America. Through class discussion, films, and research about minority cultures, students explore and examine such sociological concepts as assimilation, conflict, and pluralism.

Tags: DUS

SOC 341. Social & Political Movements. (4 Credits)

Social movements challenge political, economic, and social systems through collective action. We will discuss why social movements occur, how actors become involved, their relationship with the state, and the resources needed to sustain and grow such movements. Using a case study approach, students examine particular social actors and differing views of justice, while being encouraged to further develop their own conception of biblical justice in society.

SOC 347. Gender & Society. (4 Credits)

What does it mean to be male or female? Why do we have these categories? How does gender matter in society? In this class, we focus on unpacking the concept of gender, and investigate the role of social institutions in constructing gender roles and contributing to gender inequalities. There is also an emphasis understanding how issues of gender intersect with those of class, race, and culture.

SOC 355. Social Class & Inequality. (4 Credits)

An examination of the theories and explanations of the origins and perpetuation of social inequality, class, and stratification. Consideration of both classical and modern perspectives, as well as explanations of the relationship among stratification, status, occupation, and mobility; descriptions of various class characteristics and an examination of selected relationships between class and other areas of social participation.

SOC 356. The Family. (4 Credits)

A sociological approach to the practices that exist within families, the relationships between family members, and the social influences that shape the decisions of families. This course will challenge students to think about how religious institutions and politics can strengthen families and individuals within them.

SOC 359. American Suburbanization. (4 Credits)

This course examines how and why American suburbs became the home of a majority of Americans and important centers for economic and cultural life. Emphasis will be placed on understanding and researching nearby suburbs (Wheaton and surrounding communities) and how Christians might respond to suburbia.

SOC 364. Urban Sociology. (4 Credits)

Growth and patterning of city life; social relations and social institutions in the city; examination of urban problems and proposed solutions.

Tags: DUS

SOC 366. Sociology Of Religion. (4 Credits)

Religion is lived and practiced in informal and formal ways, shaped by our social context, and influenced by religious institutions. Such institutions are shaped by national context, theology, culture, and organizational structures. In this class , we focus on the importance of social context and social location on religious communities, with the goals of deepening our own faith, examining challenges facing the Church, and understanding global religious realities.

Tags: DUS, SI

SOC 367. Crime & Delinquency. (4 Credits)

The incidence, nature, and development of crime and delinquency in America; methods of control, treatment, and prevention, including current research and innovations in approaching juvenile and adult offenders. Prerequisite: SOC 115 or 116 or consent of the instructor.

SOC 371. Asians in America. (4 Credits)

This course is designed to help students understand the diversity and histories of "Asian" Americans with a focus on the post-1965 waves. In addition to understanding Asian Americans from sociological and historical categories, we will also examine religion in the Asian American experiences.

Tags: DUS

SOC 373. Sociology of Education. (4 Credits)

Examines the social role of education in postindustrial societies. Different types of schools and their effects on academic achievement are examined, and students are encouraged to participate in the growth and development of schools where possible. Christian perspectives on education, learning, and schools are emphasized. Prerequisite: SOC 115 or 116 or consent of the instructor.

SOC 376. Sociological Theory. (4 Credits)

A survey of social thought of classical theorists, such as Weber, Durkheim, and Marx, as well as an overview of contemporary social theory. Addresses the various theoretical perspectives, as well as the current lack of consensus in social theory. Pre or Corequisite: SOC 115.

SOC 383. Statistics. (4 Credits)

An introduction to statistics common in social research. Topics include descriptive and inferential statistics, hypothesis testing, significance, correlation, analysis of variance, and multiple regression. Emphasis is on application and effectively using a common statistical program (SPSS). Pre or Corequisite: SOC 115.

Tags: AAQR

SOC 385. Social Change in Latin America. (4 Credits)

What forces contribute to social change in the Americas? In this class, we examine some of the changes that have occurred and are occurring throughout the world, and in Latin America specifically, that impact the ability of people to live lives of human flourishing. We will explore some of the socio-historical contexts related to social change, such as political forces, economic markets, technological innovation, and demographic and population changes. Students will have an opportunity to focus on contemporary issues related to social change in a specific country of interest in Latin America. Students will reflect on various Christian discourses about and responses to globalization, and develop their own faith perspectives on what it means to follow Christ in a globalized world.

Tags: GP, SI

SOC 399. Social Network Analysis: Theory and Methods. (4 Credits)

Social network analysis is at the core of sociology in the 21st century, with international implications in education, law enforcement, and many other fields. A vast arena of research possibilities currently exists for using social networks to study churches, denominations, parachurch ministries, academic institutions and communities of all kinds. This course examines the history, components, and applications of social network analysis. Using Mathematica, students will complete supervised research projects using methods in social network analysis.

