Ministry and Evangelism programs prepare students for the work of ministry within a liberal arts educational environment committed to Christian spiritual formation, scholarship, research, ministry, and leadership development. Each of our programs and certificates emphasizes living out Christ’s mission: proclaiming and demonstrating the gospel and serving the Church in a changing world.

At the graduate level our focus takes a much more praxis (academic reflection and research on ministry practice) approach in educating students for M.A.s in Evangelism and Leadership as well as Ministry Leadership.

At the doctoral level, the Ministry and Leadership division of the Litfin Divinity School offers a Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) program.

A Missional Church Certificate at the graduate level is also offered. The Cross-Cultural Studies and Global Engagement Certificates are currently not admitting students.

For graduate students, the Wheaton College Billy Graham Center offers special scholarships to international students, furloughing international workers and candidates who are committed to overseas service under an established agency, and those who are committed to service in urban settings. 

Residential and Flexible Formats

Every Ministry and Evangelism graduate program is also designed for students to be able to earn their master’s degree or doctorate while empowering them to remain in their current location. These graduate programs are designed to stretch the students’ thinking while enabling them to continue to serve in their current business or ministry.

The various programs listed above have different flexible options and students will need to check the requirements for each one of them for the specifics related to that degree program. However, all graduate programs in Ministry and Evangelism offer this flexible option by scheduling courses in various formats: on-campus, modular, online, and hybrid. This enables students to take these programs of study on a full-time or part-time basis.

Partnerships and Cohorts

Ministry and Evangelism has partnered with various ministries and organizations that share our vision and ethos, to enable students to pursue a master’s degree and thus fulfill the mission of their ministry or organization. These partnerships permit students to study at their own pace (self-paced) or work with their co-workers as a cohort to earn a specific graduate degree.

​In the cohort model, a group of students study together throughout the program, taking all their courses together. The goal of the cohort is for each student to build lasting relationships within a learning community.

Assistant Dean, Associate Professor of Evangelism and Leadership, Rochelle Scheuermann
Jean Kvamme Distinguished Professor of Biblical Studies and Public Christianity, John Dickson
Associate Professor of Ministry and Leadership, Michael Hakmin Lee
Executive Director of the WCBGC Research, Church Evangelism, and Preaching Institutes; Luis Palau Endowed Chair of Evangelism; Professor of Evangelism and Leadership, Rick Richardson
Director of Research and Assistant Professor of Ministry, Eunice Hong
Professors Emeriti, Robert Gallagher, Scott Moreau, Jerry Root

Deadlines and requirements will vary depending on degree and program.  See Graduate Admissions  in the catalog for additional information or go to Wheaton College Graduate School Admissions:

Wheaton College Graduate School
Graduate Admissions
Toll free: 800.888.0141 or 630.752.5195

Evangelism Courses

EVAN 501. Advanced Church Evangelism Institute Seminar. (0 Credits)

This seminar examines the biblical and theological foundations of Church, leadership, organizations, and change. Attention is given to various missional church models and movements, and the skills needed to lead change, manage conflict, and move churches and organizations to become missional and evangelistic. Prerequisite: Completion of additional course work which augments the African American Church Evangelism Institute or the Church Evangelism Institute curriculum (as verified by CEI director).

EVAN 502. Public Christianity for a Post Christian World. (4 Credits)

This course examines the context and content of Christian mission in the “pre-Christian world,” from Jewish missionaries of the Second Temple period to the birth of Christendom following the reign of Emperor Constantine, in order learn lessons for the contemporary task of making Christ public amidst the multiple challenges of our emerging post-Christian world.

EVAN 516. Spiritual and Professional Formation. (2 Credits)

Introduction to personal and corporate formation through various dimensions such as the intellectual, physical, spiritual, social, and emotional with an emphasis on the integration of biblical perspectives. Transformational practice is encouraged through literature survey and contemporary case studies. Course is offered occasionally.

EVAN 525. Foundations of Biblical Evangelism. (4 Credits)

This course provides biblical and historical foundations for the task of communicating the gospel today. Following a detailed examination of Scripture and early church mission, students will explore contemporary challenges to the gospel and how they might meet those challenges through a diverse range of media.

EVAN 526. Gospel: Theological Perspectives on Evangelism and Renewal. (4 Credits)

Examines the gospel as the good news of God's inaugurated kingdom, with a focus on the centrality of Jesus' death and resurrection as interpretive center. Investigates the dynamic of the spread of this good news throughout Scripture and history. Explores more recent movements of renewal and revival in relation to issues of evangelism and social transformation.

EVAN 526L. Gospel Lab. (0 Credits)

Promotes personal and professional growth through weekly professor and students interaction on topics related to Gospel. Graded pass/fail. Concurrent registration, Corequisite: EVAN 526.

