Requirements for a minor in Anthropology are 20 hours including:

Minor Requirements8
Cultural Anthropology
Culture Theory
Ethnographic Theory and Method
Select 12 credits of the following: 1
Culture, Travel & Tourism 1
Consumption and Material Culture
Food, Farms, and Culture
Global Christianity: Mission, Culture & Context
Culture and Difference
Culture in the Contemporary World
Medical Anthropology
Linguistic Anthropology
Cities in the Global South
Cities in the Global South
Field Research Methods
Field Research Methods
Placemaking in Urban Contexts
Placemaking in Urban Contexts
Advanced Topics in Anthropology
Advanced Topics in Anthropology
Culture, Economy, and Morality
Violence and Peace in Latin America
Power and Gender in Southeast Asia
African Cultural Anthropology
Anthropology Through Film
Anthropological Writing: Writing in History and the Social Sciences
Independent Study
Internship in Anthropology
Palestinian Society and Politics
Total Credits20

No more than four credits may be applied from ANTH 495 Independent Study or ANTH 496 Internship in Anthropology. The minor gives students an opportunity to learn about the field, integrate anthropology with Christian concerns, and provide a basis for further graduate study.