SOC 412. Advanced Topics in Sociology. (2 Credits)

This course is aimed at students capable of or interested in graduate level study. There will be a specific theme for each semester of the course, and these will not be repeated two years in a row. Some possible examples include advanced methodology, gender and international development, and immigration and policy.

SOC 414. Advanced Topics in Sociology. (4 Credits)

This course is aimed at students capable of or interested in graduate level study. There will be a specific theme for each semester of the course, and these will not be repeated two years in a row. Some possible examples include mathematical sociology, advanced methodology, historical and comparative sociology, economic and organizational sociology, and social network analysis. Prerequisite: SOC 376 or SOC 383 or permission of instructor.

SOC 482. Social Research. (4 Credits)

Introduces students to techniques and methods for scientific research in the social sciences including surveys, experiments, field research, coding, and more. A cumulative project follows the steps of producing social science research including developing a research question, writing a literature review, and explaining the use of data and methods. Corequisites or Prerequisites: SOC 115, 116; SOC 376, 383, or consent of the instructor.

SOC 491. Thesis Research I. (2 Credits)

In this course, students will be responsible for preparatory work to write a senior thesis. Students will select a research question and develop a short proposal, conduct a literature review, designing a research methodology, and gather original qualitative and/or quantitative data. Prerequisite: SOC 376 and SOC 482.

SOC 492. Thesis Research. (4 Credits)

Students will work closely with the faculty advisor to collect and analyze data, write a senior thesis paper, and present their research in a public setting. They will also work with other students to workshop papers. Required for the sociology major. Prerequisite: SOC 494

SOC 493. Thesis Research II. (2 Credits)

In this course, students will produce a final senior thesis that builds upon existing research and analyzes original data. This paper will build on research/data collected in Thesis Research I. Students will also share their research findings within a public academic venue. Prerequisite: SOC 491.

SOC 494. Senior Capstone. (4 Credits)

A capstone seminar focusing on the integration of sociology and Christianity. Examination of the philosophies, literature, and research of selected problem areas in the discipline. Recommended for seniors. Prerequisite: SOC 115 and SOC 376, or consent of the instructor.

General Education: SHAR

SOC 495. Independent Study. (1 to 4 Credits)

Guided reading and research for the advanced major or research internship in ongoing institutional or faculty research. Formal student proposal required.

SOC 496. Internship in Sociology. (4 or 8 Credits)

Credit given in connection with internship assignment in social research, criminal justice, law, urban ministries, urban planning, or social policy. Offered as a block placement for an entire semester on or off campus (in the Chicago area). Sociology majors may apply eight hours of internship credit toward one sociology elective course. See department for details, including course prerequisites.

Social Welfare Courses

SWEL 331. Introduction to Social Welfare. (2 Credits)

Examination and critique of the social welfare institution in America; its history, value orientation, issues past and present, and the agencies through which social welfare is administered. Christian perspective, agency visits, and field trip.

SWEL 332. Human Services Practice. (2 Credits)

Development of self-awareness for the human services professional. Introduction to methods used in social work practice, interviewing, assessment, and treatment planning. Professional social workers as guest speakers.

SWEL 496. Social Work Internship. (4 or 8 Credits)

A field experience providing opportunities for observation and participation in selected welfare agencies. Knowledge of community resources; skill and technique development; theory-in-practice experience. Offered as a block placement for an entire semester. Placements are made in the Chicago area. Sociology majors may apply eight hours of internship credit toward one sociology elective course. Prerequisites: SWEL 331, 332. See department for details.

Urban Studies Courses

URBN 112. Social Life of Cities. (2 Credits)

Introduces the study of cities and their associated social phenomena, while crafting a biblically informed perspective upon various urban issues. Students engage a broad range of research upon cities in a variety of domestic and international contexts through class readings, lectures and multimedia presentations. Key concepts which have been used to characterize the distinctiveness of urban life are introduced and discussed, with attention to the comparative experiences of contemporary cities.

URBN 114. Social Life of Cities. (4 Credits)

This course introduces students to the study of cities and their associated social phenomena, while crafting a biblically informed perspective upon various urban issues. Students engage a broad range of research upon cities in a variety of domestic and international contexts through class readings, lectures and multimedia presentations. Key concepts which have been used to characterize the distinctiveness of urban life are introduced and discussed, with attention to the comparative experiences of contemporary cities.

Tags: GP, SI

URBN 233. Chicago. (4 Credits)

This course explores the social dynamics of Chicago, a city defined by its "elegant façade and deeply shadowed backstage," to quote one scholar. Students will learn about Chicago's history, as well as several contemporary issues and controversies, by focusing on economic history, race, race relations, ethnicity, and immigration, and environmental justice.