EVAN 534. Apologetics in Global Contexts. (2 Credits)

Examines apologetics as the study and practice of establishing the plausibility of the Christian faith within particular cultures and contexts. Explores various philosophical and cultural frameworks for apologetics and then applies them to modernist, postmodern, multi-ethnic and global contexts and questions.

EVAN 534L. Apologetics in Global Contexts Lab. (0 Credits)

Promotes personal and professional growth through weekly professor and student interaction on topics related to Apologetics. Graded pass/fail. Concurrent registration, Corequisite: EVAN 534.

EVAN 542. Church: Movements & Models. (4 Credits)

Explores different paradigms and models of church, paying special attention to the most recent emerging missional movements and their characteristics, impact and trajectory. Includes field trip visits and guest lecturers representing various existing models of churches and ministries. Assesses ministries using a number of different evaluative tools that are widely used. Fee $30.

EVAN 542L. Church: Models & Movements Lab. (0 Credits)

Promotes personal and professional growth through weekly professor and students interaction on topics related to Church: Models and Movements. Graded pass/fail. Concurrent registration, Corequisite: EVAN 542.

EVAN 545. Culture: Emerging & Global. (4 Credits)

This course introduces students to concepts of culture and social dynamics as they relate to race, ethnicity, gender, and other complex cultural issues. Students will explore the shape of ministry and evangelism in Western and globalizing cultures, learning how to read cultural texts and trends in order to reframe ministry and evangelism in light of significant cultural shifts that are occurring.

EVAN 545L. Culture: Emerging & Global Lab. (0 Credits)

Promotes personal and professional growth through weekly professor and students interaction on topics related to Church: Emerging and Global. Graded pass/fail. Concurrent registration, Corequisite: EVAN 545.

EVAN 546. Discipleship. (2 Credits)

This course examines the biblical and historical models and principles for the life-long process of making disciples in a changing culture. Built on the foundation of spiritual formation and mentoring, students will be challenged to grow as disciples so that they might also equip and encourage others to grow in following Jesus.

EVAN 547. Evangelistic Communication. (2 Credits)

Exposes students to the dynamics of communication and communication theory, with application to the task of communicating the gospel in contemporary contexts. The theological, conceptual, and practical role of media, drama, the arts, metaphor, and symbol will also be explored. Course is offered occasionally.

EVAN 548. Evangelism and the Local Church. (4 Credits)

Explores the theology, strategies, practice, and leadership styles associated with implementing evangelism through a variety of ecclesiological traditions and local church settings. Course is offered occasionally.

EVAN 556. Leadership and Evangelism. (2 Credits)

Examines the literature on personal leadership development, biblically and in contemporary contexts, with application to the task of leading the church or Christian agencies into evangelistic effectiveness. Special attention is given to devise or revise the mission and vision of a Christian organization seeking to be missional. Course is offered occasionally.

EVAN 558. Personal Development and Leadership. (4 Credits)

Examines the theological, theoretical, and practical foundations for leadership in relation to personal development, stages of development over the life cycle, spiritual disciplines, personal witness, and the leader’s relational skills and practices. Can be substituted for MIN 558.

EVAN 558L. Personal Dev & Leadership Lab. (0 Credits)

Promotes personal and professional growth through weekly professor and students interaction on topics related to Personal Leadership and Development. Graded pass/fail. Concurrent registration, Corequisite: EVAN 558.

EVAN 559. Organizational and Change Leadership. (4 Credits)

Explores the processes, stages, and leadership capacities and skills for leading change in organizations. Examines biblical and theological perspectives on leadership, organizations and change. Introduces principles of social entrepreneurship. Equips students for leading churches and organizations toward becoming missional and evangelistic. Cross-listed with MIN 559.

EVAN 559L. Organizational and Change Leadership Lab. (0 Credits)

Promotes personal and professional growth through weekly professor and students interaction on topics related to Organizational and Change Leadership. Graded pass/fail. Cross-listed with MIN 559L.

EVAN 561L. Intercultural Comm Lab. (0 Credits)

EVAN 565. Preaching and Teaching in and to Culture. (4 Credits)

This course is a study in the methods, means, and rationale of biblical interpretation and contextual teaching and preaching. The course will introduce students to various tools for exegeting the Bible and the audience toward the formation of biblically-based sermons and lessons that culturally-relevant. Prerequisite: None. Pre or Corequisite: None.

EVAN 573. Evangelism Research Methods. (2 Credits)

Equips students with the rationale and methodology of qualitative research in cultural contexts, with an emphasis on the application of qualitative methods to a specific context through research projects.

EVAN 573L. Evangelism Research Methods Lab. (0 Credits)

Promotes personal and professional growth through weekly professor and student interactions on topics related to Evangelism Research Methods. Graded pass/fail. Concurrent registration, Corequisite: EVAN 573.

