Coordinator, Donté Ford

The Certificate in Worship Arts is an interdisciplinary program designed to provide opportunity and training in Biblical arts ministry in the church. This certificate will meet an existing need among students who are eager to organize and lead worship in the church and will prepare them with comprehensive theological understanding and basic musical skills for service and leadership in the church.

Requirements for a Certificate in Worship Arts are 24 credits:

Core Requirements18
BITH 326Biblical Foundations of Worship4
MUIP 100-200 - Private Lessons (organ, piano, voice, guitar, percussion)4
MUMS 201Principles of Music and Worship Ministry I4
MUMS 202Principles of Music and Worship Ministry II4
MUMS 496Internship (or practicum)2
Chapel Band with a faculty coach
Local church or summer internship
ARTS 322Graphic Design I3
BITH 322Theology and the Arts4
BITH 325Biblical Interpretation and Hermeneutics4
BITH 372Historical Theology4
BITH 374Systematic Theology4
BITH 396Roman Catholic Theology4
BITH 443Hebrew Exegesis (Psalms)2
Any 200-492 CFM course
COMM 272Scenography4
COMM 324Communication and Diversity4
COMM 344Visual Symbolism: Icons, Brands, Logos4
COMM 362Group Dynamics2
COMM 374Directing4
COMM 376Faith And Theater4
MUCS 321Church Music Practices2
MUCS 422Choral Literature2
Any 100-422 MUIP course
MUMS 211Keyboard Leadership2
MUMS 231Music Improvisation2
MUMS 248Basic Conducting3
MUMS 301Acoustic Recording Techniques3
MUMS 311Choral Conducting3
MUMS 312Instrumental Conducting3
MUMS 321Principles of Pedagogy II (Piano 321-1 and Voice 321-2, 1-2 credits)1,2
MUMS 341Instrumental Techniques (Guitar 341-6, 1-2 credits)1,2
MUMS 342Vocal Techniques1
MUMS 349Organ Service Playing Techniques and Teaching3
MUMS 431Advanced Topics in Conducting: Ensemble Leadership2
MUMS 471Choral Methods2
MUTC 101Introduction to Music: Reading, Writing, and Analysis2
MUTC 356Arranging2
MUTC 364The Improvising Musician2
PHIL 217Philosophy of Art4
Total Credits24