The Wheaton College Endowed Scholarship Fund is an important commitment to our students made entirely possible by the willingness of friends of the College to consistently make generous and substantial gifts to Christian education at Wheaton. We express our appreciation to each of these dedicated supporters and list the name of each scholarship below.
Wheaton College gratefully accepts contributions from donors who desire to create or add to a perpetual fund which financially assists worthy students in attaining a Christian education. These funds, known as Endowed Scholarship Funds, distribute each year a stated percentage of the principal value of the fund for student scholarships and may be funded with contributions from a number of donors, an individual donor, or a family of donors.
Endowed Scholarships are of two general types: Unrestricted Endowed Scholarship Funds which distribute scholarships with no restrictions except for the general requirement of student financial need; Restricted Endowed Scholarship Funds which distribute scholarships to students who have financial need but who also meet a particular requirement (for example, a particular major, professional goal, or grade average) designated by the donor.
Endowed scholarships may be established with an initial gift of $5,000, and a signed agreement or be funded by a bequest. Until contributions to the Fund total, in the aggregate, $25,000 or more, the Fund will be retained by Wheaton College as general scholarship endowment and will distribute unrestricted awards. After contributions to the Fund total $25,000, the Fund will begin to distribute awards as outlined in the Fund’s agreement.
The Unrestricted Endowed Scholarships and the majority of the Restricted Endowed Scholarships represent a portion of the total financial aid budget each year, and therefore, specific applications for these funds are not necessary.
Unrestricted Endowed Scholarships
John F. Albrecht Memorial
Margaret K. Aldeen Scholarship
Margaret S. Algar Scholarship
Allison Family Scholarship
Annette Hoyt Ames Scholarship Fund
Anonymous Scholarships
Arison-Hermanson Memorial Scholarship
Lois Arlene Ausherman Memorial Scholarship Fund
Miriam Armerding Memorial Scholarship
Nathan O. Barkdoll Endowed Scholarship
Virginia Shirley Barker Endowed Scholarship
Ellie and George Barnes Memorial Scholarship
Sidney R. Beamer Memorial Scholarship
Stephen R. and lda E. Beamer Scholarship Fund
Eva M. Beining Endowed Scholarship
Elizabeth Stough Berg Scholarship
Kenneth Donald Berg, Sr. Scholarship
Tyler Andrew Berntsen Memorial Scholarship
Harry and Marjorie Betker Endowed Scholarship
Bilezikian Family Scholarship
Harriet G. Blaine Scholarship
William H. Blair Memorial Scholarship Fund
Blakemore-Woodard Memorial Scholarship
Charles A. Blanchard Scholarship Fund
Julia E. Blanchard Scholarship
Mildred Hoops Blasius Scholarship Fund
Mr. Leslie R. Blasius Endowed Scholarship
C. Harry and Jessie T. Bolinder Scholarship Fund
Bowerman Fund
Sandra and Daniel Branda Scholarship
Brawand Family Scholarship
John H. Breyer Fund
Dorothy Brobeck Scholarship Fund
Dennis Ray Brooke Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Anna Rhee and Eduardo Browne Endowed Scholarship
The Brown Family Scholarship
Eldred E. Brown Endowed Scholarship
Burley Family Endowment
Craig Emmons Buschmann Memorial Fund
Royden R. Butters & Nancy Butters Scholarship
Benjamin Ogden Chapman Memorial
Miss F. Naomi Chapman J.O.Y. Scholarship
Catherman Memorial Scholarship
Dittmar P. & Leva R. Cherry Scholarship Fund
Bessie Christian Memorial Scholarship
Mary H. Clark Endowed Scholarship Fund
Class of 1954 Louis Rasera Scholarship
Class of 1955 Endowed Scholarship Fund
Class of 1960, Wheaton College: John L. and Ruth B. Leedy
Class of 1971 Endowed Scholarship
The Class of 1991 Endowed Scholarship
W. J. and Rosa Clendenin Scholarship
Cleveland Family Scholarship
Millard C. and Alice W. Cleveland Endowed Scholarship Fund
Florence M. Collins Scholarship
Ray and Alice Collins Memorial Scholarship
Anna M. Conaway Scholarship
Harold and Elizabeth Cope Memorial Scholarship
Charles E. and Grace W. Cote Endowed Scholarship Fund
Gerard J. Cozette Endowed Scholarship Fund
Bill and Helen Crabtree Memorial Scholarship
John M. Crobarger Scholarship
Marie Frances Crueziger Scholarship Fund
Julia M. Crull Scholarship
Daniel-Martindale Scholarship
Boskey and Muriel Davis Memorial Scholarship
Day Scholarship Fund
Jean Vanderwarf Dean Scholarship Fund
Mr. and Mrs. George Degentesh Endowed Scholarship Fund
Theodore W. Detenbeck Scholarship
Vera Mae Krause Dombaugh Memorial Scholarship
Elsie Storrs Dow Scholarship Fund
Henri E. and Mary R. Eckhardt Memorial Scholarship
Eklund Family Scholarship
Victor and Alma Edman Scholarship Fund
William D. Ellis Endowed Scholarship Fund
Matthias Elsen Memorial Scholarship Fund
Shirley J. Emerson Endowed Scholarship
Marian H, Emery Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
Lester and Eleanore Erickson Memorial Scholarship Fund
Burton and Patricia Ericson Scholarship Fund
Zachary Evans Memorial Scholarship Fund
Faithfully Forward Endowed Scholarship for Financial Need
Robert and Louise Farmer Endowed Scholarship
