General Education

(For specific course options to meet the general education requirements below, see the Christ at the Core General Education requirements.)

Core Competencies:
First-Year Writing4
Oral Communication2
Shared Core:
Holistic Human Flourishing1
First Year Seminar4
Old Testament4
New Testament4
Christian Thought4
Advanced Integrative SeminarSee Thematic Core options below
Capstone Experience (494 course, may vary)2
Thematic Core:
Select three themes from Categories I and II 18
Category I
Select one theme from this category:
Diversity in the United States
Global Perspectives
Category II
Select two themes from this category:
Applied Abstract and Quantitative Reasoning
Historical Perspectives
Literary Explorations
Philosophical Investigations
Scientific Practice
Scientific Issues and Perspectives
Social Inquiry
Visual and Performing Arts - Art/Theater
Select one theme in VPAV or VPAT2
Total Hours Normally32

One of the courses must be an Advanced Integrative Seminar (AIS), and it is advised to select double-tagged courses.

No more than 1 Theme may be met with transfer credit. Transfer courses will receive one tag only.