The purpose of the Army Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) is to enable college students to pursue a course of study which will prepare them professionally upon graduation, for appointment as officers in the United States Army, Army Reserve, or Army National Guard.

The Rolling Thunder Battalion is a cooperative effort to which the Army and Wheaton College have mutually agreed as a means of providing officer leadership in the interest of national security. The Rolling Thunder Battalion cadre provide leadership training and practical experience designed to develop the traits essential to achieving a high degree of success in military, as well as civilian pursuits.

The Military Science curriculum consists of two two-year courses. First, the Basic Course consists of eight semester hours (4 courses) taken during freshman and sophomore years. Students who are unable to complete the on-campus Basic Course may attend the Army’s Basic Camp, an intensive 29-day summer camp (in lieu thereof) between their freshman/sophomore or sophomore/ junior years with departmental approval. The Professor of Military Science may also waive all or part of the Basic Course requirement based on prior military experience or Junior ROTC experience.

Once students have satisfactorily completed the Basic Course, they may apply for enrollment in the Advanced Course. If selected for enrollment in the Advanced Course, the student signs a contract with the United States Government in which s/he agrees to complete the course of instruction, attend the Advanced Camp, and accept a commission in the reserve or active components of the U.S. Army for a period as specified by the Secretary of the Army. The Advanced Course requires 16 semester hours (four complete semesters of courses) plus attendance at the Advanced Camp, a 29-day advanced training camp at Fort Knox, Kentucky, during the summer following the junior year. Students must satisfactorily complete an approved military history course prior to commissioning. Students must be U.S. Citizens to enter into the Advanced Course. Wheaton College requires the student who enters the Advanced Course to meet the obligations of his/her contract as a prerequisite to being granted a certificate in Military Science.

Army ROTC offers 2-, 3-, and 4-year scholarships that pay full tuition and fees. Students can apply at any time from their senior year in high school to the second semester of their sophomore year in college. All contracted students also earn $420 monthly stipend while in school, and an annual allowance for books and miscellaneous fees.

Graduate students are welcomed to join ROTC at Wheaton College. Graduate students should contact the ROTC office for guidance on requirements for joining the program.

Military Science I and II, Basic Course (MSCI)

Military Science (MSCI) I and II, Basic Course consists of:

MSCI 101Introduction to the Army and Critical Thinking2
MSCI 102Introduction to the Profession of Arms2
MSCI 201Leadership and Decision Making2
MSCI 202Army Doctrine and Team Development2
With departmental approval, MSCI 103 may be taken between sophomore and junior years in lieu of the on-campus program.

NOTE: Leadership Lab, MSCI 123 (0 hours), is a corequisite for all ROTC courses.

Military Science III and IV, Advanced Course (MSCI)

While consisting of four distinct semesters, the Advanced Course is structured as a two-phased program leading to commissioning. The principle lessons of operations and tactics, coupled with leadership are progressive.

Phase one focuses on enhanced tactics at the small unit level during the Junior year in preparation for the Advanced Camp. By the end of phase one, the cadet is prepared for all aspects of the campus evaluation process and capable to lead small unit tactical operations. The culminating event of phase one is the cadet’s successful completion of Advanced Camp.

Phase two focuses on final preparation for commissioning at the end of Senior year. In addition to military skills, cadets receive a continuation of leadership exercises to synthesize and integrate the principles of leadership previously learned in the Basic Course. By the end of phase two, cadets will have confidence in their abilities to lead, make decisions and motivate subordinates within their organization. The semesters are designed to maximize cadet participation, inspire intellectual curiosity and stimulate self-directed study. Completion of the Advanced Course prepares the cadet for the physical, emotional, and intellectual challenges of leadership of the evolving Army in the twenty-first century.