EVAN 611. Theology of Religions: Christian Engagement with Non-Christian Religions. (2 Credits)

The theology of religions is a field of study which attempts to account theologically for the reality of non-Christian religious traditions and religious diversity. This course will introduce students to some of the main questions in this field, especially that have reflected evangelical concerns, such as the presence of goodness, truth, and access to Christ’s atoning work outside the boundaries of the Christian church, and explore different theoretical framework for making sense of the continuities and discontinuities between the Christian faith and other religions. With the aim of equipping students to work in a religiously plural environment, students will work through troubling questions, such as the reality of asymmetric access to the Gospel and the Christian claims of religious exclusivism, and begin developing informed theological grounding for constructive engagement with non-Christian others.

EVAN 691. Ministry Practicum. (2 Credits)

Provides practical, guided ministry experience in which students serve under supervision with regular interaction and instruction in the area of ministry. Graded pass/fail.

EVAN 692. Comprehensive Exam. (0 Credits)

Prerequisite: submission of Candidacy form. Fee $75. Graded pass/fail.

EVAN 694. Seminar In Evangelism. (2 or 4 Credits)

In-depth study of selected topics growing out of special concerns of professors and students.

EVAN 695. Independent Study. (1 to 4 Credits)

EVAN 696. Internship. (2 or 4 Credits)

Graded pass/fail.

EVAN 698. Thesis/Applied Thesis. (2 or 4 Credits)

EVAN 699. Thesis/Applied Thesis Contin. (0 Credits)

See M.A. Thesis/Applied Thesis/Action Research.

Intercultural Studies Courses

INTR 503. Academic Composition and Communication. (0 Credits)

Group and individual instruction in expository writing and oral communication skills for students from non-English backgrounds. Students receive intensive preparation in English for academic purposes such as research papers and class presentations. Graded pass/fail.

INTR 512. Theories and Principles of Counseling. (3 Credits)

Designed for marriage and family therapy students, this course provides an examination of several of the major theories of counseling with an emphasis on techniques and principles common to each theory. This course does not count towards the M.A. in Clinical Psychology.

INTR 514. Spiritual and Professional Formation. (4 Credits)

Introduction to personal and corporate formation through various dimensions such as the intellectual, physical, spiritual, social, and emotional with an emphasis on the integration of biblical perspectives. Transformational practice is encouraged through literature survey and contemporary case studies.

INTR 516. Issues and Trends in Missions. (2 or 4 Credits)

Current missiological issues and trends, including church-mission relationships, changes in mission strategies and structures, challenges to the church, and their significance to the worldwide mission of the church. Opportunity for individual student research in a particular area of interest is provided.

INTR 521. Historical Foundations. (2 Credits)

Explores key persons and movements in the expansion of the Christian church from early monasticism and the Celtic Church to Moravianism and Methodism. The missiological reinterpretation of church history focuses on the dynamics of the expansion and the implications for contemporary strategies of mission. Attention is given to the means of Holy Spirit renewal, structure of mission, the role of leadership, and the relationship among the three.

INTR 531. Theological Foundations. (2 Credits)

Using the principles of biblical exegesis and hermeneutics, the course explores God's mission from the Philistines of Abraham's and David's time, to the marginalized in New Testament society. Through this process, an appreciation is developed for theological reflection in Christian community that will impact the student's missionary vocation.

INTR 532. Contextualization in Global Settings. (4 Credits)

Analysis of the encounter of the gospel with culture within the framework of the behavioral sciences. Organized around six dimensions of religious experience and contextualization within those dimensions, with special focus on the theological dimension.

INTR 534. Mission in Acts. (4 Credits)

The course models a historical critical interpretation of Acts. Through an analysis of the discourse structure of Luke/Acts, the course seeks to deepen an understanding of the person and work of the Spirit of Jesus who empowers God's mission as it takes place through the apostles and the early church.

INTR 535. Holy Spirit and Mission. (2 or 4 Credits)

The course explores the dynamics of the work of the Holy Spirit and mission in relation to the following dimensions: personal, biblical, historical, cultural, contextual, and functional. Students are encouraged to explore their mission philosophy regarding the role of the Spirit of God for their mission context.

INTR 546. Evangelism and Church Planting. (2 or 4 Credits)

Strategies for evangelism and church development are examined and applied through case studies, field trips, contacts with resource persons, and student-led projects.

INTR 548. Discipleship. (2 Credits)

This course examines the biblical and historical models and principles for the life-long process of making disciples in a changing culture. Built on the foundation of spiritual formation and mentoring, students will be challenged to grow as disciples so that they might also equip and encourage others to grow in following Jesus.

INTR 551. Counseling Challenges in Ministry. (2 Credits)

A psychoeducative approach is used to enable Christian leaders to help individuals and families understand and deal with contemporary issues—e.g., step-families, single parenting, divorce, abortion. Other topics covered include: coping with depression, strong emotions, i.e., anger and anxiety, conflict. This course does not count toward the M.A. in Clinical Psychology.

