Coordinator, Stephen Goforth

The goal of the journalism certificate is to cultivate the next generation of professional Christian journalists. To meet this goal, this certificate enacts three objectives:

  1. To provide a strong undergraduate preparation for students interested in career journalism;

  2. To encourage students to seriously consider journalism as a desirable Christian vocation, and

  3. To develop a global network of internship and career opportunities for student journalists.

Students pursuing the certificate will be approved by the program coordinator and will be expected to meet regularly with the coordinator and other journalism students for program review, networking, and career discussions. Certificate students will be required to attend two co-curricular or extra-curricular journalism events per semester for four semesters. Events may include guest lectures, involvement with The Record, or other student publications, consultation with visiting practitioners, and participation in World Journalism Institute conferences. Students are encouraged to take advantage of courses beyond the required 24 hours.

Core Requirements 1
COMM 215Journalism4
or COMM 415 Special Topics in Journalism
COMM 246Media Production4
Select one of the following Media and Society courses:4
Media Studies
Special Topics in Interpersonal Communication (topic by permission of the Journalism Certificate director)
Media, Religion, and Culture
Special Topics in Media and Culture
Special Topics in Rhetoric & Culture
Elective Requirements 1
Select 4 to 6 credits of the following:4-6
Special Topics in Journalism (and/or COMM 416)
ENGW 332, 333, or ENGW 444 (Requires permission of instructor and one 200-level writing course; topic varies and requires approval by Certificate Coordinator for Certificate credit.)
Practitioner Requirements 2
Journalism Co-Curricular (4 semesters required )
Select 6-8 credits of the following:6-8
Journalism Practicum
Journalism Internship
Total Credits Minimum24

At least 6 credits of core and elective requirements must be in upper division (300 or 400 level) courses.


At least four credits of practitioner requirements must receive a letter grade.

Transfer credit from the CCCU’s Best Semester Washington Journalism Center can be applied towards the certificate; 4 hours of the Washington internship will count as the graded internship (COMM 498 Journalism Internship) requirement, and one additional Washington course of 3 or 4 hours will be the equivalent of COMM 415 Special Topics in Journalism. The remaining two hours of Washington internship credit will be counted as elective hours towards graduation. Students pursuing the CCCU Washington Journalism Center option will be required to complete 2 additional hours from Practicum or internship at Wheaton.