Phase I

MSCI 301Training Management and the Warfighting Functions4
MSCI 302Applied Leadership in the Small Unit Operations4
MSCI 303Advanced Camp (Summer)4

Phase II

MSCI 401The Army Officer4
MSCI 402Company Grade Leadership4
MSCI 494Leadership Principles (optional)2
MSCI 495Independent Study (optional)1-4

Chair, Professor, LTC Alex Moen
Assistant Professors, MSG Saul Angulo, CPT Craig Billington, MAJ Wayne Welander, SSG Cole Walters
Recruiting Officer, Nathaniel LaLone
Human Resources Assistant, Drew Bogle
Supply Technician, Que Smith

Military Science Courses

MSCI 101. Introduction to the Army and Critical Thinking. (2 Credits)

This course introduces cadets to the personal challenges and competencies that are critical for effective leadership. Cadets learn how the personal development of life skills such as critical thinking, goal setting, time management, physical fitness, and stress management relate to leadership, officership, and the Army profession. The focus is on developing basic knowledge and comprehension of Army leadership dimensions while gaining a big picture understanding of the ROTC program, its purpose in the Army, and its advantages for the student. Emphasis on "hands-on" learning also includes blocks of instruction on map reading, orienteering, marksmanship, and rappelling, as well as weekly leadership laboratories, one weekend field trip, and physical training. Upon completion of this semester, the cadets should be prepared to receive more complex leadership instruction. Corequisite: MSCI 123. Fall only.

MSCI 102. Introduction to the Profession of Arms. (2 Credits)

This course overviews leadership fundamentals such as setting direction, problem solving, listening, presenting briefs, providing feedback, and using effective writing skills. Cadets explore dimensions of leadership values, attributes, skills, and actions in the context of practical, hands-on, and interactive exercises. Cadre role models and the building of stronger relationships among the cadets through common experience, and practical interaction are critical aspects of the MSCI 102 experience. Course includes weekly leadership lab, one weekend field trip, and physical training. Corequisite: MSCI 123. Spring only.

MSCI 103. Basic Camp. (0 or 4 Credits)

This course is a 29-day summer training course conducted at Fort Knox, Kentucky, designed to teach the fundamentals of soldiering and leadership and to enhance personal confidence using practical, hands-on exercises including: land navigation, rifle marksmanship, first aid, individual and unit tactics, obstacle courses, and rappelling. Basic Camp is required of all students who have signed an ROTC contract to attend following their freshman year. Military pay approximately $750 (Optional four hours credit. Special tuition charge $25.) Summer. Departmental Approval Required. (0, 4)

MSCI 123. Leadership Laboratory. (0 Credits)

Practical application of military skills taught in MSCI basic and advanced courses. Hands-on training in basic soldier’s skills, squad and platoon tactics, weapons, communications, and organizational leadership. Corequisite for MSCI 101/MSCI 102, MSCI 201/MSCI 202, MSCI 301/MSCI 302, MSCI 401/MSCI 402. Graded pass/fail.

MSCI 201. Leadership and Decision Making. (2 Credits)

This course explores the dimensions of creative and innovative tactical leadership strategies and styles by examining team dynamics and two historical leadership theories that form the basis of the Army leadership framework. Cadets practice aspects of personal motivation and team building in the context of planning, executing, and assessing team exercises and participating in leadership labs. Focus is on continued development of the knowledge of leadership values and attributes through an understanding of Army rank, structure, and duties and basic aspects of land navigation and squad tactics. Case studies provide tangible context for learning the Soldier’s Creed and Warrior Ethos in the contemporary operating environment. The course also includes one weekend field trip, weekly leadership laboratories, and physical training. Corequisite: MSCI 123. Fall only.

MSCI 202. Army Doctrine and Team Development. (2 Credits)

This course examines the challenges of leading tactical teams in the contemporary operating environment (COE). The course highlights dimensions of terrain analysis, patrolling, and operation orders. Further study of the theoretical basis of the Army leadership framework explores the dynamics of adaptive leadership in the context of military operations and what impact does this framework have for the officer. MSCI 202 provides a smooth transition into MSCI 301. Cadets develop greater self-awareness as they assess their own leadership styles and practice communication and team building skills. COE case studies give insight into the importance and practice of teamwork and tactics in real-world scenarios. This includes one weekend field trip, weekly leadership laboratories, and physical training. Corequisite: MSCI 123. Spring only.

MSCI 211. American Military History. (2 Credits)

Introduces cadets to American military history using principles of warfare, threads of continuity, and battle analysis. Additionally, cadets will investigate implications of historical lessons in American warfare. This course is required for commissioning. Fall only.