Family Unity Foundation Endowment Fund
Sarah E. Farmer Scholarship Fund
Russell H. Fehnel Scholarship Fund
Estella May Ferguson Endowed Scholarship
Morris S. and Barbara Ludwig Ferguson Scholarship Fund
Norman M. and Carolyn H. Finke Memorial Scholarship
James A. and Marian Larson Floyd, Jr. Endowed Scholarship
Evelyn and Dwight Forsberg Endowed Scholarship Fund
Janice Gosnell Franzen Endowed Scholarship
John N. and Elizabeth Van Arsdale Fuller Scholarship
Belle L. Funk Scholarship
Jane V. Gantzer Scholarship
Clare and Nellie Gardner Endowed Scholarship
E. H. and Helen C. Gartrell Scholarship
Gates Family Scholarship
Dr. Kenneth Gieser Scholarship
Harold R. and Gladys D. Gillette Memorial Scholarship
Mae I. Givans Scholarship
E. D. Given Scholarship
Catherine C Gordon Scholarship
Reynold J. Gottlieb Endowed Scholarship Fund
Tommy Gould Scholarship
David and Elizabeth Gowdy
Granzow-Radant Scholarship Fund
Ruth A. and Marion E. Gray Endowed Scholarship
Gremmels Family Memorial Trust
Emil W. Hagbom Jr. Endowed Scholarship
Pearl Jean (Wilson) Hagel Memorial Scholarship Fund
Vernon Lee Hall Scholarship
Lida Hanson Scholarship
Flora G. and Robert G. Harris Scholarship Fund
George R. and D. Gladys Harris Scholarship Fund
Roberta Harris Rost Memorial Scholarship Fund
Herbert S. Harris Scholarship Fund
Hein and Olson Families Scholarship
Hensel Family Scholarship Fund
Cadmus and Elizabeth Hicks Scholarship Fund
Lafayette and Ethel Hill Memorial Scholarship
Gertrude B. Holford Scholarship Fund
Richard Holt Endowed Scholarship Fund
Lorraine E. Hood Endowed Scholarship Fund
Hoofnagle Endowed Scholarship
Huiskes Family Endowed Scholarship
Hull Family Scholarship Fund
David and Darlene Humphreys Family Scholarship
Illback Endowed Scholarship
Jacks Endowed Scholarship Fund
Ida H. Jackson Scholarship Fund
Beth Jaderquist Memorial Scholarship Fund
Jeremiah 29:11 Endowed Scholarship
Carl and Eleanor Johnson Scholarship Fund
Captain and Mrs. John M. Johnson Endowed Memorial Scholarship
Myrtle E. Johnson Scholarship Fund
Willard G. Johnson and Alice M. Johnson Scholarship
Rilla M. Jones Scholarship
Thurman R. Jones Memorial Scholarship
John E. Kanarr Scholarship
Frank Kapple Fund
Dicran Y. Kassouny Memorial Scholarship Fund
Franklin W. Keagy Scholarship Fund
The Kempe Family Scholarship
Jean Kennedy Memorial Fund
Jeff Keul Memorial Scholarship
Frank Kilborn Scholarship Fund
Charles F Kimball Endowed Scholarship
Leroy and Lois King Scholarship Fund
Marie N. Knater Scholarship Fund
Oscar N. and Lorraine Fencil Knipel Scholarship Fund
The Knowles Family Scholarship
Gerard P. and Ellan A. Kok Memorial Scholarship
Mary E. Krieger Endowed Scholarship Fund
Kathryn P. Kuhlman Scholarship Fund
Dell J. and Olive T. Lanan Scholarship Fund
Rachel Parrish Landau Memorial Scholarship Fund
James M. and Arlyne N. Lane Scholarship Fund
John P. and Miriam C. Lee Endowed Scholarship Fund
Anna M. Lesniewski Memorial Scholarship
Carl J. and Irene L. Lessing Scholarship Fund
Dr. James H. Lewis Scholarship Fund
C. R. Lindberg Memorial Scholarship Fund
Walter J. and Grace E. Lindemann Scholarship Fund
The Linn Family Scholarship
Lisa Family Scholarship Fund
Oscar Raymond Lowry Scholarship Fund
Paul J. Ludwig Scholarship Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Mahnke Memorial Scholarship Fund
Jane Agnew Marston Endowed Scholarship Fund
J. Mid Mason and Charlotte W. Mason Endowed Scholarship Fund
J. Maxwell Scholarship Fund
Rana B. McDonald Memorial Fund
William A. and Lucy O. McDonald Memorial Scholarship Fund
John J. McGehee and Betty Humphreys McGehee Scholarship
Ruby B. Means Memorial Scholarship
David and Julie Melilli Endowed Scholarship Fund
Micah 6:8 Scholarship
Harold Mistele Scholarship
Herbert Moule Scholarship
Ogle W. and Lillian E. Mourer Endowed Scholarship Fund
Muntz-Wilson Scholarship
Fay Hartman Newland Scholarship Fund
Donald L. Northway Endowed Scholarship Fund
Nussbaum Family Endowed Scholarship Fund
Ronald A. and Nancy A. Nyberg Scholarship
George Olson Memorial Scholarship
Betsey O'Neil Endowed Scholarship
Noah Paquin Memorial Scholarship
Ethel Bray Patterson Scholarship Fund
Jean Peace Endowed Scholarship
W. Roy and S. Alice Pearson Scholarship
Julius A. Peehl Endowment
Arthur C. Pelton Memorial Scholarship
Donald H. Petersen Family Scholarship Fund
William Irving and Mary Bissell Phillips Memorial Award
Orlinda Childs Pierce Fund
Albert B. Pilat and Dorotha R. Pilat Scholarship
Chip and Carey Pollard Family Endowed Scholarship
Rosalba V. Preston Scholarship
Margaret P. Rathje Scholarship Fund
Reader's Digest Endowed Scholarship Fund
Samuel M. and Jane Reed Endowed Scholarship Fund
Franklin and Mary Rejmer Scholarship
Jean Eckert Reynolds Memorial Scholarship Fund
Joan Strand Rich Endowed Scholarship
Emilie White Richardson Endowed Scholarship Fund
Mary C. Rieth Scholarship Fund
Mary L. and James L. Rodgers Scholarship
Pauline Carole Ross Memorial Scholarship Fund
Margaret and Emma Rowe Scholarship
Russo Family Scholarship in Loving Memory of Tyler Berntsen
Saint-Van Der Puy Scholarship
Albert H. Salter Scholarship Fund
Donna Schauer Memorial Scholarship Fund
Carrie A. Schmitt Memorial Scholarship Fund