INTR 552. Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Gender and Leadership. (2 Credits)

An exploration of the role of women in missions, including their impact on mission strategies, their unique contributions, and a discussion of critical issues they have faced since the time of the modern missionary movement.

INTR 561. Intercultural Communication. (4 Credits)

Foundational principles of intercultural communication from the fields of social psychology, cultural anthropology, and communication theory integrated with selected areas of personal encounter in cross-cultural settings.

INTR 561L. Intercultural Comm Lab. (0 Credits)

Promotes personal and professional growth through weekly professor and students interaction on topics related to Intercultural Communication. Graded pass/fail. Concurrent registration, Corequisite: INTR 561.

INTR 562. Foundations of Intercultural Communication. (2 Credits)

Foundational principles of intercultural communication from the fields of social psychology, cultural anthropology, and communication theory.

INTR 563. Cross-Cultural Teaching and Learning. (2 Credits)

Contributions of nonformal educators, cognitive psychologists, and educational anthropologists to cross-cultural teaching and learning; attuning instruction to thinking styles, pedagogical expectations, and cultural values.

INTR 565. Folk Religions. (2 or 4 Credits)

Strategies for understanding folk religion and relating to folk religion adherents are examined and applied through discussion, case studies, media, and student-led projects.

INTR 566. Religious Life in Global Settings. (4 Credits)

Introduction to religious life through the lenses of phenomenology, folk religious studies, and the social sciences with an emphasis on how average adherents live out their lives integrated with biblical perspectives.

INTR 567. Spiritual Conflict. (2 or 4 Credits)

An examination of the principles and dynamics of spiritual conflict. Issues include theoretical considerations in the areas of theological reflection and cultural analysis, pragmatic considerations such as spiritual discipline and counseling approaches, and the missiological implications for missionary strategies.

INTR 572. Cross-Cultural Research. (2 or 4 Credits)

The rationale and methodology of qualitative research in cross-cultural contexts. Special focus on the application of qualitative methods to a specific context through research projects.

INTR 573. Qualitative Research for Second Language Educators. (2 Credits)

A survey of qualitative research techniques for use in cross-cultural contexts, with a special focus on second language education.

INTR 581. Spanish American Culture and Civilization. (4 Credits)

See SPAN 335.

INTR 588. Asian Culture & Communication. (2 Credits)

An introduction to Asian history and culture with particular emphasis on the themes/issues of the 20th century. Includes an introduction to a relevant Asian language and language-learning strategies. Principles for effective cross-cultural communication and adjustment are also considered. Taught in Asia.

INTR 591. Public Health and Nutrition in Developing Areas. (2 Credits)

An interdisciplinary approach to the problems of health and nutrition, with emphasis on Third World countries. Undergraduate restrictions: not open to freshmen, may not be applied toward the Biology major. Undergraduate prerequisite: CATC SP course.

INTR 601. Intro to TEFL Methodology. (2 Credits)

An introduction to the key concepts and skills involved in teaching English as a foreign language (EFL) in Asian classrooms. The course provides a model-based introduction to methods for teaching English as a foreign language with a specific focus on oral communication. Taught in Asia.

INTR 606. Descriptive English Grammar: Foundations. (2 Credits)

A survey of the foundational systems of English grammar, including practical issues and procedures involved in teaching grammar to ESL/EFL learners.

INTR 607. Descriptive English Grammar: Syntax and Discourse. (2 Credits)

A survey of specialized features of English grammar, including areas of difficulty for English language learners and complex multi-clause structures.

INTR 608. Second Language Acquisition. (4 Credits)

Principles and skills for the successful learning of foreign languages, including practical instruction in phonetics and language-learning strategies.

INTR 611. Theoretical Foundations of TESOL Methodology. (4 Credits)

Survey of theory and research relevant to the teaching and learning of English as a second/foreign language. Emphasis on practical applications from linguistics, psycholinguistics, and sociolinguistics.

INTR 612. Descriptive English Grammar for TESOL. (4 Credits)

A survey of English grammar and discourse analysis, including practical issues and procedures involved in teaching grammar and discourse to ESL/EFL learners.

INTR 613. TESOL Classroom Dynamics Practicum. (2 Credits)

A survey of current research and methodology related to classroom instruction. Includes an analysis of the student's teaching skills in a supervised field placement. Appropriate for both inexperienced and experienced teachers, as well as TESOL administrators.

INTR 615. Teaching Reading and Composition to ESL/EFL Learners. (2 Credits)

Theoretical and practical issues involved in teaching reading and composition, including procedures for planning and implementing classroom instruction.

INTR 616. English Phonology for ESL/EFL Teachers. (2 Credits)

The sound system of English, including procedures for planning and implementing pronunciation instruction for ESL/EFL learners.