MSCI 301. Training Management and the Warfighting Functions. (4 Credits)

MSCI 301 challenges cadets to study, practice, and evaluate adaptive leadership skills as they are presented with challenging scenarios related to squad tactical operation. Cadets receive systematic and specific feedback on their leadership attributes and actions. Based on such feedback, as well as their own self-evaluations, cadets continue to develop their leadership and critical thinking abilities. Additional emphasis will be placed on ethical decision-making. The focus is developing cadets’ tactical leadership abilities to enable them to succeed at the summer - Cadet Leader Course (Advanced Camp), MSCI 303. Course includes weekly leadership lab, one weekend field trip, and physical training. Prerequisite: Basic Course credit; Corequisite: MSCI 123. Fall only.

MSCI 302. Applied Leadership in the Small Unit Operations. (4 Credits)

MSCI 302 uses increasingly intense situational leadership challenges to build cadet awareness and skills in leading small units. Skills in decision-making, persuading and motivating team members when "under fire" are explored, evaluated, and developed. Aspects of military operations are reviewed as a means of preparing for Advanced Camp. Cadets are expected to apply basic principles of biblical ethics, the Law of Land Warfare, Army training, and motivation to troop leading procedures. Emphasis is also placed on conducting military briefings and developing proficiency in garrison operation orders. MSCI 302 cadets are evaluated on what they know and do as leaders. Cadets will learn the importance of the value of being a leader of character. Course includes weekly leadership lab, one weekend field trip, and physical training. Prerequisite: MSCI 301; Corequisite: MSCI 123. Spring only.

MSCI 303. Advanced Camp. (0 or 4 Credits)

Approximately 6,500 cadets nationwide will attend Advanced Camp at Fort Knox, Kentucky, each year. The 29-day course starts with individual training and leads to collective training, building from simple to complex tasks. This building-block approach permits integration of previously-learned skills into follow-on training. This logical, common-sense training sequence is maintained for each training cycle. Every day at Advanced Camp is a day of training. Cadets are paid a per diem while attending. Prerequisite: MSCI 302. (Optional four hours credit. Special tuition charge $25.) Summer (0, 4)

MSCI 401. The Army Officer. (4 Credits)

MSCI 401 develops cadet proficiency in planning, executing, and assessing complex operations, functioning as a member of a staff, and providing performance feedback to subordinates. Cadets assess risk, make ethical decisions, and lead fellow ROTC cadets. Cadets will learn how to effectively mentor subordinate leaders professionally. Cadets learn the art of Mission Command and understand the tenets of the Army as a profession. Lessons on military justice and personnel processes prepare cadets to make the transition to Army officers. MSCI 401 cadets analyze, evaluate, instruct cadets at lower levels. Both their classroom and battalion leadership experiences are designed to prepare MSCI 401 cadets for their first unit of assignment. They identify responsibilities of key staff, coordinate staff roles, and use situational opportunities to teach, train, and develop subordinates. Course includes weekly leadership lab, one weekend field trip, and physical training. Prerequisite: MSCI 302; Corequisite: MSCI 123. Fall only.

MSCI 402. Company Grade Leadership. (4 Credits)

This course explores the dynamics of leading in the complex situations of current military operations in the contemporary operating environment. Cadets examine differences in customs and courtesies, military law, principles of war, and rules of engagement in the face of international terrorism. They also explore aspects of interacting in other cultures, with intergovernmental agencies and nongovernmental organizations. The course places significant emphasis on preparing cadets for their first unit of assignment as a company grade officer. The course emphasizes case studies, scenarios, and exercises to prepare cadets to face the complex ethical and practical demands of leading as commissioned officers in the United States Army. Course includes weekly leadership lab, one weekend field trip, and physical training. Prerequisite: MSCI 401; Corequisite: MSCI 123. Spring only.

MSCI 494. Leadership Principles. (2 Credits)

Focuses on leadership theory and principles. Cadet will choose texts from a Professional Reading list selected by the Army which will emphasize leadership lessons and principles. Departmental Approval Required.

MSCI 495. Independent Study. (1 to 4 Credits)

Typically offered to students whose course work requires more than 8 semesters to complete. Departmental Approval Required.