Dr. J. D. and Elizabeth Stielow Schweinfurth Scholarship Fund
Sandra Suzanne Seaford Memorial Scholarship Fund
Dr. Richard H. Seume Scholarship Fund
J. Stratton and Marjory Shufelt Memorial Scholarship
Nellie Miles Shuster Scholarship Fund
F. Louis Siebert Scholarship Fund
Nellie Hepburn Sloan Memorial Scholarship
Smith Family Scholarship
Dr. Graeme C. Smith Endowed Scholarship Fund
Paul and Carreen Armerding Smith Scholarship
Raymond C. Snyder Memorial Scholarship Fund
Willard Soderstrom Memorial Scholarship Fund
Gordon and Lucille Sparks Scholarship Fund
Spidell Scholarship Fund
Nancy A. Springer Memorial Scholarship Fund
Stearns-Daer Scholarship Fund
R. Jack Stewart Scholarship Fund
William G. Stone Scholarship Fund
Darien Austin Straw Scholarship Fund
Joel E. Stembridge Endowed Scholarship
Britton H. and Bessie C. Tabor Memorial Scholarship
Henry C. and Anne Thiessen Scholarship
Three Loons Endowed Scholarship
Katherine B. Tiffany Scholarship Fund
Mary Louise Tinkler Scholarship
Edith Clare Torrey Scholarship Fund
Edna B. Towers Scholarship
Charles H., Sr. and Lena Troutman Endowed Scholarship Fund
Mary L. and James L. Turner Scholarship
Uarda Wisdom Utigard Endowed Scholarship
Warner M. Van Norden Scholarship
Linda Ruth Vellenga, Diane Vellenga Van Ostenberg and Susan Vellenga Logan Memorial Fund
Ralph Victor Memorial Scholarship Fund
William Ross Voellmig, Helen E. Voellmig Bell, Mr. and Mrs. William (Ida) Voellmig Scholarship Fund
The W Award Scholarship
Russell R. Watkins Scholarship Fund
Rev. John A. and Mary Watson Scholarship Fund
Joseph I. and Carol Anderson Weeks Scholarship Fund
Robert and Carolyn Weeldreyer Family Scholarship Fund
Edward F. Werhane Scholarship Fund
V. Wessman Scholarship Fund
Wheaton Veterans’ Scholarship Fund
Ernest F. White Scholarship
Homer E. and Maida M. Wichern Scholarship Fund
George S. Wiffen Endowed Scholarship Fund
Wilhelm Family Endowed Scholarship Fund
Richard C. Whitecotton/Walter Hamer, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund
Edward Wick Memorial Scholarship Fund
Jessie Wight Memorial Scholarship Fund
Ralph E. and Vivien P. Wight Scholarship Fund
Mrs. Bernice K. Wilder Scholarship Fund
Janet Adele Wilson Endowed Scholarship
Anna B. Wise Endowed Scholarship Fund
Clinton W. Wittel Scholarship Fund
Hoover and Madeline Young Wong Endowed Scholarship Fund
Forest W. and Dorothy Work Memorial Scholarship Fund
Zephaniah 3:17 Scholarship
Restricted Endowed Scholarships
The Acker Academy Excellence in Home Education Endowed Scholarship
Bobbi Adams Scholarship
Rev. Dr. Lyle M. Adams Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Dr. Harry Agabedis Endowed Scholarship
Kathy S. Albain Scholarship Fund
George I. Aldeen Endowed Scholarship
Alexander Construction Company
Wilbur John Allen Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Lon Allison Scholarship in Evangelism
William Mansell Amos Scholarship
Aequitas Fellows Scholarship Endowment
Anderson Scholarship for Academic Success
Anderson Family Scholarship Fund
Dr. David Anderson Memorial Award
James D. and Karin E. Anderson Endowed Scholarship
Mr. and Mrs. John Androne Scholarship Fund
Carol Koelsch Appleton Endowed Scholarship in Studio Art
Hudson T. and Miriam B. Armerding Scholarship
Armleder Endowed Scholarship
Dr. Benjamin L. Armstrong Scholarship Fund
Muriel Arney Memorial Scholarship
S.H. Ator, Jr. Medical Missionary Scholarship
Evangeline Gilbert Avery Scholarship Fund
Florence A. Avery Scholarship Fund
Louise Avery Scholarship Fund
Alice Baker-John Carter Scholarship Fund
Lieutenant Colonel Donald C. Baker (USMC) Endowed Scholarship Fund
Bank of Wheaton Scholarship Fund
Steven Barabas Scholarship Fund
The D. John Barrett Memorial Scholarship
Constance Kay Barth Memorial Psychology Fund for Women
Iner Basinger Memorial Music Award
Mary A. Baske Scholarship Fund
Willard and Dorothy Johnston Bass Memorial Scholarship
Carol Henry Bates Scholarship
William H. Bates Scholarship in Organ Performance
Beatrice Batson Merit Scholarship in Humanities
Joe Bean Soccer Sports Ministry Fund
Bud and Mary Becker Endowed Scholarship
Nils and Sandra Marie Becker Memorial Scholarship
Doug Beers Scholarship in Political Science
Being the Eyes and Ears of Compassion - Serving Children in Need Scholarship Fund
George and Helen Bennett Fund for Missionary Service
William Hiram Bentley African American Research and Ministry Award
Homer G. and Blanche C. Benton Family Endowed Scholarship
Berg Family Scholarship
Violet Bergquist Scholarship Fund
Curt N. Bergwall Scholarship Fund
Linda Larson Bergwall Memorial Scholarship
Berkey Ministry Scholarship Fund
Harold Best Achievement Award
Harold and Juel Best Scholarship Fund
Sophia Birdsall—Nellie M. Smith Scholarship
Blakemore-Woodard Scholarship Fund
Jonathan Blanchard Family Scholarship
Nellie Gordon Blasius Memorial Scholarship in Music
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence F. Blomberg Scholarship Fund
Dr. Donald C. Boardman Black Hills Award
William J. and Nora J. Bolthouse Scholarship Fund
Dr. Nancy M. Borton Endowed Scholarship in Social Sciences
Timothy R. Botts Honorary Art Scholarship