Tags: DUS, SI

URBN 296. Urban Studies Practicum. (2 or 4 Credits)

Supervised field placements and mentorship in urban contexts. Students must have sophomore standing to be eligible. Provides opportunities for vocational discernment and requires students to think through the ways in which their field experience will inform the coursework they will complete as juniors and seniors.

URBN 321. Urban Issues and Active Faith. (2 Credits)

An interdisciplinary course designed to help students integrate their internship, classroom, and daily life experiences while living in the city under the Wheaton in Chicago program. Course is offered occasionally.

URBN 352. Topics in Urban Studies. (2 Credits)

Selected topics, designed to give added breadth and depth to the understanding of cities and Urban Studies. May include such subjects as "The Chicago School" of Urban Studies, Urban Planning & Contemporary Environments, and The City in Film. Occasional.

URBN 354. Topics in Urban Studies. (4 Credits)

Selected topics, designed to give added breadth and depth to the understanding of cities and Urban Studies. May includes such subjects as "The Chicago School" of Urban Studies, Urban Planning & Sustainable Environments, and The City in Film. Occasional.

URBN 362. Global Cities: Cities and the World. (4 Credits)

This course examines the effects of globalization on major urban centers in the world system, comparing and contrasting cities in North American, Europe, Africa, and Asia. Students will study the economic, political, and social impact, as well as responses of government and civil society. Course is offered occasionally.

URBN 371. Race, Class, and Justice. (4 Credits)

A study of racial injustice in the United States, focusing on the urban context. This course draws from history, sociology, theology, and other disciplines to analyze the concept of race and to develop a Christian vision for racial justice and reconciliation. This course is designed for Wheaton in Chicago.

URBN 373. The City in Popular Culture. (2 Credits)

Explores common representations of the city as they emerge within the media of popular culture. These characterizations of the city are critically considered within frameworks of anthropological analysis and therefore highlight issues of meaning, practice, history and human agency. Course is offered occasionally.

URBN 381. Community Economic Development & Enterprise. (4 Credits)

This experiential course teaches concepts and frameworks of community economic development with special focus on the role of private enterprise and its relationship to other key actors, such as non-profit institutions and government agencies. Students will study ways in which community development practices, entrepreneurship, and business,development can be leveraged to promote economic opportunity in urban neighborhoods. The course includes case studies, fields, and guest lectures, and students will also take advantage of proximity to various institutions of community economic development and enterprise, including the University of Chicago's Polsky Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation.

URBN 383. Cities in the Global South. (2 Credits)

Cities in the global south today face a variety of challenges, requiring careful negotiation through policy and everyday practice. This course introduces students to the particular issues which colonial histories and peripheral participation in global markets have produced in some key cities of the global south. Strategies and innovations for future development are presented as possibilities for local agency and transformation. Course is offered occasionally.

URBN 385. Urban Politics. (2 Credits)

An analysis of the politics of urban areas, including relationships with state and national governments, decision-making, and urban public policy. Course offered occasionally.

URBN 393. Placemaking in Urban Contexts. (2 Credits)

Explores the processes by which particular configurations of history, identity and landscape are transformed into identifiable and meaningful places in the construction and development of cities. Case studies will be drawn from multiple cities around the world, including Scotland, China, and Africa and will examine the use of local and global narratives, images, and logics, highlighting the socially contested and constructed nature of this process. Course is offered occasionally.

URBN 399. Pre-field Preparation. (0 Credits)

Prepares students for undertaking a field experience in Chicago with the Wheaton In Chicago program. Through correspondence with a faculty member in Urban Studies, students are introduced to relevant practical issues and challenges, particularly related to cross-cultural competencies, as well as many resources which will be available to them through the duration of their experiential education program. This course equips students to maximize the impact of their urban field experience, develop practical intercultural skills, and positively and holistically contribute to life in a community.

URBN 494. Advanced Urban Studies Seminar. (2 Credits)

This capstone course requires integrative, interdisciplinary reflection upon emerging urban forms, urban field experiences, and vocation. Undergraduate students must have completed and urban field experience (e.g., Wheaton in Chicago) or internship prior to enrolling in the course, unless they secure the consent of the Urban Studies Program Director.

General Education: SHAR

URBN 495. Independent Study. (2 to 4 Credits)

Directed reading and research during the student's urban field experience.

URBN 496. Internship. (2 to 8 Credits)

Supervised field experience in an urban setting, usually Chicago. The internship is designed to meet the particular interests of the student, as well as the needs of the host organization and neighborhood. Graded pass/fail.