Requirements for an Art History Major are 36 hours including:

Major Requirements20
Philosophy Of the Arts
Philosophy of Art
History of Art & Architecture I
Iconographic Art in Judaism and Early Christianity
History of Art & Architecture II
Medieval & Byzantine Art
Iconographic Art in Judaism and Early Christianity
Renaissance and Reformation Art
Art History Capstone
Select 16 credits of courses at the 200-level or higher from ARCH, ARTH, ARTS, BIOL, BITH (except CATC requirements), CFM, CHEM, COMM, ENG, ENVR, HIST, MATH, MUSC, PHIL, PSYC, RELI, SOC, or URBN prefixes. 16
Studio art courses
Study abroad courses (highly encouraged)
A senior thesis (ARTH 402 and ARTH 403) or a for-credit internship (ARTH 496), (neither of which are required)
Total Credits36

Students are advised that ARTH 494 is offered alternate years in the Spring so should be taken in the junior or senior year.

Please note: Art History courses ARTH 311 & ARTH 312 are offered each year. ARTH 385ARTH 395 are offered every other year in the Spring.