Bourne Family Fellowship Endowment for the Doctoral Program in Biblical and Theological Studies
Bourne Family Ministry Scholarship
Bonnie Brabenec Memorial Scholarship Fund
Robert Brabenec Scholarship in Mathematics and Related Fields
Robert L. Brabenec Mind and Body Award Fund
Neal O. Brace Scholarship in Chemistry
Brenneman Family Endowed Scholarship
B.R.I.D.G.E. Student Scholarship Fund
Mark and Sandra Brink Endowed Scholarship
C.L. Bristol Memorial Scholarship
Arthur and Susan Brown Endowed Scholarship Fund
David S. Bruce Memorial Student Research Fund
Mabel Ruth Bryant Scholarship
Allen E. Bryson Scholarship Fund
Ruth E. Buck, M.D. Pre-Med Scholarship Fund
Bu Ju Scholarship
Gerald and Tiann Buker Memorial Scholarship
Robert H. Buker, Sr., MD, Major General (Ret.) US Army and Ethel Hunt Buker Endowed Scholarship Fund
Diane Burgess Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Thomas O. Burgess Endowed Scholarship Fund
Mary Burmester Memorial Scholarship
James E. Burr Minority Scholarship Fund
Thor W. Burtness Fellowship Endowment for the Doctoral Program in Biblical and Theological Studies
Business and Economics Outstanding Student Award
Business Forum Scholarship
Kathleen Buswell Memorial Conservatory Scholarship
Burton B. and Eleanor J. Butman Missionary Children Scholarship Fund
Burton B. and Eleanor J. Butman Psychology Scholarship Fund
L. John and Marjorie Look Buyse Student Fellowship Endowment for the Doctoral Program in Biblical and Theological Studies
Dr. Evvy Hay Campbell Scholarship for Cross Cultural Mission
Pansy Ethel Campbell Memorial Scholarship
Lola C. Carey International Student Scholarship Fund
The Carlson Family Leadership Endowment for HoneyRock
Mary Louise Paris Carlson Scholarship Fund
Walter Carrell Scholarship Fund
The Cathey Family Fund
Ethel Groce Chan Scholarship
Dr. Gary and Karyoln Chapman Endowed Scholarship
J. Richard and Mary C. Chase Scholarship Fund
J. Richard Chase Distinguished Award of Merit
Dittmar P. and Leva R. Cherry Scholarship
Judith R. Chignell Memorial Scholarship
Wilberta Lei Chinn Memorial Scholarship
Mrs. Bettie W. Chrisman Memorial Scholarship
Christian Formation and Ministry Alumni Scholarship Fund
Christy-Zsuffa S.T.E.M. Scholarship Fund
Chrouser Scholarship Fund for HoneyRock
John and Lori Chung Urban Ministry Scholarship Fund
Don and Ann Church Scholarship Fund
Don and Ann Church Room and Board Scholarship Endowment
Class of 1942 Scholarship Fund
Class of 1946/1996 Scholarship Fund
Class of 1947 Scholarship Fund
Class of 1949 Grad School Scholarship
Class of 1956 Endowed Scholarship Fund
Class of 1959 Gerald F. and Jane E. Hawthorne Endowed Scholarship Fund in Greek Studies
Class of 1959 Scholarship Fund
Class of 1963: The J. Edward Hakes Endowed Scholarship Fund
Class of 1964 Study Abroad Scholarship for Global Engagement
Class of 1975 HNGR Scholarship Fund
Class of 1980 Innovators in Ministry
Class of 1980 Cheryl Smith Alemán and Brenda Burnham Unruh Memorial Scholarship Fund
Class of 1987 Endowed Scholarship Fund
Class of 1988 International/Minority Endowed Scholarship
Class of 1991 Urban Studies Endowed Scholarship Fund
Great Wide Open—Class of 2000 Scholarship Fund
Class of 2001 Wheaton College Student Ministry Fund
Class of 2011 Josiah Bubna Memorial Scholarship Fund
Classes of 2014 and 1984 Teleo Endowed Scholarship
Class of 2015 Journey to Freedom Scholarship
Robert Henry Cleveland Memorial Scholarship
Arden Clute Conservatory Scholarship
Beryl E. Cocks Scholarship
Levi and Catherine Coffin B.R.I.D.G.E. Scholarship
Robert E. Coleman Award in Evangelism and Leadership
Lynn and Joan Colip Scholarship
Barry S. and Julie A. Colmery Intramural and Intercollegiate Athletics Endowed Fund
Dale and Shirley Kindberg Coln Endowed Scholarship
Charles W. Colson Scholarship Fund
Marie P. Comstock Scholarship in Music
Roy and Marie Comstock Scholarship in Bible
Raymond D. Conley Scholarship
Conservatory Faculty Endowed Scholarship
Jonathan B. Cook Oratorical Prizes
Norman H. Cook HoneyRock Camp Student Counselor Scholarship Fund
Robert Locke Cooke Memorial Scholarship in Education
Edward A. Coray Leadership Award Fund
Edward A. Coray Scholarship Fund
Edward A. Cording Scholarship Fund
Robert B. Corey Memorial Scholarship Fund
Alton M. Cronk Award in Music
Crowley Family Endowed Scholarship Fund
D/D Instrumental Music Award
John A. Dailey Memorial Scholarship Fund
D.A.R.E. Theological Scholarship Fund
Robert A. and Gladys E. M. Davidson Endowment
Edwin F. Deicke Scholarship Fund
Lois Deicke Student Fellow Endowment Fund
Robert O. de Vette and Helen S. de Vette Scholarship Fund
Ruth Berg DeVries Scholarship
Lonna Dickerson Award in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
Heather Joy Izod Didzerekis Memorial Scholarship Fund
William A. and Mary Diedrich Scholarship
Dawn Lynn Diekelman Scholarship Fund
Dorothy B. Dixon Scholarship in Education
James G. Dixon, Jr. Scholarship
The Dixon-Smedberg Family Scholarship
Mary J. Dogger Endowed Scholarship
Erika Annette Dorsett Scholarship Fund
David A. Downin, Sr. Scholarship Fund
Mary E. Dumper Scholarship Fund
Dr. Bruce W. Dunn Scholarship Fund
Grace E. Dyrness Memorial Scholarship
Donald Ebeling Scholarship
