The selective Interdisciplinary Studies (IDS) program at Wheaton College offers students the unique opportunity to design their own program of study (POS), integrating coursework across 2 or 3 disciplines in order to pursue innovative, independent lines of inquiry. The program emphasizes rigorous academic study grounded in a biblical perspective within the context of a supportive learning environment.

Requirements for an Interdisciplinary Studies major are 36 hours beyond all general education requirements, including:

Major Requirements10
Introduction to Interdisciplinary Studies (only offered fall semester)
Interdisciplinary Research: Methods and Design
Senior Seminar (only offered spring semester)
Select one of the following options:24
Option A: Select a minimum of 12 upper-division credits from each of any two academic disciplines
Option B: Select 8 upper-division credits from each of any three academic disciplines
Select 2 credits
Total Credits36

One of the upper-division courses must be approved as an integrative or bridge course, clearly linking the chosen disciplines in the program of study. Internship hours do not apply directly towards the major.