INTR 619. Teaching Speaking and Listening to ESL/EFL Learners. (2 Credits)

Specialized training in ESL teaching methods related to oral communication. Includes techniques for the analysis of oral discourse and current methodology related to language-learning strategies and the use of media.

INTR 621. Transformational Development. (4 Credits)

The purpose of the course is to explore the biblical, theological, and theoretical foundations for transformational community development and the Christian's involvement in development on the personal and systemic levels. Foundational thinking for practice is developed through a survey of the literature and engagement with current issues and case studies.

INTR 622. Cross-cultural Human Development. (2 Credits)

The course will explore Western assumptions about human development and how people grow and change in similar and different ways across cultural contexts and across the lifespan. Topics may include: culture and socialization, physical development, language and cognition, concepts of self and personality, gender, social behavior, family, and health.

INTR 623. Families in International Settings. (2 Credits)

The course will explore cultural assumptions about human socialization and family contexts across the globe. Non-Western, Western, indigenous, immigrant, third-culture, and global nomad contexts are examined using interdisciplinary theories and frameworks. Opportunity for individual student research on a topic of interest is provided.

INTR 624. Mission to Children and Youth at Risk. (2 Credits)

This course will explore theological, biblical and theoretical principles and frameworks for understanding, analyzing, and responding to difficult situations for children, particularly those in developing nations. The student will apply contextual factors impacting human development (e.g., family, peers, community, educational opportunity, church/religion, cultural belief systems) to understand children's risk and resilience as related to social issues (e.g., poverty, abuse, child labor, human rights, HIV/AIDS, prostitution/sex trafficking, refugees, the girl-child, etc.). Public policies, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and current interventions of Christian NGOs and other child-focused organizations will be explored.

INTR 631. Principles of TESOL Teacher Mentoring. (2 Credits)

This course promotes a deeper understanding of how to engage teachers in conversations and activities that encourage professional growth. Teacher mentors will learn how to observe and give feedback to novice teachers and how to make use of a variety of professional development strategies. Taught in Asia.

INTR 632. Seminar in TESOL Teacher Mentoring. (2 Credits)

This course helps teacher mentors identify and solve problems within their teaching context. Mentors will develop an understanding of the broad context of education and language education in the country and region where they work and will apply this knowledge as they guide teachers. The mentors will also become skilled at helping teachers conduct research as a means of understanding and solving problems in their classrooms. Taught in Asia.

INTR 633. Practicum in Teacher Mentoring. (2 Credits)

Practical experience in teacher mentoring, including observing and giving feedback to teachers, advising them in lesson planning and classroom dynamics, and counseling them about their future teaching situation. Taught in Asia.

INTR 634. Adult ESL Literacy. (2 Credits)

Problems and issues in adult literacy, with a specific focus on methodology for teaching immigrants, refugees, and other English language learners, both in the US and abroad.

INTR 635. Principles of Materials Development for TESOL. (2 Credits)

Students will gain an understanding of the fundamental terminology, concepts and processes involved in the development of textbooks and other published materials, including web-based and audiovisual materials for English language teaching.

INTR 636. Practicum in Materials Development. (2 Credits)

Students will develop materials for an existing project through a step-by-step process which is modeled during a series of class sessions. This will lead to a more extensive individual materials development project for an organization or publisher, under the guidance of the professor or a mentor.

INTR 637. Problems and Issues in TESOL Materials Development. (2 Credits)

Students will present materials they have developed for a publisher or organization and will critique the materials developed by others. Discussion of current problems and issues in materials development, both theoretical and practical, will be stimulated by these presentations and the course readings.

INTR 643. English Language Learning Methods for Specialists. (2 Credits)

See LING 328.

INTR 692. Comprehensive Examination. (0 Credits)

Prerequisite: submission of Candidacy form. Fee $75. Graded pass/fail.

INTR 693. Intercultural Studies Capstone. (4 Credits)

In-depth exploration of current issues in intercultural studies. Seminar integrates core content from the INTR program into student's area of interest culminating in an integrative comprehensive paper. Prerequisite: completion of INTR 514, 521, 531, 532, 561 and 621.

INTR 694. Seminar In Missions. (2 or 4 Credits)

In-depth study of selected topics growing out of special concerns of professors and students.

INTR 695. Independent Study. (1 to 4 Credits)

INTR 696. Internship. (2 or 4 Credits)

Graded pass/fail.

INTR 698. Thesis/Applied Thesis. (4 Credits)

INTR 699. Applied Thesis/Thesis Continuation. (0 Credits)

See M.A. Thesis/Applied Thesis/Action Research.

Ministry Courses 

MIN 501. Introduction to Chaplaincy and Institutional Ministries. (2 Credits)

In a pluralistic culture that esteems individuality and spirituality, the profession of chaplaincy is rapidly expanding. This course assists participants to explore a wide range of chaplaincy possibilities – from the established military option to institutional roles (hospital, hospice and prison) to corporate, law enforcement, National Park, and university. This is an opportunity to consider one’s calling as a Gospel representative – endorsed by a faith community – to minister spirituality in professional public service.

