Students interested in pursuing a Music Minor should visit the Conservatory Academic Office (Armerding 217) to complete an assessment of piano proficiency, a primary instrument evaluation, and a Music Fundamentals Test.

Requirements for a minor in Music are 20 hours, including:

Music Theory & Composition (MUTC)7
MUTC 151Music Theory I3
MUTC 171Music Theory II3
MUTC 152Aural Skills I1
Context Studies (MUCS)4
Only one of MUCS 101, 102, or 103 may count toward this requirement
Individual Performance (MUIP)4
Select 4 credits from MUIP 101 - MUIP 121 in Primary Instrument 1
Music Electives
Select 5 credits from MUCS, MUEP, MUIP, MUMS, MUTC5
Recital and Concert Attendance (MUEP)
MUEP 219Recital & Concert Attendance (two semesters)0
Piano Proficiency - Consult Conservatory Handbook
Total Hours required for minor20

Select courses tab and go to  Individual Performance Studies MUIP for course listings.