Biblical Archaeology is an integrative discipline that lies at the intersection of biblical studies, ancient languages, and the social sciences. Students in this major are trained to study the Bible within its long-term geographic, historical, cultural, and social contexts. In addition to core courses in archaeology, history, and ancient languages (including biblical languages), the major requires participation in an approved archaeological excavation and an interdisciplinary emphasis in Anthropology, Ancient Languages or Geology.

The combination of these disciplines provides a strong liberal arts foundation for a variety of vocations as students will be equipped to think historically, linguistically, and archaeologically. Of particular importance for the Christian is the way in which biblical archaeology provides a foundation for biblical study. Today as never before the cultural setting of the biblical text is accessible through archaeological and linguistic discoveries in the Near East. By mooring Scripture in ancient lifeways, it is possible to clarify and enliven its message while exploring its contemporary relevance.

Requirements for a major in Biblical Archaeology are 36 hours beyond the 12 hours from general education requirements:

General Education Requirements
Old Testament Archaeology
New Testament Archaeology
Christian Thought
Systematic Theology
Greek or Hebrew language competency
Core Requirements16
Archaeology of the Classical World
Jewish Backgrounds of the New Testament
Jewish Backgrounds of the New Testament
Statecraft and International Relations in the Ancient Near East
Archaeology of Biblical Lands
Select 6 credits of biblical studies in New Testament OR Old Testament:6
New Testament6
BITH 451Greek Exegesis (taken twice)4
or BITH 459 Greek Exegesis
BITH 452Issues in Modern New Testament Studies2
Old Testament6
BITH 443Hebrew Exegesis (taken twice)4
or BITH 444 Hebrew Exegesis
BITH 431Issues in Modern Old Testament Studies2
Select 6 credits from the following:6
Studies in Biblical Lands
and Historical Geography
Historical Geography
and Jerusalem, the Holy City
Religions of Israel and the Near East
Physical Settings of the Bible
Archaeology of Jerusalem I
History of Ancient Israel
Biblical Archaeology I
Cultural Backgrounds of the Bible
Biblical Archaeology II
History of the Second Temple Period
Hermeneutics of Old Testament Texts in Jewish and Christian Tradition
Parable of Jesus and Rabbinic Meshalim
Archaeology of Jerusalem II
Advanced Archaeological Study 1
Senior Seminar
Interdisciplinary Emphasis
Select six credits of 300-level courses 26
Field Experience
Select one of the following, field experience involves excavation, interpretation, and studies in related regional archaeology:4
Archaeological Field Work
Archaeological Field Work: Tel Shimron, Israel
Archaeological Science


  • ARCH 211 Old Testament Archaeology or ARCH 213 New Testament Archaeology, and
  • ARCH 365 Statecraft and International Relations in the Ancient Near East,
  • ARCH 366 Archaeology of Biblical Lands.

Six hours in a single interdisciplinary emphasis (300-level courses from either Anthropology, Sociology, Classical Languages, Geology, or Biblical Studies).