MIN 511. Clinical Pastoral Education Practicum. (3 Credits)

Clinical Pastoral Education Practicum, i.e., CPE practicum, is a practice-based learning experience that brings students into supervised encounters with persons in clinical settings. It provides an in-depth pastoral experience with individual and group supervision by chaplains for the Associate’s certification in CPE.

MIN 512. Defending Jesus: 10 day Intensive in Israel. (4 Credits)

This course invites students into a detailed study of the life of Jesus as a key to defending and commending the Christian faith to a skeptical world. More than a study of the ‘historical Jesus’, the unit critically examines the life, teaching, miracles, death, and resurrection of Jesus as a comprehensive answer both to contemporary criticisms of Christianity and to the contemporary longings of a secular world. The bulk of the course is experienced onsite in Israel over 10 days, where students will be able to combine historical and archaeological rigor with the theological and cultural imagination necessary for commending Jesus Christ today.

MIN 547. Preaching. (2 Credits)

This course lays the biblical and theological foundations for preaching and develops preaching skills with an emphasis on faithfulness, contextualization and mission, clarity and structural soundness, and spiritual power. The theological, conceptual, and practical role of media, drama, the arts, metaphor, and symbol will also be explored.

MIN 547L. Preaching Lab. (0 Credits)

Promotes personal and professional growth through weekly professor and student interaction on topics related to Preaching. Graded pass/fail. Concurrent registration with MIN 547.

MIN 558. Personal Leadership and Development in Ministry. (4 Credits)

Explores dimensions of personal leadership development and competencies. Overviews Biblical foundations and spiritual disciplines for effective and God centered leadership. Uses various personality, temperament and assessment tools and examines developmental perspectives on leadership over the lifespan. Can be substituted with EVAN 558.

MIN 561. Congregational Leadership: Worship, Discipleship, and Care. (4 Credits)

In various ways, congregational culture affects the shaping of the identity, mission and formation of all local churches. In this course, we will seek to define, exegete, and evaluate congregational culture in order to identify helpful leadership approaches for worship, discipleship, and pastoral care that can support congregational formation and mission.

MIN 561L. Congregational Leadership: Worship, Discipleship, and Care Lab. (0 Credits)

Promotes personal and professional growth through weekly professor and student interaction on topics related to Congregational Leadership. Graded pass/fail. Concurrent registration with MIN 561.

MIN 692. Comprehensive Exam. (0 Credits)

Prerequisite: submission of Candidacy form. Fee $75. Graded pass/fail.

MIN 701. Spiritual Direction and Care for the Soul. (4 Credits)

This laboratory course in spiritual formation explores the relational, spiritual and missional practices of the Christian spiritual life (e.g., corporate worship, spiritual friendship, spiritual direction, small group accountability, hospitality, evangelism, compassion, social justice, creation-care). Students will study, practice, and theologically reflect on these practices.

MIN 702. Public Christianity for a Post-Christian World. (4 Credits)

This course examines the context and content of Christian mission in the “pre-Christian world,” from Jewish missionaries of the Second Temple period to the birth of Christendom following the reign of Emperor Constantine, in order learn lessons for the contemporary task of making Christ public amidst the multiple challenges of our emerging post-Christian world.

MIN 703. Personal and Ministerial Formation 1 – The Importance of Soul Care. (0 Credits)

This course will give students who are ministry leaders the space and resources to receive soul care and cultivate their own spiritual formation for a deeply-connected life with God. In so doing, students will reorient their ways of being and leading in order to sustain and enliven their work in ministry. Additional course fee required: $50.

MIN 704. Personal and Ministerial Formation 2 – The Heart of Christian Spirituality. (0 Credits)

This course will give students who are ministry leaders the space and resources to receive soul care and cultivate their own spiritual formation for a deeply-connected life with God. In so doing, students will reorient their ways of being and leading in order to sustain and enliven their work in ministry. Prerequisite: MIN 703. Additional course fee required: $50.

MIN 705. Personal and Ministerial Formation 3 – Self-Awareness and the True Self. (0 Credits)

This course will give students who are ministry leaders the space and resources to receive soul care and cultivate their own spiritual formation for a deeply-connected life with God. In so doing, students will reorient their ways of being and leading in order to sustain and enliven their work in ministry. Prerequisite: MIN 704. Additional course fee required: $50.

MIN 706. Personal and Ministerial Formation 4 – The Spiritual Journey. (0 Credits)

This course will give students who are ministry leaders the space and resources to receive soul care and cultivate their own spiritual formation for a deeply-connected life with God. In so doing, students will reorient their ways of being and leading in order to sustain and enliven their work in ministry. Prerequisite: MIN 705. Additional course fee required: $50.

