Course Information


Graduate courses are numbered from 500-899. Master's-level courses are numbered 500-699, and doctoral courses are numbered from 700-899.

Courses ending in 1-9 are regularly offered courses. Courses ending in "0" are experimental courses and their descriptions are not in this catalog, but these are described in the course schedule booklet.

Credit and Term

All courses are four semester hours unless otherwise designated. Half-courses (Quads) usually meet for only half of the semester and carry two hours credit. Some half-courses are offered for the full semester and are designated as linear (lin), with no quad designation in the course schedule.

The letter "x" indicates that a course is also offered in another department and carries credit in either department. Courses offered only in a particular semester are designated F (fall), S (spring), or Su (summer). Courses offered in alternate years are also so indicated.