The major in political science serves as preparation for:

  1. graduate study in politics, government, and related fields, including area studies, public policy, and public administration;

  2. law school;

  3. careers in government and public affairs; and

  4. work in the private and non-profit sectors that require knowledge of government and politics.

Requirements for the Political Science major are 34 hours of Political Science, Global Programs and Studies, and International Relations courses and 4 hours of Political Research or Statistics.

Core Requirements22
American Politics and Government
Political Philosophy
Comparative Politics
International Politics
Political Research (or a department-approved equivalent)
Introduction to Statistics
Senior Seminar
Senior Seminar
Select 16 credits of PSCI, GPS, and/or IR courses at the 200-level and above (not including PSCI 201), of which at least 8 credits must be taken in PSCI, GPS, and/or IR courses numbered 300-level or above. No more than 6 credits can come from GPS 319, GPS 323, GPS 331, or GPS 332.
Total Credits38

 PSCI 201 does not count for PSCI or IR elective credit.