MIN 707. Personal and Ministerial Formation 5 – Emotionally Healthy Spirituality. (0 Credits)

This course will give students who are ministry leaders the space and resources to receive soul care and cultivate their own spiritual formation for a deeply-connected life with God. In so doing, students will reorient their ways of being and leading in order to sustain and enliven their work in ministry. Prerequisite: MIN 706. Additional course fee required: $50.

MIN 708. Personal and Ministerial Formation 6 – Suffering and Spiritual Formation. (0 Credits)

This course will give students who are ministry leaders the space and resources to receive soul care and cultivate their own spiritual formation for a deeply-connected life with God. In so doing, students will reorient their ways of being and leading in order to sustain and enliven their work in ministry. Prerequisite: MIN 707. Additional course fee required: $50.

MIN 709. Personal and Ministerial Formation 7 – Rule of Life. (0 Credits)

This course will give students who are ministry leaders the space and resources to receive soul care and cultivate their own spiritual formation for a deeply-connected life with God. In so doing, students will reorient their ways of being and leading in order to sustain and enliven their work in ministry. Prerequisite: MIN 708. Additional course fee required: $50.

MIN 711. Formation and Soul Care. (4 Credits)

This course centers on individual spiritual formation and soul care in ministry, focusing in-depth on personal spiritual growth and how to assist others in the process. Students will engage with ministry models of spiritual formation and discipleship, examine historic Christian spiritual practices, evaluate the types of leadership and relationships which cultivate personal spiritual formation, and look at practices of spiritual direction which will be understood primarily as companioning Christians and helping them adopt patterns of Christian spiritual practices. Special topics in spiritual formation related to contemporary society and varying ministry contexts and cultures will also be considered.

MIN 712. Defending Jesus: 10 day Intensive in Israel. (4 Credits)

This course invites students into a detailed study of the life of Jesus as a key to defending and commending the Christian faith to a skeptical world. More than a study of the ‘historical Jesus’, the unit critically examines the life, teaching, miracles, death, and resurrection of Jesus as a comprehensive answer both to contemporary criticisms of Christianity and to the contemporary longings of a secular world. The bulk of the course is experienced onsite in Israel over 10 days, where students will be able to combine historical and archaeological rigor with the theological and cultural imagination necessary for commending Jesus Christ today.

MIN 811. Contemporary Issues in the Church. (4 Credits)

This course trains the student to exegete the broad culture and to respond to prevailing cultural trends that impact the church. Issues such as race, gender, and global stewardship are common contemporary issues that the church faces. Deeper trends such as individualism, collectivism, and widening cultural and political divides are also issues to be explored. A successful student will be able to understand, strategize, teach, and lead in our cultural milieu, both inside and outside of the church.

MIN 812. Gender, Sexuality, and Spirituality. (4 Credits)

Spirituality, and its manifestation in the spiritual formation of individuals and communities, is most basically about relatedness to Christ and growth toward Christlikeness. Human sexuality has become one of the most, if not the most, divisive construct in the Evangelical Church. The terms sex, gender, sexuality, sexual orientation, sexual identity, gender identity, LGBTQ+, and many more often evoke polarizing postures among Christians as we seek to understand their meaning and the implications of their meaning for people’s lives, our theologies, and our ministry practices. Culture wars intensify these postures within the church and between the church and society.

MIN 813. Advanced Preaching and Teaching. (4 Credits)

This course is an advanced study in the process of moving from the exegeted text to the message with a focus on creating expository sermons that effectively bridge to contemporary audiences. Building on foundational skills, this course will help students grow in their ability to organize exegetically sound sermons, to communicate clearly, and to engage diverse audiences.

MIN 821. Theology and History of Spiritual Formation. (4 Credits)

This course traces some of the dominant themes of Christian spiritual formation. Through biblical, theological, and historical study we will examine how various individuals and movements have experienced and sought to nurture their relationship with the Triune God.

MIN 822. Strategies for Spiritual Formation in Community. (4 Credits)

The course intends to cast a comprehensive vision for corporate spiritual formation for the local church and other spiritual communities, a vision which takes seriously the soul, the mission of the church, and depth of care for people. This course will additionally look at the issues of suffering in spiritual formation and the care of troubled and difficult people in organizations and congregations.

MIN 832. Women, the Bible, and the Church. (4 Credits)

This course explores the biblical, theological, historical, and cultural perspectives of the role of women in the Church. It will examine the socio-cultural context of the bible. It will also consider how the biblical texts concerning women have been interpreted and defined the place of women in the Church and society at large. This course will examine the understanding and application of the Christian notion of womanhood, women in Christian leadership, and the impact of feminism and feminist scholarship on biblical interpretation and ministry.