Melvin E. Ebeling '59 Memorial Scholarship
V. Raymond Edman Memorial Scholarship
Genola M. and Harold (Hap) M. Edwards HoneyRock Scholarship Fund
Egeland Scholarship
Richard A. Eklund Memorial Scholarship Fund
Dwight T. Ellefsen Scholarship
Lindsey and Lois Ellis Endowed Lectureship
Elsie and Allan C. Emery Scholarship Fund
Rev. Daniel and Mrs. Maria Ng Endowed Scholarship
Albin and Edna Enstrom Scholarship
James E. Erickson Memorial Endowed Scholarship
John C. Ericksen Memorial Scholarship Fund
Erickson, Morrison and Koppin Scholarship
Evalin Endowed Scholarship
Howell G. Evans Memorial Scholarship Fund
Margarita Evans Vocal Award
Helen McLendon Ewert Memorial Scholarship in Education
Dr. Norman J. Ewert Business/Economics Travel Fund
Dr. Donald S. Ewing Scholarship
Fadenrecht Memorial Fund
Gerald R. and Berit M. Fahs Scholarship Fund
Ivan J. Fahs Student Paper Prize for Outstanding Writing in Sociology and Anthropology
Faithfully Forward Academic Scholarship
Beth Falkenberg Fogg Music Scholarship
Virginia Ann Fey Memorial Scholarship Fund
Professor Herman A. and Julia Blanchard Fischer Memorial Scholarship Fund
Frank and Harriet Fisher Family Endowed Scholarship Fund
John and Ruth Deitsch Fisher Music Fund
Lawrence Foster Memorial String Scholarship Fund
Walter F. Jr. and Sara Fox Endowed Scholarship
Marie Frisch and Anna Souto Scholarship
Mabel Elizabeth Fuller Memorial Scholarship
Dolores Gallagher Memorial Award
The Gammie Family Scholarship for Academic Excellence
Paul Gast Memorial Scholarship
GEL International Student Scholarship Fund
Buddy George Scholarship and College Aid Fund
Patience A. Siemens Giitter Memorial Scholarship
Kerri Rohart Goebel Memorial Scholarship
The Goetz Scholarship in Mathematics
Gonzalez Family Endowed Scholarship Fund
David Gordon Memorial Scholarship Fund
Paul Gordon Family Endowed Scholarship
Thomas E. Graham Endowed Scholarship Fund for Children of Pastors
William F. and Ruth Bell Graham Awards
Myrna Grant Family Scholarship for Refugees
John Gration Family Scholarship for Missions Students
John A. Gration Gospel and Culture Award
Great Physician Scholarship
Albert Green Scholarship
Lester Wheeler Groom Organ Recital Endowment
Sheila Marie Witmer Grubbs Memorial Music Scholarship
Ardith Gulbransen Endowed Conservatory Fund
Dr. Ernest W. Gutzmer and Edna Gutzmer Endowed Scholarship Fund
Haag-Hall Endowed Family Scholarship
Heather Messer Haefliger Endowed Scholarship
Rev. William E. Hakes and Marie V. Ballbach Hakes Memorial Missionary Scholarship
Halcomb Family Student Endowment
Clayton Halvorsen Scholarship
Josephine Halvorsen Memorial Composition Prize
F. Gordon Ham and Marjorie C. Ham Scholarship Fund
Paul and Katherine Han Scholarship Fund
Dr. Paul Wei Han Memorial Scholarship
James E. Hanchett Chemistry Prize
Pauline Mae Hansel Memorial Scholarship
Hansen Fellowship Endowment for the Doctoral Program in Biblical and Theological Studies
George E. and Phyllis J. Harper Endowed Scholarship
Annie E. Harris Endowed Scholarship Fund
Janice Harrison Endowed Scholarship
Harter Family Endowed Scholarship
Ann Haskins Endowed Scholarship
Gerald F. and Jane E. Hawthorne Scholarship Fund
Alexander Heidengren Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
George and Henrietta Hein Memorial Scholarship
Richard and Katherine "Pat" Henderson Endowed Scholarship
Virginia Hendrickson Endowed Scholarship
Carl F. H. Henry Fellowship Endowment for the Doctoral Program in Biblical and Theological Studies
Ben Heppner Prize
Elizabeth H. Hewitt Scholarship Fund
Robert H. and Mary Gamble Hewitt Fellowship Endowment for the Doctoral Program in Biblical and Theological Studies
Louise Richardson Hilker Memorial Scholarship
Hillard Family Scholarship
Hilligoss Conservatory Endowed Scholarship Fund
Hilligoss New Testament Biblical Students Endowment
Ruth E. Hislop Scholarship Fund
HNGR Endowed Scholarship
Lois Lawler Hobbs Endowed Fund
Lois Lawler Hobbs Merit Scholarship Fund
Alfred J. Hoerth Award
Colonel David K. and Claire M. Holland Scholarship Fund
Edwin A. Hollatz Endowed Scholarship Fund
Hoke Scholarship
Arthur Holmes Student Scholarship
Paul and Madra Holsinger Mission Scholarship
Alan Hovingh Scholarship
Bruce Howard Endowed Scholarship
Hudson Scholarship
Mr. and Mrs. Claude C. Huffman Science Scholarship Fund
R. Kent and Barbara J. Hughes Fellowship Endowment for the Doctoral Program in Biblical and Theological Studies
John Hutchings Scholarship Fund
International Fund for Study and Ministry in Memory of Mark Metherell '91
International Students Scholarship Fund
Kenneth and Margarette Stephenson Irwin Memorial Scholarship Fund
John and Mary Isch Scholarship Fund
Jackson Family Scholarship
Jaffarian-Chavez Family Fund
Jaffarian-Chavez Nieves Room and Board Scholarship
JaKaPa Fund
James G. Jameson Essay Contest Fund
James D. Johnson Scholarship
Dr. Mina Marie Johnson Fellowship Endowment for the Doctoral Program in Biblical and Theological Studies
Torrey M. Johnson Scholarship
Raymen and Ruth Johnston Family Endowed Scholarship Fund
Dr. Clarence W. Jones Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Donald A. Josephson Memorial Scholarship
Peter R. Joshua and Marjorie Allen Joshua Scholarship
