Coordinator, Allison Ruark

The Multidisciplinary Certificate in Public Health leverages common courses and a flexible, elective-oriented selection of classes to deepen students’ engagement with public health issues using skills and knowledge drawn from the intersection of the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities. Students will develop fluency across relevant public health-related disciplines, analyze how public health problems are structured in various contexts, and develop skills in proposing and evaluating interventions to complex and intransigent public health problems. The 22-credit Certificate includes required courses in epidemiology and other public health approaches and methods, along with elective courses with salience for the study and practice of public health.

 The requirements for this certificate are 22 credits as follows:

Category 1 - Required Core Courses10
The Integrated Biological and Health Scientist
Biochemistry Molecular Biology Capstone
Neuroscience Capstone
Introduction to Public Health 1
Concepts in Epidemiology 1
Category 2 - Methods and Statistics (choose 1 course) 24
Ethnographic Theory and Method
Field Research Methods (This course open only to students in the Human Needs Global Resources (HNGR) certificate.)
Public Health Research Theory and Methods
Introduction to Statistics
Social Research
Category 3 - Issues and Context (choose 8 credits) 28
Medical Anthropology
Food, Farms, and Culture
Topics in Business
Topics in Business
Environmental Ethics
Global Health
Introduction to Environmental Ethics
Health Economics
Poverty, Justice and Transformation
Pandemics: Ancient and Modern
Concepts in Nutrition
Behavioral Medicine
Social Determinants of Health
Race & Justice
Ethics & Society
Global Justice
Cross-Cultural Psychology
Political Ethics
Urban Politics
Violence in Minority Communities
Violence Against Women
Gender & Society
Social Class & Inequality
Social Life of Cities
Race, Class, and Justice
Total Credits22

Complete HS 381 and HS 311 early in the certificate.


At least 8 credits must be from departments outside the student's major.