MIN 851. Research Methods. (2 Credits)

This course is necessary for successfully conducting the research/project in the D.Min. program. The student moves from defining the problem to identifying research question(s) to creating a qualitative research methodology suitable for the particular research/project that the student intends to undertake. Prerequisite: Requires Program Director approval.

MIN 894. Special Topics in Ministry. (2 to 4 Credits)

In-depth study of selected topics growing out of special concerns of professors and students.

MIN 895. Guided Research or Study. (4 Credits)

A subject or topic of interest to a DMin student is studied or researched by the student under the guidance of a faculty member or subject matter expert who is approved by the DMin Program Director.

MIN 899. Doctoral Project Continuation - Full Time. (0 Credits)

Student continues to work on MIN 992 Doctoral Project on a full time basis during the semester. This course is for Pass/Fail and is not graded. Prerequisite: MIN 992. Additional course fee required: $50.

MIN 992. Doctoral Project. (6 Credits)

The doctoral project is the capstone of the D.Min. program. It is an opportunity for students to connect knowledge gained from their coursework with the concrete realities of their ministries: (1) identifying a challenge they face in ministry and situating that challenge in their context, (2) reflecting theologically on that challenge, (3) and designing a new ministry initiative to address that challenge which must then be implemented and assessed. Prerequisite: MIN 851.

MIN 999. Doctoral Project Continuation - Part Time. (0 Credits)

Student continues to work on MIN 992 Doctoral Project on a part time basis during the semester. This course is Pass/Fail. Prerequisite: MIN 992. Additional course fee required: $50.

Missional Church Movements Courses 

MISS 562. Launching Apostolic Movements. (4 Credits)

Focuses on developing an overview of what constitutes a missional movement by gaining a working understanding and analysis of the key elements that have often coalesced in order to catalyze missional movements in Western and majority world contexts, both historically and in more contemporary times.

MISS 564. Planting and Growing Reproducing Churches. (2 Credits)

Investigates models, principles, strategies, and methodologies for planting new churches in North America that have an apostolic ethos of continual reproduction. Surveys Biblical materials on church planting, examines the recent literature and resources, and explores networks of church planting organizations and churches

MISS 565. Incarnational Ministry for Missional Churches. (2 Credits)

Explicates the basic components of missional communities, including communion, community and mission, that emphasize entering into communities and cultures and sectors of society, rather than drawing people out of their communities, contexts, and roles into siloed religious communities.

MISS 568. Organic and Simple Church. (2 Credits)

Explores the dynamics of cell, simple, organic, and house church movements both here in North America and in other parts of the world. Special attention will be paid to multiplication factors, contextual influences, resourcing issues, organizational centralization and decentralization forces, and leadership patterns.

MISS 575. Urban Missional Movements. (2 Credits)

Examines creative urban missional reproducing movements, paying special attention to the unique opportunities, challenges, and contexts of larger urban communities. Students will gain a knowledge of urban contexts, and explore ways the church can interact with those contexts in missional engagement.

MISS 576. Missional Movements and Evangelism. (2 Credits)

Explores a research based understanding of various missional expressions and movements, learning to assess strengths and weaknesses of the various movements and expressions, and examining effective and ineffective evangelism dynamics.

MISS 692. Comprehensive Exam. (0 Credits)

Prerequisite: submission of Candidacy form. Fee $75. Graded pass/fail.

Mission, Ministry, and Leadership Courses 

MML 512. Leadership and Spiritual Formation. (4 Credits)

This course provides a theological and theoretical overview of the role of leader with people and in organizations with a particular focus on self-leadership. All leadership starts with the health, character and competence of a leader and, as a result, this foundational course focuses on fostering the spiritual maturity and long-term faithfulness of those called to shepherd and lead in the church and in the world.

MML 512L. Leadership and Spiritual Formation Lab. (0 Credits)

Promotes personal and professional growth through weekly professor and students interaction on topics related to Leadership and Spiritual Formation. Graded pass/fail. Concurrent registration with MML 512.

MML 513. Theological and Systematic Foundation of the missio Dei. (4 Credits)

This course examines the missio Dei, engaging systematic theology through the hermeneutic lens of God’s mission. Using the 10 Loves of the Cape Town Commitment 2010 of the Lausanne Movement as the systematic framework for this class, students will develop a robust and systematic theology of mission, applying it to their context and life.

MML 513L. Theological and Systematic Foundations of the missio Dei Lab. (0 Credits)

Promotes personal and professional growth through weekly professor and student interaction on topics related to Theological & Systematic Foundations of the missio Dei. Concurrent registration with MML 513.

MML 701. Perspectives in Missional Theology. (4 Credits)

This course will examine major systematic theological themes in Scripture through the hermeneutic lens of the mission of God. Specific attention will be given to the development of Christian doctrines and an understanding of God’s mission within the history of Christian thought and missiology, with a view to equipping students develop a biblically-grounded and contextually-focused framework for missional engagement.