Dr. James K.C. and Ellen Li Juan Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Justice Fund
Kairos Studio Art Scholarship
Steven P. Kalemkarian Memorial Scholarship
S. Richey Kamm Endowed Scholarship
Kanakuk Kamp Counselor and Youth Ministry Scholarship
Dr. Kenneth Kantzer Fellowship Endowment for the Doctoral Program in Biblical and Theological Studies
Kantzer Theology Award
Kastner Percussion Scholarship
Joe and Catherine Keller Scholarship
Bud Kellstedt Scholarship for the Study of Religion and Politics
Arthur E. Kelsay Memorial Fund
Willard W. Kelshaw Scholarship Fund
Dale and Susan Kemp Fellowship Endowment for the Doctoral Program in Biblical and Theological Studies
S. Allan and Violet Kerns Scholarship
Adeeb and Marcia Khalil Scholarship Fund
Clyde S. Kilby Endowed Scholarship Fund
Dr. and Mrs. Billy and Trudy Kim Endowed Scholarship
Paul Kim Endowed Scholarship
Donald L. King Fellowship Endowment for the Doctoral Program in Biblical and Theological Studies
Donald and Elizabeth King Scholarship
Elmer O. and Emma E. Kinley Scholarship
Dr. T. F. Kinley Memorial Scholarship
Betty Burtness Knoedler Fellowship Endowment for the Doctoral Program in Biblical and Theological Studies
Gunther H. and Ruth E. Knoedler Scholarship Fund
Peter and Tracy Kooman Missionary Scholarship
Verne and Miriam Koppin Scholarship Fund
Korean World Mission Endowed Scholarship
Elise A. Kouwe Memorial Fund in Education
Odean Waugh Kraft Scholarship
Magnus O. and Erikka Kvamme Scholarship
Jon Laansma Merit Scholarship for Masters in Biblical Exegesis
James Robert Lageschulte Memorial Scholarship
Ethel J. Laird Endowed Scholarship Fund
Elaine Drews Lamp Endowed Scholarship Fund
Dr. Franklin C. Lane Family Endowed Scholarship
Dallas and Gladys Lankford Scholarship
Virginia Wyckoff Lanting Fund
Lasater Family Scholarship
David Lawrenz Memorial Scholarship Fund
De Ha Lee Scholarship Fund
Ruth Berg Leedy Scholarship Fund
Donna J. LeMoine Endowed Scholarship Fund
Albert C. and Catherine E. Lewis Endowed Scholarship Fund
John M. and Wanda J. Lewis Scholarship
Andrew E. and Annie Lin Endowed Scholarship Fund
Thomas D. and Joan W. Lindquist Biblical Archaeology Endowed Scholarship Fund
Ella B. and Leonard A. Lindsell Scholarship
Janet Westerhoven Lindsten Allied Health Professions Merit Scholarship
A. Duane and Sharon Litfin Graduate School Scholarship Fund
Duane Litfin Presidential Scholarship
Lloyd Memorial Fellowship in Christian Education
Theodore and Yilee Lo Scholarship Fund
Harry T. and Nora B. Lockwood Scholarship
Eugene and Margaret Logan Fellowship Endowment for the Doctoral Program in Biblical and Theological Studies
Thomas W. Looby Endowed Scholarship Fund
E. Gaye and Mark Peter Lowe Scholarship
Lowell-Grabill Writing Prizes
Lowry-Neale Memorial
Roger Lundin Memorial Scholarship Fund
Heather Lush Memorial Scholarship
Kirk D. Lynn Memorial Scholarship Fund
M.A.C. Scholarship
Peggy Smith Maase Memorial Scholarship Fund
A. Donald MacLeod/Doris Bruns Honorary Scholarship
J. E. Mauney Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund
Mignon Mackenzie Vocal Performance Award
Len and Mary Ann Martin Family Scholarship
Agnes and T.J. Mawhorter Memorial Scholarship
Ethel T. McCarthy Endowed Scholarship Fund
Dr. Joseph H. McClatchey English Travel Fund
McCrary Family Scholarship
McCully-Elliot Scholarship
Eunice Petersan McDonell Memorial Scholarship Fund
McGlathery Award
McKenna Family Urban Health Professions Scholarship Fund
Lillie M. McKinney Scholarship Fund
James Harry McKnight Scholarship Fund
Ruth Goodwin McKnight Scholarship Fund
Stanley and Thelma McLennan Scholarship
Stephen W. Mead Memorial Endowed Scholarship
McWilliams Family Scholarship Fund
Mephibosheth Endowed Scholarship Fund
Mesko Family Merit Scholarship
Mesko Family Scholarship
Jeff Meyer Fellowship Endowment for the Doctoral Program in Biblical and Theological Studies
Thomas H. Milbourne `79 Engineering Scholarship
Emma Roth Mill Memorial Scholarship
Dee and Jerry A. Miller, Sr. Scholarship Fund
Frank L. and Laura M. Miller Endowed Scholarship
H. James and Grace Miller Endowed Scholarship Fund
Roger and Donna Miller Family Scholarship
William F. and Debra Miser Science Scholarship Fund
Missionary Children Scholarship Fund
Russell L. and Emilie C. Mixter Scholarship Fund
Russell L. Mixter Medal and Prize in Biology
Anne Sherman Mooney Endowed Scholarship Fund
Chris Morgan Memorial Scholarship
Morris Christian Formation Scholarship
Hong Moy Scholarship Fund
Grace L. Moyer Memorial
Anne L. Munson Endowed Scholarship
Michael John Murray Memorial Scholarship Fund
E. William and Frances Johnston Nash Fellowship Endowment for the Doctoral Program in Biblical and Theological Studies
Bernard A. Nelson Scholarship Fund
Bernard and Ellen Nelson Research Fund
Delburt and Genevieve Nelson Scholarship Fund
Frances P. Nelson Endowed Scholarship Fund
Gunard and Carol Nelson Scholarship Fund for Pre-Med Students
Neubauer Scholarship Fund
Next Generation Endowed Scholarship Fund
Robert and Reneé Noles Scholarship
Dr. Mark A. Noll Endowed Scholarship
Eskel and Mary Norbeck Scholarship for Missionary Children
Dr. H. William Nordin Scholarship in Music
Northern Ireland Endowed Scholarship
Norton Family Scholarship
Dr. H. Wilbert and Colene Norton Fellowship Endowment for the Doctoral Program in Biblical and Theological Studies
Norton Prize in Missions
November Angel Endowed Scholarship
Jerry L. Nussbaum Memorial Scholarship
Joseph N. Oeffling Scholarship Fund
The Walter and Anita Ogilvie Scholarship
C. Dale Older and Eleanor Johnson Older Scholarship Fund
C. Dale Older and Eleanor Johnson Older Science Scholarship Fund
Dr. Valdo and Gail Oleari Endowed Scholarship Fund
Walter E. Olson Memorial Scholarship Fund
William and Ada Paddon Memorial
Naomi Richey Parsons Endowed Scholarship
Carolyn S. Patrick Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Dr. Edward and Betsy Pearce Family Scholarship
Eleanor Paulson Endowed Scholarship
Dr. Nancy Ann Perrin '68 Endowed Academic Scholarship
Inez Hulting Petersen Scholarship Fund
Rudolph and Lucille Swanson Peterson Memorial Scholarship
David Petty Sr. and Virginia Petty Endowed Scholarship Fund for Missionary Children
James C. Petty, Sr. Endowed Scholarship Fund
Leroy H. Pfund International Scholarship Endowment
Phemister Endowed Prize in Piano
Phillips Family Endowed Scholarship Fund
W. Ross and Amilee Phillips Scholarship Fund
Dr. Timothy R. Phillips Memorial Fellowship Endowment for the Doctoral Program in Biblical and Theological Studies
Avis Miller Pillsbury Scholarship
Pirsein Family Scholarship in Music Education
Mt. Pisgah Academic Scholarship
Mount Pisgah Scholarship for International Children of Missionaries
Professor Russell H. Platz Memorial Scholarship
C. William Pollard Award for Business and the Liberal Arts
Veronica Ponce-Navarrete BRIDGE Leadership Award
Ponton Family Endowed Scholarship
Marshall Powell Endowed Scholarship in Strings
Price-Wheeler Scholarship Fund
Lorraine E. Johnson Pruett Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Psalm 145 Legacy Scholarship
Punzel Family Scholarship
Lena Qualley Missionary Fund
Louis R. Rasera Class of 1954 Scholarship
ReachGlobal European Missions Scholarship
Rech Award for Graduate Psychology Students
George and Isabel Reihmer Scholarship Fund
Arthur and Rosa Rexilius Memorial Scholarship
Leona Bucler Richard Memorial Scholarship Fund
Elizabeth Wymond Richardson Memorial Scholarship
David G. Robb Business and Economics Endowed Scholarship
Jane M. Robb Creative Writing Endowed Scholarship
David L. and Virginia H. Roberts Scholarship Fund
Virginia H. Roberts Fellowship Endowment for the Doctoral Program in Biblical and Theological Studies
Col. John L. Robertson USAF Scholarship Fund
Victoria Kalemkarian Rodgers Scholarship
Helene French Rogers Endowed Scholarship Fund
Franklin and Gladys Rosenbaum Memorial
Ethan Roser Memorial Scholarship
Kenneth S. Roughton Memorial Scholarship
Lindley L. Roughton Memorial Scholarship
Stella Russell Scholarship in Music
Leland Ryken Endowed Scholarship
Clarence S. and Ruth A. Sallberg Memorial Scholarship
Clarence S. and Ruth A. Sallberg Memorial Fellowship Endowment for the Doctoral Program in Biblical and Theological Studies
James and Rosena Sawyer Family Scholarship
Spencer and Ruth Sawyer Scholarship Fund
Ladson Keim Saylor Scholarship Fund
Bud Schaeffer Overseas Ministry Fund
Ray L. and Helen R. Schlader Scholarship Fund
Paul J. and Louise A. Schlundt Memorial Scholarship
Nina Jo Schmale Scholarship Fund
Schnicke Family Endowed Scholarship Fund
Dr. Kenneth W. Allen and Gloria Schoenherr Endowed Scholarship
Leslie C. and Lillian A. Schultheis Scholarship Fund
Schultz Award in Old Testament Studies
Enno Seago Scholarship Fund
Schaller Family Scholarship for Emerging Entrepreneurs
Science Scholarship Fund
Segen Endowed Scholarship Fund
Loraine Tallakson Searfoss Prize
Aeilt E. and Adeline E. Sents Endowed Scholarship
Edith Catherine Dunn Shaffer Memorial German Scholarship Fund
Ralph and Dorothy Shannon Memorial Scholarship Fund
Ernest R. Shaw Memorial Scholarship
Joseph P. Shaw and Harriet M. Shaw Scholarship Fund
Dr. Samuel Shellhamer Endowed Award in Urban Studies
Liselotte Lenz Shuster German Studies Scholarship
William Lewis Shuster Jr. Engineering Scholarship
Eileen Marie Sibley Memorial Scholarship Fund
Single Parent Endowed Scholarship
Sara H. Sipzer Memorial Scholarship Fund
Evelyn B. Skriba Memorial Scholarship
Drusilla and Arthur L. Smith Scholarship Fund
Esther Smith Scholarship Fund
Faye Smith Endowed Scholarship
Harold and Hulda Smith Scholarship Fund
Leonard S. and Beth A. Smith Memorial Scholarship
Margery E. Smith Living Trust Scholarship
Mark and Jennifer Smith Family Endowed Scholarship for B.R.I.D.G.E. Students
Smith Family GEL Scholarship
Snow Family Scholarship
Edith Frish Soellner Memorial Scholarship Fund
Jack and Carol Sonneveldt Endowed Scholarship Fund
The Sparrow Scholarship for Mental Health
Joseph Spradley Outstanding Physics Student Award
Stair, Gramley, Schneberger Memorial Scholarship Fund
George A. and Joyce Carr Stedelbauer Scholarship Fund
Diana and Chester French Stewart Family Scholarship
Virginia M. Stoner Scholarship Fund
Evelyn M. Stork Scholarship Fund
John Stott Human Needs and Global Resources Scholarship Endowment
Eleanor E. Strickland Endowed Scholarship Fund
Ruth Kraft Strohschein Scholarship
Sugarbaker Endowed Scholarship
Robert G. Sundberg Scholarship
Zondra Gale Lindblade Swanson Recognition Fund
Jack Swartz International Ministry Fund
Frank and Alberta Taggart Memorial Scholarship
Kenneth and Margaret Taylor Fellowship Endowment for the Doctoral Program in Biblical and Theological Studies
Dr. Merrill C. Tenney Scholarship
David and Amy Terpstra Holy Land Studies Fund
Thompson Family Archaeology Endowed Scholarship
Timothy Education Endowed Scholarship
Edger E Tobias Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Carolyn Tower Memorial Music Scholarship
Tubergen Business and Economics Scholarship
Richard and Lita Tuma Student Scholarship
Billy P. and Dorothea Tucker Endowed Scholarship Fund
Henry Tucker Scholarship Fund
Effle B. Tuveson Scholarship Fund
Tyndale Endowed Scholarship Fund
US Virgin Islands Endowed Scholarship
Hester Utaska Michael/Dunlap Scholarship
Stefan J. Vaglio-Laurin Award in Music
C.J. and Ella Van Boven Education Scholarship
Elizabeth J. Van Campen Endowed Scholarship
Dr. James C. and Mrs. Kathleen Van Elswyk Scholarship
Van Oss Family Scholarship for Applied Health Sciences
Peter Van Winkle, M.D., Memorial Scholarship Fund
Rebecca Jones Vetterani Memorial HoneyRock Leadership Fund
Virgin Islands Endowed Scholarship
Lamberta Voget Memorial Scholarship in Sociology
E. E. Von Lehe Family Scholarship
Carl S. and Julia Scott Vrooman Scholarship
Ann Wadstrom Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Karren J. Waid Memorial Fund
John Walford Art History Scholarship
Warnet Family Endowed Scholarship
Eunice Watkins Endowed Scholarship Fund
Charles B. and Lillian Weaver Memorial Scholarship Fund
Senator Timothy L. Weeden Scholarship Fund
Dr. James R. Weir Memorial Scholarship Fund
Weller Family Scholarship Funds
Evan D. and Olena Mae Welsh Memorial Scholarship Fund
J. Stanley and Mabel S. Werner Scholarship Fund
Wetterau Fund for HNGR
Andrew C. Weyland, Jr. and H. Louise Weyland Memorial
Wheaton Cares Scholarship Fund
Wheaton College Geology Fund
Wheaton College Physics Merit Scholarship
Wheaton College Student International Travel Fund
Wheaton College Study Abroad Endowed Scholarship
Wheaton Engineering Endowed Scholarship
Frances J. White Scholarship for Mental Health and Ministry
Frances J. White Scholars in Global Ministry
Claudia F. Whittle Memorial Scholarship
Thomas Wilcox Memorial Prize in Voice
Wildman Family B.R.I.D.G.E. Scholarship
James and Sarah Williams Scholarship Fund
Ada G. Winsor Endowed Scholarship
John W. and Jean Johnston Wort Bible/Missions
Jacob A. and Ella G. Woten Nursing Scholarship Fund
Jacob A. and Ella G. Woten Pre-Med Scholarship Fund
Wayne Wray Endowed Scholarship Fund
Gladys Wright Endowed Scholarship Fund
Dr. Paul M. Wright Medal and Prize in Chemistry
Francis C. Wu Asia Scholarship
Francis C. Wu Biblical Studies Scholarship Fund
Francis C. Wu HNGR Scholarship
Francis C. Wu Medical Missions Scholarship
Mr. T. H. Wu Memorial Scholarship
David Ying Family Scholarship For Music Education
David Ying Family Scholarship For Theology
Ruth Ellis Young Memorial Scholarship
Thomas and Elizabeth Swanson Young Endowed Scholarship
Hilmer L. Youngberg Scholarship in Organ
Ruth J. Ziegelmeyer Scholarship Fund
Billy Graham Scholarship Program
The Billy Graham Scholarship Program supports graduate study at Wheaton College for men and women in Christian service overseas and in North American urban and/or ethnically diverse contexts. Awards from the funds are available to internationals, missionaries, North American workers in urban and ethnic ministries, and those preparing for missionary service outside North America. Loan/scholarships are retired through Christian service (1 year=25% loan forgiveness). The named funds honor individuals who have contributed to the cause of evangelism and missions worldwide.
Hudson T. and Miriam B. Armerding Scholarship Fund
Norman H. and Mabel A. Cook Scholarship Fund
Albert R. and Marjorie Fesmire Scholarship Fund
W. Lloyd and Helen Fesmire Scholarship Fund
Philip and Jane Buswell Foxwell Scholarship Fund
William and Loretta Gaunt Endowed Scholarship Fund
P. Kenneth and Catharine Gieser Scholarship Fund
James R. Graham, Jr. Scholarship Fund
Adolph and Emma Hermann Scholarship Fund
Donald E. and Martha Hoke Scholarship Fund
Jane McNally Scholarship Fund
Benjamin Allen Peays Memorial Scholarship Fund
Walter H. and Ethel H. Smyth Scholarship Fund
Herbert J. Taylor Scholarship Fund
Henry C. Thiessen Scholarship Fund
Evan D. and Olena Mae Welsh Scholarship Fund
Kenneth T. Wessner Endowment and Scholarship Fund
Thomas B., Jr. and Carrie E. Wessner Scholarship Fund
Rev. Wayne I. Wessner Endowment and Scholarship Fund
Clarence and Elizabeth Wyngarden Scholarship Fund
Lillian von Gerichten Scholarship
Kenneth Hansen Memorial Scholarship Fund
John E. and Mary C. Jaderquist Graduate School Scholarship
Elaine A. and Michael G. Jordan International Scholarship
Ketch Family Nehemiah Fund
Elizabeth H. Lecker Billy Graham Fund
Ruth C. Sawyer Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund
Loan Funds
Christ Is Our Salvation Foundation Loan Fund
The Henry Strong Educational Foundation